
>witcher, cavill, yen...
>literally zero results
haters BTFO
everyone's going to watch it, just admit it goddammit

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nobody knows when that shit is coming user we'll be there to make fun of it when it happens

I probably won't, I've got more important things to do like nothing.

>This guy is going to play Sherlock Holmes

I'm not even mad. Stronk Sherlock and Rippedson.

Cavill should be ashamed for having anything to do with this dumpster fire.
>All WOKE female writing staff.
>Penis armor and helmets.
>Geralt carrying one sword.
>Diversity is our strength cast.

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yennefer from mexicberg, how about no

Reminder that the Sorceresses eliminate all male magic users to use their influence from the shadows to control all the states and manipulate the world order in season 2 and onward.

Reminder that Dandelion tries to bang an underage girl only to find out that Geralt has already ravaged her 17 year old pussy.


Reminder that Ciri joins a criminal teenage lesbian gang when she is 15.

he didn't know this is what he was getting into

Reminder that the bigger epic fight for the survival of the universe is fought between Unicorns and Uberelves in a different dimension.

>me and my based and redpilled 4channel bros will btfo it!!
gonna be a yikes from me dude

I agree with everything, except the sword. Just read the books mate.

>everyone's going to watch it
Yeah, after I torrent it just like every other Shitflix show.

>he didn't know this is what he was getting into

>everyone watches it
>everyone pirates it
>show cancelled due to low figures
just like Judge Dredd, screen cap this.

To be fair, he's a fan of the games and didn't know he was going to get POO'D.

Geralt carried one sword, he kept the silver one on Roach because it was fragile. hell, he even loses both witchers swords in the books and just uses a dwerven sword for most of the time.
agreed with the rest though. Cavill said he was a fan, so he propably signed on as soon as he got the proposition and now regrets it.

It doesn't look like the video game I spent over 300 hours in. Why the FUCK would I ruin my memories of this fun and amazing world with this pandering bullshit? Go ahead, I'll wait.

Sorry bros, I only played the games, hate reading on a backlit screens and can't purchase hard copies.

Might get me an e reader someday.

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>be Henry
>big fan of the Witcher games
>find out a Witcher series is coming
>get so excited you have your agent reach out so you can fulfill your fantasy and BECOME Geralt
>get the part and be absolutely ecstatic
>actually gonna roleplay as geralt and get paid for it
>start thinking about how the story will be
>wait who's writing this? Shit probably should've checked
>wait, who's going to play Yen and Triss?
>who's the showrunner/casting director?
>ah fuck it's on Netflix
>oh shit, oh fuck

the audiobooks are top tier, peter kenny is a master
they're on youtube but you should also be able to pirate better quality ones easily

e readers are kino, I highly recommend it

this was his thought process, 100%

Henry wouldn't care who's writing or starring alongside him, he's a pure normie and would just go along with the flow.

It was always going to be on netflix and the staff was chosen before he was even in talks. The only thing that wasn't chosen was the cast.

>Hey Henry, you like video games and some such right mate
>Y-yeah actually I'm playin right no-
>So they are holding casting for this Wizarman or Witcher or something, its about a guy with a sword killing monsters, but mostly about politics and lots of tit flashing, want me to make a call ?
>Y-yeah sure, Witcher, I'd love the opportunity

fucking kek
>Y-yeah sure, W-witch-man, I-I would l-love to