>Episode 4 Promo
>Jules + Nate
>Rue + Fez
How do you think this whole Jules/Nate situation is going to play out?
>Episode 4 Promo
>Jules + Nate
>Rue + Fez
How do you think this whole Jules/Nate situation is going to play out?
This show tries so hard to appeal the “realities” of gen z/ millennials and goes way over the top.
Reminder that you're mentally ill. Fuck off faggot.
>>Yea Forums
>shilling this cancer
Fuck off.
Hate to admit it, but /pol/ was right
some of it sure but rue, jules, nate and fez are all great
i dont give a shit whatever that is, i just clicked because i saw tits on the thumbnail of OP's post, you aint even getting a (you) fag
>a literal fucking tranny
Nuke this planet already.
holy shit why does this show trigger americans so much
did this dude show his girlbenus yet or no
Absolute disgust.
Why everything is SEX nowdays?
i'm a 28yo kissless virgin, never even held hands with girls, why everyone has to be so degenerate?
>Euphoria general
>another thread where 2 posters (really 1 faggot using his phone and computer) act like the purpose is for discussion when it will mostly be just pictures of the disgusting tranny he has saved for some sad reason
I dont know what's worse, the tranny himself or being this obsessed with him.
this is the most we've gotten so far?
It's like someone watched Skins and completely missed the point
>have hot tranny
>tranny never nude
what the fuck are they thinking?
>another thread where 2 posters (really 1 faggot using his phone and computer)
seek help schizo
>Why everything is SEX nowdays?
Lol. Have sex unironically.
>hot tranny
No such thing. Not in real life without tons of makeup, photoshop and good lighting/angles.
The irony.
this show should help trannies realize that the surgery is a kike trick and men just like fucking female presenting teens/men
that was implied. the qualifiers like u mentioned come with the territory. obv they all look like men otherwise.
god i wish i were a cute trap
>wants to be a woman
>makes no effort to pass
What's the point?
Looks like it's wearing a face over it's face.
This show is peak Amerimutt trash, what're you on about. Jewish degeneracy through a US lense.
>real life without tons of makeup, photoshop and good lighting/angles.
pupper has grown i see
Dead within 5yrs.
this show is like american psycho in the sense that you cannot have an actual discussion about it before the thread is derailed by people repeating the same phrases over and over again.
Kys samefagging tranny
>cares about degeneracy ironically
>in Yea Forums of all places
fuck off faggots and stop crying and back to /pol/, thanks
Jesus Christ
She will be one year old in September.
"samefagging tranny" op here
only 6 of the post in this thread are mine
go to reddit fag more than enough of them there
"samefagging tranny" op here
god I am such a fucking faggot mods please delete my threads
why are you so angry? is it because you find trannies attractive?
lemme ask all you outraged conservitards a legit question:
why do you care so much? why are you so bothered by a show talking about modern issues?
just because you dont like it doesnt mean it isn't happening. are you mad that its being put on tv? are you mad because the producers are isreali? are you mad that there's more penises shown than pussies and tits?
legit curious, and no i'm not a discord tranny or a redditor. been here since 2007.
what the actual fuck is on his feet
Trannies aren't modern issues. This doesn't happen in real life except in hollywood productions. In real life the tranny would get his ass kicked by the jocks every single day until he either shoots up the school or kys.
Dumb faggot. We just dont want to see some ugly ass tranny that you post every day.
>b-b-but hide and filter!
B-b-but fuck off!
so miuch projection
>since 2007
doubtfull you were probably 10 then
People are spooked. This show is so far away from my life's reality but I do recognize it as unadulterated kino (with some faults). Being unable to appreciate something even if it is supposed to appeal to you is a prime sign of brainletism
>not mad
>fuck off!
I love how you seem to think that it is only conservatives that have a problem with this, Culture war retard
> coming to degenerate central and being surprised you see degenerate stuff
Seethe more you dumb nigger
>talking about modern issues
These issues aren't modern and they aren't exciting to anyone but freaks such as yourself. We don't want television shows targeted at the youth that puts a positive spin on homosexuality or sexual mutilation.
It's really quite simple and a tiny percentage of the human population of the world tolerates this shit much less is happy to see it on the tv.
TLDR Die freak
learn to speak for yourself and people will take you serious
you're projecting though. it occurs more often in certain areas or less populated areas.
but the pretty passing ones get bullied less, ugly kids get bullied regardless of being trans or not.
however i agree the show seems to be skimming over the fact that jules is in a smaller town/city and faces no bullying so far, but shes also white and rich by the looks of it.
I'm about to watch this show. What can I expect? Will it make me love traps?
>"revenge porn is bad, because fuck you and nudes are the currency-of-love"
1 episode later
>heres a guide of all the dickpicks my friends have showed me and we laughed or ew'd about
>"how dare you fat shame me, this is body-terrorism"
1 episode later
Im loving this series sofar, but its definitely not very self-aware.
>You did this to me! You fucking... you did this to me, Fez. You fucking ruined my life!
i've never posted a picture of hunter schaefer, in fact that was my second reply in any of these euphoria threads.
the irony is that you're the one projecting. i'm 28.
why am i a freak? i'm a straight white dude, i just don't let shit like this make me angry.
>degenerate central
That would be Yea Forums you fucking newfag. The only tranny shit Yea Forums slightly tolerates are Jazz threads and that's only because everyone has bets on when that fag is going to end it.
>>"how dare you fat shame me, this is body-terrorism"
>1 episode later
he wanted to be humiliated though
No, I'm not. I worked as a teacher and I've never seen a fucking tranny in school.
Zendaya actually does a great job in this show, so does the Fez character. I think if the show was more focused on her storyline and depicting the reality of drug use and addiction in young people it would actually be pretty damn good. It’s a shame they had to add in all of the degenerate liberal bullshit over the top storylines
My father retired from teaching middle school a year ago, he said in his last year there were multiple kids that were in the process of “transitioning”. He taught for over 25 years and never had to deal with tranny kids
how long ago?
>i never saw a trans in my school so that means there are no trans in any schools
cmon, mr. teacher, try harder than that.
Yes, I am upset that this deranged delusional trend is being pushed by the media like it is normal. It is disgusting, harmful to society and just makes world worse place to live for normal people whose numbers and power is ever diminishing. If you were not basement dwelling man child jerking off to tranny porn you would understand the consequences of making a show made to appeal to teenagers and then having some fag in a dress have some "love" story. Imagine your son watching this shit and coming out as a fucking faggot. Some goofballs say watching this shit does not affect you, yet liberals are always demanding more and more representation of minorities in the media and one would wander if it did not affect you why would they demand it? I hope you are smart enough to not make that stupid argument.
it was leaked that in the pilot rue kills nate. they moved it to the season finale.
in the original pilot script it started of with them finding a nate's dead body and it was rue who had killed him
wonder if they will stick to even though the pilot was different
She laughed at his dick, before she knew that.
>how long ago?
Couple of years ago.
>i never saw a trans in my school so that means there are no trans in any schools
There aren't. They would get bullied into oblivion. I should clarify that I'm not murrican and our schools aren't cucked like yours are.
clearly a grown ass man and not rue in that scene
It's about the breakdown of society. Make people think having sex with a dozen or more people is normal, marriage is old-fashioned, etc.
>all these hypothetical questions
i dont have kids yet, do you?
would you kill or disown your son if they wanted to be a girl?
if yes then you're a shit parent, simple as that. don't have kids.
She's the worst part of the show, so boring, she puts me to sleep. Thousands of better actors have portrayed more believable drug addicts.
Hunter and Nate should be the leads.
It's Zendaya's black hands and curly hair. She has big hands like a man
Tranny lover confirmed. Disgusting,
do you seriously think she would be able to restrain nate?
Damn, they got my nigga Fez in this show?
>dat man ass
They can't hide it. They can only cover it up with dresses and makeup but the truth will out through biology.
Maybe if there were not shows depicting faggots and trannys I would have to worry less about my son watching a show and deciding that he is a tranny. Are you a man? What kind of man wants his son to be a fucking faggot. I don't know maybe I am not some libshit robot who is going to be okay with his son chopping his dick off before he even experiences sex just so he could be """"""happy""""""" and then "ooops he killed himself gee I wonder how that happened :(((". It is you who should not have children.
Yeah she's big and strong, and he looks emotionally distressed there too , he's in a weakened state, naked
i hope your son becomes a tranny so i can fuck him
I want to cuddle Jules and fuck her little butt.
Lel, told I told you that you basement dwelling tranny fapper
creepy shit
It hurt so much bro, he cares about her so much ;-;
A faggot and also a pedophile, color me shocked.
How's your summer vacation going?
Where can I find a neighborhood where a bunch of zoomer barely-legals are all drugged out and eager to take daddy's dick?
>make a thread about Hunter earlier
>get warned
Are the jannies finally infiltrated by the alt-right? I thought we were in charge here now?
any democrat run state probably
>Show about left wing degeneracy being terrible for all involved
is this show uninetnentially based?
These aren't modern issues its a celebration of self destructive lifestyles and its disgusting.
Hard to tell with only 3 eps out. Depends on how it ends really
Posting on Yea Forums is just as “self-destructive” retard
Checking with "HQ" to see what happened, whoever it was will be bounced out of here so don't worry.
>posting on Yea Forums is as self destructive as being a durg addicted tranny
please tell me you dont believe this,
Imagine thinking a person chooses their own sexuality. Like do you believe the only think keeping you from being gay is the fact that you haven't looked at a cock? If it was a choice I would be bisexual as fuck, why not open up the pool of people looking to suck your dick, but I cant choose so I'm only attracted to women. Its not like seeing a penis is some magical event and even though Ive never enjoyed them before suddenly seeing a tranny cock on HBO is gonna make me froth at the mouth and reevaluate everything. If you think acknowledging gay people exist can turn someone gay then you might just be projecting the fear of actually liking cock onto others.
You might say you're not gay but this is legitimately the gayest fucking post on Yea Forums right now. Have fun staring at dicks faggot.
Watch out, someone might post a picture of a cock on this website you'll accidentally look at and the magical gay voodoo will turn you and you wont be allowed to be straight anymore.
You do know that there are a lot of homosexuals and transsexuals who are who they are because of abuse and not because they were born that way.
If all you care about is getting your dick sucked then go ahead become a fag, I am sure you could pull that off. "Muh cummies" just fuck off dipshit.
And yes the messages we are exposed as a developing child do affect us. Are you a retard, how can you even assume otherwise, have you not met a child in your life? It is such an obvious truth that I can't believe that you are contesting this.
>There you go.
>That's it.
>Good girl.
Is this show actually good? I just watched the jules and nate video and liked it.
>good girl
imagine watching ths shit show when you could just wait for the tranny tits webm.
and i doubt zoomers even care about it, but if they do, i kinda enjoy the fact that they will try to ape all the degenerate shit of this pile of garbage and die from overdose, drug consume, debt with dealers and/or stds.
rue, jules, fez and nate are good
the rest of the characters and their storylines suck
It's kino.
rue sucks
I don't even watch the show, but I bet the shemale kills herself in some tragic love story cliche
doubt they would go there since it's not very woke
how can you say that?
You wouldn't stay cute for long. Then the only option is suicide. Or living like a freak of nature.
Do you unironically think this is good?
Absolute state of this board
>tfw i'm a straight middle aged man and now all i want to do is fuck trans twinks
Imagine glazing that pretty face with cum.
Tranny meme aside, this show is very good.
>this show is very good.
it really isn't
Do they show the trannies getting fucked?
user you are a real scientist here.
What’s point of making Judd Apatow’s daughter Rue childhood friend if they barely do anything with her. Character should have been cut or fused with Cassie.
quite explicitly in fact
I decided to watch this show, it is the most degenerate show i've seen. Normally it would be tolerable with a bunch of hot naked chicks but that is not allowed today. It funny to see guys on here expecting to see good nude scenes from the actresses because the pilot. You would have to be blind not to see that they are purposely avoiding female nudity and filling the show with an abundance of graphic male nudity. Sexy female nudity is regressive and always criticized by critics whereas explicit male nudity progressive and often praised.
This is a show filled with the most explicit sexual imagery ever on a mainstream HBO. 20+ cocks, erect penises, masturbation yet they had woman wear her bra in a sex last episode. One of the actresses, Barbara, recently said interview that she is clothed in most her sex scenes and signed on to do a lot of nudity but they ended up not having her do them.
No other era of HBO would make such a sexual charged show and let it be like this. I would say this show is the most progressive show on tv and the future of the entertainment industry. Lots of decadence, degeneracy, porn, explicit male nudity but devoid of female nudity in order to avoid the dreaded male gaze. Sorry guys who expected some sexy stuff in upcoming episodes, you will be lucky to see a glimpse of tit the rest of the season. I can confirm from a website about celeb nude scenes that there will be no female nudity next week either despite the episode being rated for strong sexuality and nudity, likely just more cocks.
You're fucking stupid. So by your logic, there is some type of Gay Gene then right?
>they had woman wear her bra in a sex last episode
You're the only preaching that Bill Nye the Queer Guy shit. Sexual deviants aka homosexuals were abused as kids. They were introduced to something in a confusing way. It's not by choice per se. But you're lot talk as if you were born that way.
the show would be so much better if it just focused on them. other character plots are worthless and just eat up time
na it's good. white chicks usually have flat asses
zoom zoom general
when will we see trap benis?
Euphoria shows that this generation is a failure, a generation of depressed fags who would never be able to form a family, and the family is the core of society, this generation, brainwashed by liberal propaganda, is useless, pieces of flesh, produced in series, without heart, without ideals, without soul, degenerate and perverted, the world is Sodom and Gomorrah, and these "teenagers" have the mentality of Ted Bundy, Drag children of 8 years, adolescents believing that rape and Transsexuality is good, 25-year-old cucks who love to watch their wives get fucked by blacks,
the world went to hell
I can't wait until some new and deadly sexually transmitted disease pops up and wipes out all this degeneracy
warned for what? Hunter Schafer is a legit actress. Why can't we discuss her?
Announcing a report is a bannable offence.
America was a mistake
you'll never pass
seek help
Can't have actress threads, how new are you?
please be bait
>in 300 years we would have lost all records of cemeteries
your mind on republican propaganda
most cis women become fat blobs of shit by their 30s.
trans women stay fit just like men do.
you're not woke until you've swallowed the trans pill
records wont change your bone structure
I know it's daunting, but one day you might be able to read all the global rules, all 17 of them, faget
Records will show that it is a male, thereby removing your """""punch line"""""
Jazz is hardly typical trans
look at the picture retard
save yourselves people.
the logos of sexuality is reproduction, nothing else.
as an atheist I say that pleasure is the work of Satan, in the abstract sense that manifests itself materially.
it's Jew propaganda and Jews oppose all mankind.
why would you watch an info-weapon that is directed at you?
I wish I had a cute trans gf like Jules to binge watch Madoka Magica with on her bed.
>Are you talking to your momma about me?
>tfw i'm a straight middle aged man and now all i want to do is fuck trans twinks
this is literally what the show is supposed to do. It's created to make you want degenerate sex.
Based and logospilled
It's probably more to do with posting on 4channel for years, user.
is there any information on the age demographics of viewers?
reddit and discord trannies might actually be the most pathetic group of people to ever exist on the internet
>men were never perverts before the jews
imagine believing this
The people that constantly whine about them are even more pathetic.
i have a bigger ass than most of women i know
same here. white chicks are always telling me how they admire my big black ass.
You disgust me. I'm not even kidding. You get a hard-on for fucking dudes that are mentally disturbed. The Purge cant come soon enough
They already got you brainwashed user and you don't even realize it.
but user. i don't have a hard-on. i just want to cuddle with that cutie and watch anime with her
There was a faggot on Yea Forums promoting his deviant cuck lifestyle. At first I thought that creature was just joking but wow. That dude has mentioned he was abused as a kid and been obsessed with cock ever since. Even likes to degenerate it self for strangers. Series likes this tries to put a positive spin on being a trans but its still propaganda aimed at kids.
>modern issues
m8 I'm an actual zoomer this show is bizarre, unrealistic and fetishistic. It feels like it was written by a millennial and an old person together but completely clueless
Good God man. Castrate yourself
Jules made me realize that cute girls with dicks are hot.
I wish Margaret Qualley had a penis. :-(
hey man different strokes for different folks. if he wants to cuddle up with some tranny that's fine whos it hurting? you? nah grow up bish
I can't wait until the next democrat POTUS makes a presidential proclamation declaring that the gender binary is over.
Hate trannies, just don't like em, but I cam when i saw the webm of her getting raped. I'd probably through fuck her then feel immediate regret and beat him to death/10.
how do I get a body like that?
jesus there are so many closet fags on Yea Forums nowadays.
I dont mind tho, more pussy for me.
Why do i want to hug zendaya so baddly, she is a 6 at best ? :(
sounds like you're in the closet bruh
Why are her nips so hard?
Nah it's not gay at all.
temperature or arousal or both
>I dont mind tho, more pussy for me.
na you're still going to continue being a white incel blaming the j00000000s for all your problems
my nips would be hard too if were next to frank grillo
on one hand that's gay on the other that's kinda hot
its brain washing guys to like trannies with jules pretty much and the degenerate drug storylines
straight outta tha closet
admit it yer gay and hate yerself for it bruh
It looks like a girl so the webm was hot you fag.
I'm wasting my time with you fool. Do the world a favor and never procreate.
gonna be graduating from college soon. i live in a rural area with conservatards so it's boring as fuck.
what are some places i should look at if i want to be in an area with a lot of qt pie trans women like jules?
places in the US is what I meant*
>6 feet under dirt
>std clinic
>crack house
> women's clothing stores
>nyc lower east and west side
>spic neighborhoods in NYC
>Hollywood, CA
>Austin, TX
>The Morgue
> women's shelters
>hip hop clubs
You have your pick
mister high and mighty posting on Yea Forums over here you're a fucking loser like the rest of us
nah just get a girlfriend and you wont give a shit about this stuff. only non sexhavers seethe about trannies or whatever
dubs of truth
Predictions on what the hell is going to happen when Jules meets Nate at the lake?
I hope my Jules is ok. I've never been so nervous over a TV show before. :-(
Please tell me you're not a straight male because we are becoming extinct thanks to shit like that
Yes, I am straight. Watching Euphoria was the first time I've ever been infatuated with a transgendered woman.
They got you dude. They got you good.
The tumblrina writersroom selft-insert was unintentionally hilarious. What a show.
I have this dejavu
early 2000
lots of gay characters start appearing in tv shows
late 2010
lots of transfaggots start appearing in tv shows
so we have a real live trans playing a trans
whew, so woke y'all
side note
putin calls transfaggots transformers, so funny
still no word whether HBO is renewing the show for another season???
>Thanks for taking me out to dinner, user
finding a transgender women attractive doesn't mean the guy is necessairily going to spend his life with one just the same as me thinking some black/asian/etc. women are hot doesn't mean I'm gonna have mixed kids. sometimes people are just appreciating beauty.
>Anything for you sweetheart.
Tranny detected
>guys can't be hot
Bubblebumbutt proves you wrong
Spotted the kike. Don't argue or engage with these people. Destroy them.
>big daddy just boarhogged me
>better check my inbox
A dude wearing a dress and a wig is an optical illusion that borders mental illness. You are promoting that filth and digging deeper onto perversion.
no one cares about your right-wing idiocy. stop shitting in this thread and get the fuck out unless you want to discuss the show
This show is an even more amped up version of the conspiracies /pol/ discusses about the subversion of the west. I am actually curious if the people making the show are tribesman or not lmfao.
in the first fucking paragraph
Protect Jules at all costs.
>being that much of a culture slave
You dense mother fucker. Do you really believe conservatives are the only ones with a serious issue about this filth? Leave the internet once in awhile cave dweller.
1700s Italy
A locker room at your local boys high school (just put a long haired wig/weave on any of the boys)
so transparent marketing faggot.
Is this Elon Musk in a wig?
>CNN contributor Charles Blow has praised HBO's Euphoria as paving the way to a new era of tolerance in television.
>"Much like we witnessed more homosexual couples on TV in the 2000s, Euphoria has opened the door to an entertainment age that encompasses more of the LGBTQ+ community."
Yes, protect her from the goat worshippers too
She's "non binary" or some shit, idk
Dunno. We have nothing better to do. To the point of mutilating our bodies for better "seeexx appeallll".
r/neovaginadisasters ...
Last thing I saw this degenerate was Love by Gaspar Noe
Unrealistic. Trannies are always horny. Even though the younghons have perpetual flaccidicks.
The son of Elon, or this guy in drag.
>not fucking both of them
you must be new here
That creature and anyone that down with the program is apart of the church. Stop living in denial
imagine nate and jules eating the same noodles from opposite ends and then their lips meet and they kiss.
how cute would that be?
As cute as any other gay relationship.
Why are gays so jealous of women btw?
if another season is made, they need to focus on jules, rue, nate and fez only.
everyone else needs to go as their storylines are boring and only eat up time.
Wow I thought I was the only one who noticed this very obvious anti-trans rhetoric on Yea Forums from gay Anons.
I think it's because they're upset that hetero guys would rather fuck a cute trans girl than a cis guy, they're jealous.
has anything about the next episode been leaked?
that's a man, baby!
Because it's fucking sick. Just they programmed you doesn't mean the rest of us have to accept it.
I'd cum on the fag boy that dresses like a girl.
So you want acceptance/tolerance for one part of the LGBTQ, but not all of it?
Fuck off. You're a disgrace to the movement.
It makes young people think sluts and trannies are acceptable.
I filed a complaint to youtube. I hope this piece of shit's channel gets demonetized soon like the rest of the right-wing dumbfucks.
At the very least, his video should get deleted.
We must eliminate all channels of thought except those that encourage children to inject themselves with cross-sex hormones.
Ban all the rest!
imagine being one of the neighbors and having a good view of that hehehe
>This one boomer absolutely seething about trannies in this thread
Better to boom than zoom away.
All niggers and kikes must fucking hang
Jesus H Christ! Shave your damned legs!
day of the ____
San Francisco
New York City
Or just don’t care too much about others instead of using material possessions/sex as some magic “game changer”
this is just tragic
"fuck this gay earth" never made more sense
Until we can find a way to completely rewrite a person’s chromosomes to change gender, this will always be sub par
Had a lesbo buddy in the army look like that. Absolutely HATED anything revolving around dicks lol. She was cool, but would get immensely triggered if a dude hit on her
>le "muh joos" meme
so the show has KINO cinematography, correct?
yeah, definitely. the show would be pretty good overall if they didn't have the whale, big tits mcgee and the black football player.
their storylines are boring and take away time
Who the fuck says I support anything about your depraved movement? All of those bastards are sick, sexual deviants. Drag queens going into schools to scout them out for fresh meat. Women pretending to be men and vice versa. Your movement wants to destroy families. Rot our countries from the inside. Leech off the system. Pick and choose which laws to follow. Brainwash children to accept your bullshit agenda. Everything about you and your kind is fucking sick and disgusting.
Sounds like Daddy had a go with her. Majority of those freaks were molested at a young age.
And your movement wants everyone to have a heterosexual family with women staying at home and shitting out at least 5 kids while our planet is overpopulating and cannot sustain evergrowing number of people.
You are sick and disgusting for wanting to destroy planet earth.
The irony
30% of transwomen have HIV (check Wikipedia)
How can I believe gay men (including transwomen) care about the environment when they can't even take care of their ass?
You are fucking depraved for wanting to destroy civilization. The bedrock of any society is the "Family". You know, the same family that probably disowned you for being too damaged beyond repair. It was people like you that fucked with females minds. Corrupted them in trusting the state to provide for the children by raping fathers. Promoting left-wing indoctrination oh excuse me I meant education. With no real skills to other than how to cry " victim" every time they don't get their way to get the phony outrage army activated. Let alone, promoting the slut culture. The same culture that says spread your legs whenever you damn well please but screw the responsibilities. Look in the fucking mirror freak. Not the self-obsessed selfies you children are obsessed with.
The real crime is if you ever have children. Looking at the shit you just wrote.
Easy fix, annihilate every last lgbtqxyxysjshd on the planet. Problem solved.
why can't mods keep these threads free from homo/transphobia?
Did you report the problematic posts? If you report them sometimes if someone is online they will delete them.
This isnt plebbit asshole. You don't get banned for disagreeing with people here. Fuck off if you can't come to terms with being an adult
Wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah. Fucking crybabies the lot of you
You actually do. I've gotten banned multiple times for being a 'TERF'. It's weird; mods never change regardless of what platform they're policing.
Yeah I know. I just cant stand with people want to call the principal when a thread doesn't go their way. It's pathetic and reflects the leftist thinking.
I've been reading a lot of reddit posts and it seems there are a ton of people who think the actress portraying Jules is a cis girl pretending to be trans.
That's ridiculous
i've seen plenty of black people on twitter not get that jules is trans
Nope i doubt she ever will. She works for Disney now
has she shown her dick yet? will she?
It's denial. It's easier to accept the appearance
lol we've all wanted degenerate sex well before these actors were even born
do they understand the term chick with a dick better? maybe shemale?
it does feel like we are in one of those transition eras
this Cloverfield bullshit where they wait to show us the monster until the very end is stupid as fuck. Everyone's watching this show to see her cute boiclitty and they're making us watch a full season.
We are at a time when humankind is realizing that gender is not binary.
Progress is always being made. There was a time caveman couldn't tell his ass apart from his head.
woah what if we show TEENS having SEX and doing DRUGS how REVOLUTIONARY and HIP and EDGY
She's so cute bros what do I do... I don't want to be a fag.
Solution: Stop being a faggot who LARPs as a sexually confused straight man.
the way I see it is fapping to her is more heterosexual than fucking someone like Rosie O'Donnell or Roseanne.
fag is a state of mind
just think straight and you can suck as much dick as you want without it being gay
that's my thought process. if you'd rather fuck leslie jones over hunter schafer just because leslie is a cis female then you're a homo.
There aren't only 2 people on the earth.
There aren't even only 2 people to fap to in porn; literally millions of videos for you.
Dunno if being gay is a choice, but indulging in it is.
it's only gay if the balls touch, and hunter definitely is castrated
Does that lady with the big boobs show her big boobs again after the first episode?
my man charles. always owning conservatards and putting them in their place
I’d fuckin ravage her boipucci and devastate its prostrates so hard she’ll have trouble trying to hold her shit in afterwards. Fuck I’m so horny and lonely
An incel can only love a transcel.
More bullshit from the Communist News Network. Explains why their ratings are so low these days
>Episode 4: “Shook One Pt. II”
>Debut date: SUNDAY, JULY 7 (10:00-11:00 p.m.)
>Rue tries to get clean for Jules and chaperones Gia (Storm Reid) at the carnival. Jules encounters Cal (Eric Dane) with his family. Cassie and Maddy, annoyed at their boyfriends, decide to do molly together. Kat hangs out with Ethan (Austin Abrams) until she misreads a situation. Nate reveals who he really is.
will it be kino?
I'm really nervous about what may happen to Jules.
It's extremely obvious.
Stop sweating onions all over the keyboard.
Without having ever watched the show but only the clips posted here and learning that the whole thing is an AGP fantasy:
1. Jules is going to meet up with the guy
2. The guy's going to do a TRAansssPhobicC haaTEe crime against him
3. But BEFORE he does, they're going to have passionate sex because he just can't control himself from desiring Jules! (AGP fantasy)
This strokes both the AGP and the victimhood fantasy. Actually, victimhood is part of the AGP fantasy as well.
So enjoy masturbating to the episode.
na before Nate manages to hurt Jules, based black man from NA meetings comes to the rescue and kicks the shit out of Nate.
>you playing pool with Minnesota Fats
>Who's Minnesota Fats?
>The greatest motherfuckin pool player of all time
because we're not on reddit faggot if you want your cringe gay general expect my shitposting
i agree let's cull africa
Hollywood is full of degenerates that had absent parents, younger generations are tamer than the generations before them but they are killing themselves more
fuck off and get a life
maybe you should instead of watching some boring ass teenager show
yes report problematic posts i'm sure jannies love the extra work in some irrelevant general
>fag is a state of mind
>just think straight and you can suck as much dick as you want without it being gay
Literally the dumbest post I read all night.