if a thing was to mimic someone with a tattoo, would the tattoo get copied too?
If a thing was to mimic someone with a tattoo, would the tattoo get copied too?
It does not copy fillings or earings or so on
Why would it copy tattoos?
Is the thing the only movie that inspires near daily discussion threads? based kino Carpenter
If it copies hair styles, why wouldn't it copy tattoos?
Mimics should just copy a bar of soap.
No. It's a Foregin object
hair is natural proteins. tattoo ink is not does tattoo ink have cells ? no , no cell no copy.
What the fuck was the militaries plan to do with this thing in the game?
did it copy clothes or only organic?
If the thing knows there's a tattoo i think it would change the color of the parts of the skin to resemble the tattoo.
Real question.
Who was the thing at the end?
things are intelligent, they can copy whatever the hell they feel like
The friends we made along the way
If i'm not mistaken in the game both Childs and Mac were human
who cares?
This isn’t inception nigger
no it can't copy inorganic materials. Unless it somehow can change skin pigment in that one area in an attempt to recreate it by changing skin color.
but then again if you're white I don't know if your skin possesses the genes to make your skin by coal black. So it wouldn't be able to unless you had like tanned coloured tattoos
you can never confirm the answer and it does not matter
it would replicate the tattoo with skin pigmentation.
Only organic
This was cooler when it was obviously one guy whose face got super stretched and distorted. When the retarded prequel retconned it into being two fused guys it was a lot less cool.
neither of them but even if one was a thing it wouldn't matter to either of them, it would only matter to anyone coming to look for them - the game says both were human as well