Kino Youtube Channels thread

Kino Youtube Channels thread

Attached: prince.jpg (1080x2123, 779K)

and posting from a phone to boot. fucking christ


Imagine being this much of a retard

Mega cringe


go back and delete this thread

Attached: hotgirl.webm (214x234, 806K)

OP died.

Attached: targettheblacks.jpg (720x960, 58K)


Imagine the stench of someone who unironically likes these videos


Butthurt zoomers

why does this make me feel uncomfortable?

Mega cringe

Attached: 1561791463376.png (497x407, 172K)


did she dieded

Attached: 1490694183311.jpg (580x563, 236K)


Based /biz/raeli

Isnt this the same channel thar used to make the king of the nerds spoof videos?

>posts a video abouta forced meme he saw on r/Yea Forums
>normies eat it up as "meme culture"

no, it's actually water, nice edit though.

Bro epic! Dude did you see the latest boomer posts on /r/Yea Forums! It was fucking WILD. They got this clown who says controversial stuff, and get this! HE FUCKING HONKS ABOUT IT! Totally epic

pagliacci you fuck

I’ll help contribute fellow phone poster.

Attached: FDD5AE8B-0379-4A2D-B1D0-FC1237234839.png (750x1334, 387K)

>hating pagliacci this much

Attached: 1555058086383.jpg (1024x908, 59K)

This is the best fucking thread on this board right now.

Yea Forumsump.

Kill yourself



wage cuckin' it is truly the magnum opus of our time