It fucking sucked

It fucking sucked

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sucked your brains out, yeah. don't worry, it's part of the plot

Is it on netflix?

>haha look at me I'm contrarian and I say things that everyone knows are great are bullshit

also this is Yea Forums, wrong board asshole

It wasn’t as good as Dead Money but it was more FO:new vegas so I was stoked. The DOC in Zion, UT was dope too

brainlet cant even post on a right board

have sex

Yea Forums more like t/v/

200 IQ opinion: lonesome read is best DLC

It was much better than Dead Money, and had muuuuch more content. Dead Money was a good experience and had a great story, but it doesn't compare to OWB.. and all the addons are shit compared to Lonesome Road

NV was great when I was like 13, if I played it now
I might fall asleep.

It's the only one that introduces a persistent new area that's actually worthwhile to revisit after the story is complete.
Prove me wrong.

Its still pretty good
>t. 30y old boomer totally bored of vidya

>NV was great when I was 13
gtfo zoomer

Wrong board but you are also retarded because it was fucking great. So you are in fact double retarded.

What are some Kinos that have an Old world blues feel?

I couldn't handle listening to Ulysses. He's so fucking annoying and rambles on and on and on about nothing.

Dead Money is the best one because it actually makes you have to think a bit about what you're doing. Honest Hearts is good just for Joshua Graham btfoing heathens

Bethesda Fallout DLCs are hit or miss but the best of the best (Point Lookout, Far Harbor) are much better than the all the New Vegas DLCs

seethe more, grandpa

plus it has the best home in the game

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No. I know it's the meme opinion, but the NV DLCs are much better than 3+4 DLCs combined. Far Harbor and Point Lookout are good and I like the games themselves, but nothing can top lonesome road, dead money and old world blues

>I couldn't handle listening to Ulysses. He's so fucking annoying and rambles on and on and on about nothing

Weird. I usually skip storyshit, but Lonesome Road was one of the rare cases where I listen and read every single last bit storyrelated

>it actually makes you have to think a bit about what you're doing
*sprints past radios and speakers with Implant GRX's turbo*

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and they managed to make the toaster actually fucking funny. the whole concept of living interiors was great. just a good dlc