Battlestar Galactica Thread


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zarek did literally nothing wrong

Except when we massacred the quorum because they didn't want to play with him

He was named Tom, that's the biggest sin

>ywn have a coffee time with your cylon prisoner
Why even live?

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Unnnmmpphh isn't space 3 dimensions?

Except when he had the entire Quorum murdered in cold blood because they didn't approve of his coup d'etat

FUCK the quorum and FUCK roslin

They were getting in the way of him making the fleet great again

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Dude. Gaelen. The gaelic people. The Irish were started from a Mexican!

>not Make the 13 Colonies Great again

I miss BSG. No other show managed to have the same aesthetic.

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Except that can't be Earth because it doesn't have the right constellations

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and on this day july the 2nd in the year of our lord 2019, user was not a faggot.

Will we ever have another tv show like BSG? I know there's The Expanse but I think there are too many characters and not enough screen time.

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It reminds me of you.

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how i get a VR gamer gf?

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I liked Caprica, they had a great cast but Moore shouldn't have given the showrunner seat to Jane Espenson. She's an awful writer.

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We've got doubles, bearing down on us. Multiple targets of multiples. What do we do, sir?

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Man, this shit is baffling and I watched the entire series

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Since Im Posting All These...What You Do Is.....Enjoy. :)
So Say We All.

>Whaddaya hear Starbuck?
>Nothin' but the digits!

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I Ain't Fat,Dude. Im Actually A Fairly Lanky Guy.
But I Salute You Captain Fatty. :)

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Personally, I Utterly LOVED The Show..
Especially In Season 4 With Kara's Song On The Piano.

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All out of paper

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with Shows Like This,..Maps & Schematics Should Always Be Involved. :)

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LOL. Paper Shortage...One Of The Few Funny Moment In A Grim Show.

It's going to be okay, I've been to Earth, I know where it is and I'm going to take us there

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That episode was pretty good. I still think that the pianist should've been her father/last cylon.

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People used to bash the show, saying that it's too dark and depressing. There was a lot of humor on BSG.

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Poor BSG autist posting to himself. I wanted to post the Adama maneuver scene but all the YT links for it have shitty music, or weird intro scenes the uploader added for no reason. May just upload it myself.

I liked the "realistic" technology level, physical armor and projectile weapons / missiles, rather than shields and energy beams. It's basically submarines in space. Even the jump drive appears to be a mechanical device, rather than a box of glowing lights and stuff.

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Ah that’s what makes the show unique. All of them losing hope after finding that first nuked out earth would’ve been the perfect somber ending,

Autistic ? Yes. To Myself..? No. So Many People On Yea Forums Im Giving Away My Wallpapes To.
Enjoy, My Fellow Colonials.

Reminder that Gaius did nothing wrong.

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There's an official channel now

That's All I Have...For Now. :)

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for fuck sake

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>All of them losing hope after finding that first nuked out earth would’ve been the perfect somber ending,
It was actually written as a series finale. If the Writers' Strike had continued the show would've ended with that episode.

I have a webm but it's a shitty quality. I might re-do it myself one day, although the 3MB limit is a pain in the ass.

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I love the worldbuilding and the visuals of the Expanse (except the protomater which is a ill fitting plot device for a relatively hard sci-fi story), but holy shit the characters are some of the worst ever put to film. They're all cardboard cutouts you'd get points off for having in a Screenwriting 101 assignment and we're forced to follow them around a world that's infinitely more interesting than they are.

Levity is pretty fucking rare past season 1

Yeah I think the show has the same problem as Game of Thrones, too many characters, not enough time to develop and grow.

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Husker-Starbuck romance should have been a thing.

The actual ending would've been decent imo if they just cut the flash forward.

Toning down the primitivism would've helped but its less an issue for me. I figure they must have brought some stuff down that was lost to time. Medical equipment for instance

Maybe, but when it happens it's funny. It's not like a Joss Whedon production where they have to quip everytime something dramatic happens.

>except the protomater which is a ill fitting plot device for a relatively hard sci-fi story
The books do a better job at grounding it as a hyper advanced alien tool, the show has it come off much more like magic. It's still certainly a near magic plot device though

>All of them losing hope after finding that first nuked out earth would’ve been the perfect somber ending,
It really was. Though Kara playing All Along the Watchtower on the piano and Tigh's reaction was pure kino.

You only need 2 numbers to define a bearing in three dimensions


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Earth was the planet they found that had been holocausted, they named our planet after it

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Im offended you equated my comment to promoting anything joss has written

>The books do a better job at grounding it as a hyper advanced alien tool
Even if there is a reasonable explanation for it in context, I still don't think it belongs in a story centered largely around mundane human politicking.

Aren't there 12 colonies


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Ya I saw this, it doesn’t need the first minute where they’re just talking,

No it wasn’t. That out of place song showing up out of nowhere was pure cringe and one of the first major signs the writers had no clue where they were going

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Galactica best girl

>FTLs in your path
>manufactures brand new vipers
>cuts a base star in half with a single salvo
Pssssh, nothin' personnel kid

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>blows up when crashed into things

Fuck the bucket

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Olmos is such a fucking based actor. Without him the show wouldn't be nearly as good.

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We will never get shows like these again.

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yeah he really made it. Held the whole thing together, cause almost every single character was improved just when interacting with him. Near every scene he's in is great.

magic. Still to this day.

you're making me sad

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I miss SGU, I know a lot of people hated it but I liked the setting and the tone.

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Except give the Cylons access to the planet's defence system in ep1, so ALL the shit that followed was HIS fault. In reality, Felix did nothing wrong.

>he doesn't know about the 13th colony

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Gotta be honest, whoever is in charge of the channel and does the editing does a really shit job

yeah me too. I didn't like it even half as much as SG or atlantis, but I still enjoyed it so much for the sci-fi and setting. Plus Rush was a great character.

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I tried watching it again, there's just too much wrong with it to be even kind of good. Eli is awful, the mind swap stones are awful, the pacing is bad, it's genuinely awful.

I love BSG so much I painted pic related back then.

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Nice! I really like it. Will be my wallpaper for a bit.

She needs massive unrealistic tits

Is Saul Tigh the best character written for a sci-fi ever? Has to be close up there tbqh.

No, but he's damn well acted out. When they wrote some sort of a romance with six and her being pregnant with his cylon child, I thought it was waaaay of his character.

I love the smell of nuclear blasts in the morning

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One of the best characters.

I didn't like Eli in the first season, he was the perfect example of how not to write a comic relief character.

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First sci-fi show I loved but didn't quite understand the finale.
Why All along the watchtower? Why that New York scene? And what happened to the crew that mixed with the indigenous proto human population?

>And what happened to the crew that mixed with the indigenous proto human population?
All died within a couple of years due to illness, lack of food or exposure

>Why All along the watchtower?
If I remember correctly, Ron Moore always wanted to have a song in the show, as something that would exist through space and time.
>Why that New York scene?
A time jump to show that the cycle might not have been broken.
>what happened to the crew that mixed with the indigenous proto human population?
I-I don't want to know.

wouldn't it have made sense for a bunch of colonists to not agree to the whole "lets live as savages" plan, take the most intact ships and keep moving?
they didn't exactly need military protection anymore anyway and I don't see 100% of the people agreeing to give up everything

>take the most intact ships and keep moving?
Toward what? as far as we and they know, there is nothing else out there.

is there a reason why they couldn't go back to Kobol?
And there were enough means to become fully self-sufficient, and with most of the people gone there wouldn't have been an issue of overcrowding

Pretend they didn't, lee's ramblings arent reliable narration. And i dont see people giving up their pacemakers or whatever else machinery that keeps them alive, nor do i see every bag getting searched, so presumably some people brought tech with them that was just lost to time

ok, so. How exactly do I get through season 4?

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Expanse doesn't even belong in the same sentence as BSG, character-wise.

If you added up all their characters together, you wouldn't get anything as good as Adama (either one, really), Gaius, Tigh, or hell, even Starbuck.

They could have explored the nearby systems. But I guess, in the Galactica universe, habitable planets are quite rare and far apart. I would certainly have kept a raptor and a bigger ship, set up a base in a desolate area like Australia, and go onto an expedition to the closest stars from time to time.

Some of the characters are actually pretty well-acted in the Expanse tbqh, like Anderson Dawes. I will agree that the bad ones outweigh the good ones though.

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vipers are what made the combat so fun an intense to watch. expanse combat is bunch of lasers flying around. you really need a human element

I know, that's what I don't like about The Expanse. The setting is great but most of the characters aren't that interesting. Holden is really boring, which is sad because he's the main character. I don't know if he's like that in the books.

Dawes is easily that actor's worst character

was also fun to see them at least try to incorporate 0-g maneuvers into their combat
sure it didn't work out all the time but at least it wasn't some star wars tier bs

This probably explains myths like the people of Mu or Atlantis, who were able to stay ahead of the rest of humanity just by preserving bits of knowledge from their advanced forefathers.


Most of the supporting cast was amazing but the main cast of naomi and jim were garbage

>that actor's worst character

Well, it is Jared Harris. He's played a lot of no bullshit parts throughout his life.

I'm glad they got David Strathairn (Ashford), he's a breath of fresh air.

>that music

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Holden is exactly like that in the books, and the actor actually captures. He gets poked at more for it in the books, everyone calls him out on his whiteknight boyscout shit

Everything after new capirca is pure shit with the briefest flashes of what once made the show great peeking through the clouds for a few seconds before the rain comes right back again.

Damn, over a decade later and that still sends a chill down my spine. Good stuff.

"You are making SUCH a mistake" is burned into my memory.

I'm getting my men.

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>its an issuing combat orders while having a casual phone conversation with your enemy episode

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imagine you are a fresh recruit and admiral cain humiliates you

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Well, she probably murdered your family though.



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I wish they had the guts to show Gaeta being gay in the show instead of some webisode

That whole arc has already lost its context from the Iraq occupation. A relatively recent event which has been deliberately forgotten.

That's because he wasn't gay originally. It's Jane Espenson who decided to make him gay in the webisodes. She's an awful writer, all she does is add her gay OCs and write Whedon quips.

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I wish they had to guts to not shoehorn fagshit into the show at all.

Best music. Also,Tino Guo