>Bob Lazar
>Alex Jones
>Joey Diaz
why does Rogan love liars?
Bob Lazar
The Alex Jones podcast was kino tho
>He isnt redpilled about the 1979 Dulce Base incident
cringe and bluepilled
Joe Rogan is a dumbass. He's admitted he's a dumbass. He believes all ideas should be heard and regarded equally.
>He believes all ideas should be heard and regarded equally.
fucking nazi
How dare he let people talk!
I want Joe to fuck my wife
I'd rather liars than boring ass "comedians" and MMA muscle heads, or that brandan schab shill for the 50th time.
How is Joey Diaz a liar?
he continuously makes untrue statements
Alex Jones has never lied
*tips fedora fellow overweight intellectual*
junkies believe everything the are told if it blows their tiny minds.
Like what exactly?
Don't forget Steaven Seagal.
You’d have more luck with Joe fucking you
Joey Diaz is a man from a different world than you. he is first, foremost and forever a criminal from the old school. people like him get into all kinds of strange shit, that straights would never be able to comprehend.
Also, He's a fucking storyteller, it's his fucking profession, moron.
>joe rogen
>not liking a guy who is all about learning and hearing people out
Really activates the almonds.
>joey diaz
literally who
well he is cuban...
>Bob Lazar
If he knows all this
US Government didn't kill him because...?
Got him! You pretended you didn't know who he was. And we all know his pride is based on some manchild online knowing who he is.
>he's a story teller
>he's just oldschool n criminal
Nah guy's he's just a less than mediocre comedian who tries to pass off his ludicrous and unfunny stories as anecdotes and not flat out lies.
because killing him validates his statements, brainlet.
>got him!
>something something manchild
"This Bob guy is leaking all our secrets. Should we kill him?"
"Wouldn't that prove what he's leaking is worth something?"
"You're right; Let's just let him go, no one will believe him anyway."
fast forward to today some gormless clown is typing in a JRE thread
"I guess he's full of shit because the government didn't kill him"
You forgot all the Jews he had on
they make good television.
its quantity, with yootoobers, not quality.
>the USA government gives a fuck about that
The Gulf of Tonkin proves alien astronauts, prove me wrong
Oh my bad, I didn't know you had it all figured out already. Must be tough being so much smarter than everyone you have to ask stupid questions to prove it.
>”So here I am coming back to North Bergan from Vegas, driving down this road in the middle of the desert. When out of nowhere a fuckin UFO approaches my Deville. I Swear to GOD Joe Rogan
>HaHa Waaat? How do you react to that?
>"First thing I did was make sure it wasn't some sort of fuckin' highway patrol, so I had to get rid of a whole eight ball, Joe Rogan, it wasn't easy at all!" Wheezing laugh
>"No way! Did it end up being highway patrol?"
>"It wasn't highway patrol, I figured that out right as the fuckin' alien came out of his ship and starting yelling at me! Here I am, Joe Rogan, all coked up and arguing with a fuckin' alien that has no idea what I'm saying!" Wheezing laugh
>"That's insane! What ended up happening? Did he approach you?"
>"I'm. glad. you. asked, Joe Rogan. This fuckin' little green prick pulled out a fuckin' plasma pistol and shoots right at my fuckin' car, let me tell you, Joe Rogan, I've never seen something exploded so quick in my fuckin' life."
>"No way! What ended up happening? Did you call the cops?"
Cubans talk. a lot. and can make a mountain out of a mineshaft.
>t. guy that never grew up around insane drug addicts and criminals from north jersey
sure. fake.
>taking every word out of joey coco diaz's mouth as utter and absolute fact
yikes. it's not even like he's bragging, shit like eating coke out of some backstreet jersey hookers ass isn't exactly glamorous.
because Lazar is still working for the govt spreading the alien myth. its a cover story for secret military projects you simple celled amoeba
>bob lazar
But all of the shit he says checks out.
name one thing
Gravity is a wave.
Element 115.
The hand scanner from his previous job.
Hand scanner
>"Joe Rogan you did not just ask me that. You think I'm a fuckin' rat?"
>"No not at all man - it's just"
>"Dawg relax I'm fuckin wit'chu. But I wasn't fuckin' with this little green cocksucka. I go to the glovebox and pull out my beretta. Joe Rogan I lit this mothafucka UP JOE ROGAN. I SWEAR TO GOD"
>Gravity is a wave.
Gravitational waves are disturbances in the curvature of spacetime, generated by accelerated masses, that propagate as waves outward from their source at the speed of light. They were proposed by Henri Poincaré in 1905
>Element 115.
Read up on atomic numbers. Someone was eventually going to make an atom with 115 protons. Me saying anything about an element-130 means jack shit when they manage to make one in the future.
>The hand scanner from his previous job.
The hand scanner was featured in Close Encounters of the Third Kind which came out in the 70s
Because he just wants filler shit and intellectual fast food to talk about on his podcast. It's never the truth, just things people want to hear and believe. It's just a bunch of confirmation bias for conspiracy theorists, it has always been that way.
>not adding Graham Hancock to your list
>never the truth
give me an objectively better outlet for a podcast where a greater amount of truth could be heard
so the doctors he has on are all full of shit? wtf are you even saying jesus could you be more up your own ass.
>”No WAYYY! did you kill him?”
>”I'm glad you asked, Joe Rogan, I tagged him GOOD! not only did he fuckin' DROP, but he started bleeding from his fuckin' ears. So there I am in the middle of Arizona standing between my exploded car and and a fuckin' UFO with a dead alien laying next to me. Still coked up out of my mind" Wheezing laugh
>That's crazy. How did you end up getting home? You should have taken the UFO!"
>"Get this, Joe Rogan, as I'm standing there I thought to myself 'hmmm if this green little prick can fly a UFO, why can't I?' so I walk in the UFO and what do I see? An Alien stripper and about half a key of fuckin' alien cocaine! I couldn't believe my eyes, Joe Rogan. It was ridiculous."
read a book podcasts are just people wasting time and personality cult worship
he's had so many full of shit "doctos" on talking about supplements and other pseudo science bullshit just tells how gullible you are
Why is Edgy Brah so based? I always enjoy when he’s on the podcast
Everytime that bob lazar episode pops up in my recommended feed I think it's Stephen King.
Because he is one.
He's also sodomite that takes it in the ass and mouth.
when you listen to Bob Lazar, you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King
God that joey diaz is a fucking fat faggot
>bringing hancock into this
C'mon. I may not agree with him on every subject but he isn't liar.
Alex stuff is all kino it's just jre distills it just right.
You get the buddy comedy cast angle + crazy ass hair down Alex jones and jr
Hotep Jesus was unhinged kino. That guy's entire persona is a sham and he is obviously unwell AND low iq. What a great episode, that last 45 minutes is true kino.
>You sayin we dont kno nothin bout no boats?!
Because he's dumb as a brick. Gullible people love a good storyteller.
He's not a liar, just an idiot.
>Being a doctor means they are infallible saints
Christ you are naive, there are a billion fucking crooked doctors out there from guys doing blatantly terrible shit to ones who are simply twisting the truth in order to boost sales of their book. Any one doctor's word does not mean anything significant to the medical consensus
I wouldn't say idiot.
Way too open minded sure but some things he said were clever
Alex jones is brilliant though, he's some sort of method actor comedian, there's not even a name for what he does. Truly next level
I can listen to headphones at work, so after getting bored with music I got into them. I’m a fuckin no education in a no education job so I almost get paid to listen to podcasts.
>lol Jk I break my back everyday, stay in skool
>lazar is a quack because all of the things he mentions that turned out to be true were going to be true anyways because of scraps of information available before lazar revealed the entire thing
What the fuck are we supposed to do with this shit?
I haven’t watched but I’m excited for Hotep vs Richard Spencer . Should be stupid
What a pile of dogshit
>Muh hand scanner
First of all who gives a shit? Knowing about some obscure piece of equipment does not validate your claims of aliens visiting the Earth. Second how the fuck do we know this clown actually described the thing back in the day, Rogan never had him reference his original claim just ' dude I called it brah'. Third how the fuck do we even know it does what he says it does? How do we know it's even real and not some prop? Having his fuckboi pull it up on Google images doesn't prove shit
>Gravity waves
You mean the thing Einstein predicted with GR a hundred fucking years ago?
>Muh element 115
If anything that's a point AGAINST this fag since he clearly just picked some random ass chemical number that wasn't on the table yet to make his aliens seem more mystical, too bad for him they actually synthesized the element since and it does behave at all the way he claimed.
The guy is so full of shit it's coming out of his ears, his story about some operator guys spying on him and his drunk friends from 30 feet away actually made me laugh out loud at how retarded it was. The fact that Rogan buys this bullshit should be a gigantic fucking red flag to you considering all of the dumb shit that he has bought hook, line and sinker in the past.
>"Joe Rogan, what I'm about to tell you - swear to God - this is the absolute fuckin truth. I ate the space bitches monkey Joe Rogan. I FUCKIN DID IT."
>Joe leans back from mic, the sound of his hysteric laughter is muffled
>Joey wheezing
>Camera cuts back and forth
>moon landing happened
>moon is made of cheese
>two equal ideas
>'things he mentioned that turned out to be true'
Gravitational waves were mathematically predicted by general relativity fucking decades ago, Bob Lazar did not reveal the existence of them you jackass. Similarly there is absolutely nothing noteworthy about mentioning some at the time undiscovered super-heavy element because the process by which those elements are formed had been fairly well understood for a long time. All he did was pull some number out of his ass to make it sound like aliens had unobtainium or some shit only to get BTFO later on when it gets synthesized here on Earth
Who the fuck actually watches this retard?
>he pin-point predicted the shit based off of a "kind-of" pattern that was emerging in science? That's way more impressive than the alien shit if that's true, holy fuck. Go ahead, predict something based of general information, I'll wait.
fpbp episode 911 was absolute kino.
atomic number is just the number of protons in an atom. some scientists in a lab added 3 more protons to an existing element and now element 115 exists cos it has 115 protons, he didnt do anything
I hear you I just don't agree with you. Relax your anus, my guy.
Sure, replicate it. Lazar said 115 was fuel and it can be used as fuel. If it's bullshit, demonstrate it. I am here to learn.
>effects of US education
replicate what?
>hear you I just don't agree with you
I don't give a fuck if you agree with me because you are a dumb uneducated pile of dogshit, your opinion on this topic is absolutely worthless.
lmao look at this fucking glownigger
Pull a random variable out of your ass and predict and element, shits sounds easy af by the way you described it. Go on then.
Mmkay. Thanks for sharing..
>idiots following fitness advice from this dyel manlet
he gets mogged by all his guests
>Pull a random variable out of your ass and predict and element, shits sounds easy af by the way you described it. Go on then.
element-120. there that wasnt so hard
Lazar was right about the fact that 115 was fuel. What's your element going to be used for?
No one said they were infallible, but you saying everything said on that show is a lie is stupid.
>Lazar was right about the fact that 115 was fuel
What the fuck
No he was right, the correct word is 'effects' you are literally as dumb as a brick
>Lazar was right about the fact that 115 was fuel.
No, he wasn't. Try again retard
You are so retarded, it's actually painful to read your posts.
Ironical that this is coming from ancap fags when this is just the inevitable outcome of the spirit of libertarianism
Right, the education is what's being affected by me. How the fuck does that make sense?
Right, except for the part where he was.
Thanks for sharing.
>Right, the education is what's being affected by me. How the fuck does that make sense?
He's saying that your existence as a drooling retard is an EFFECT of the shitty US education system you illiterate fuck.
he's really, really dumb and knows his audience is really, really dumb blue collar boomers and their trashy unlettered offspring. it's not more complicated than that, but at least it's funny when he gets AJ or the UFO larper, because it tends to be better paced than equivalent guests on a more laid back retard medium like coast2coast AM
Gravity was thought to be a particle in the 80s. The wave theory was out there but it wasn’t accepted. It was confirmed a wave recently
cool story you got there
have you ever tried DMT?
is this how they made hobbits look so short in the lord of the rings
no doubt in my mind that rogan gets bottomed by shemales
or at least pegged
yes, unlike Colbert, oliver and maher...
>He believes all ideas should be heard
>and regarded equally
Bullshitting in friendly conversation between men isn't the same as lying.
The bigger the fraud = the more attentione = the more money he makes having them on his podcast.
Also, he makes a lot of shit up because some people are incapable of telling the truth. Plus nobody calls him out on his bullshit.
OP is a whiny woman