Lion King cast photos

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Other urls found in this thread:

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bix nood

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nailed the casting

Is that fucking Beyonce?
She's still alive?

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>They must cast black Americans because they're portraying animals from Africa!!
>Ah, the comic relief pig and vermin can be white though

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I bet the nigs feel so empowered by this. pathetic.

bix fucking noods

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>A white scar is symbolism for colonization
>Implying the white man ruined the beautiful land of Africa and turned it into a desolate wasteland
The amount of cope niggers go through to come to this conclusion is downright sad.

No matter how they try to dress this shit up, it comes down to the fact that character design is almost non existent in this movie.

>no Idris Elba
Pathetic, won't even pirate

Also, did I mention the screenwriter also wrote Speed 2: Cruise Control?

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interesting that their frontal lobes don't seem to be well developed. interesting.

we be lions nigga

that kid's fascia is unbelievable

I guess they read the feedback about the soulless promo posters they made

Monkey face

black people are animals
this is so problematic I can't even

where the fuck is James Earl Jones?

>Implying the white man ruined the beautiful land of Africa and turned it into a desolate wasteland
that literally happened though you dense /pol/nigger.


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Nala was an underwritten character, she had no screentime at the end. That isn't a change to complain about. Quite honestly, nothing seems too off-putting about this movie. They seem like they actually give a shit this time.

Bit racist aren’t we libcuck?


>the "whites"
Holy shit they're all kikes. Are there any white actors in this movie?

>everyone who disagrees with me is a boogeyman
Only cuck here is you, faggot.

>desolate wasteland
>running water, electricity, and overall vast improvement in quality of life
Pick one nigger

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I don't like black people


My ancestor :)


who wouldve known decades ago that all you needed to keep the niggers from rioting was showing some of them as animals in a couple of movies

jesus christ looking at the profiles of these 120% african ooga boogas is truly disturbing. the mutt blacks aren't so terrifying but this is truly inhuman looking

The only one (posted so far) that isn't some contemptible nog.
Where the fuck is the James Earl Jones one?

What the fuck, Eric Andre is in this movie?


I'd rather fuck the lions than some of these negress if I'm allowed to be honest


wtf is this meme world

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>movie about africa
>stars black people
holy kek what is this meme world we live in? the left thinks they have won hahaha

is beyonce the most overrated individual in pop music today? her and jay-z act like they're gods when they don't even write half their shit, they're just figureheads.

damn are you a music insider? how did you know such a secret thing about all musicians?


>They didn't make one for James Earl Jones


nah, obviously all pop music is manufactured in a lab (in a sense) but beyonce has this unique following where people act like she's literally royalty and a feminist icon when she's just another prettyish face with a voice that can be autotuned.

Look at their noses

>My ancestor :)

european olonization actually improved countries
eg. hong kong is not a shithole despite being a british colony
african countries are shit because of africans

Why wont they cast lupita as a female lead?

Based Eric

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and this

I hate Seth Rogen but I despise John Oliver. I wish that slimy limey would go back to his country instead of telling us how to run ours, but I think he might not even be a Brit. I think he might be a New York jew with a fake accent, and his fake accent is appallingly bad.

>it's a something white people did 20 years ago but with blacks episode

i'd be insulted by this but i guess a paycheck is worth it somewhat

fucking soulless. where's the cross eyed hyena?

It’s a fucking profile

I’m black and I’m pretty indifferent, interesting seeing cucks like ((you)) get worked up about it though

This image feels appropriate for this thread.
Not for the feint of heart.

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seriously? by that logic you probably feel anally violated bysucks to be you

They're kikes you fucking fat waste of precious oxygen.

>just a stupid, dumb, regular lions with a VA
it's really sad

Should've been wolves.
>The most widely-used and zoologically accepted term for a group of hyenas is a clan. They are sometimes called a pack, but this is generally used by lay-persons who believe hyenas to be canids (members of the dog family, Canidae. They actually belong to their own family, the Hyaenidae, which is more closely related to cats than to dogs). There is also a poetic term, 'a cackle of hyenas', but this is very rarely used, much like 'a dazzle of zebras'

it's cool we're mates

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I think this wasn't a coincidence

chill out. You probably wouldn't be so angry if you asked your violators to lube you up before said fuckin

Astoundingly overrated and talentless nigger. Hollywood will literally give a career to any wog.

Where is Rafiki? Y'know, the monkey :)

looks like its erics hyena

why do blacke "people" have such disgusting profiles?

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>all jews

>colonization improved Africa
t. thealternativehypothesis.wordpress blog

I think it's alarming that we've seen absolutely zero footage of the animals actually speaking. What the fuck is happening? Is this movie going to be a disaster?

>natural resources stripped
>local warlords pitted against each other by Dutch, Belgian, French and German powers to keep the areas in chaos so they can run away with all the gold
>plunge half a continent into civil war by interference
>then give them all guns so advance communism in your proxy war with the West
>literally have a hand in keeping the culture from advancing for almost 2 full centuries
Yeah, Africa sure is a great place

Where's JEJ?

whats that? buncha jews and boos? no way!

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So just like the original

>this post

The edgiest /pol/ cast off post of the day goes to this seething faggot right here


It always knows.

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John Oliver isn't Jewish

The only jew on the cast as far as I know is Seth Rogen.

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>seething faggot
the irony

Reminder that Lion Kang ripped off osamu tezuka's Kimba the white lion. All these niggers trying to proud of this "My Africa" shit don't even realise the original story is done by a japanese man

I'm gonna complain about it just because you said that.

Why are you incels whining about a kids movie?

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This is the most reddit cast I've ever seen

I mean if we're being technical the original story was done by an Englisman

Ill suck your BBC

Its true, as evidenced by the fact that the colonized areas of Africa are in much better condition than the areas that weren't colonized

Kill yourself

John Oliver is such a marxist turd.
This is probably the number one reason I won't watch this shit movie


proof he is

>colonizers make their colonized lands comfortable for their own living
No fucking way, dude. You're so redpilled for figuring this out.

Why is black nationalism okay but white nationalism is bad?

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Complication dramatically improved the lives of Africans generally.

You leftist idiot.

Except all of those cities are full of Africans. Their lives are much better than their uncolonized counterparts.

Not for their own living, for the living of everyone living there.

This is objectively true and you are pathetic for actually trying to argue against this.

Why are leftists always wrong?

This, I could of swore he was in it. He played Shere Khan pretty well.

Imagine actually being a leftist lmao

"proof" he isn't

Leftists are winning the culture war.

Why not just bring Irons and Jones back? They are the most beloved part of the cartoon and arguably what made it so great

It unironically is. Any country that's undergone colonialism has had vastly improved GDP per capita.

>yeah let's switch to the other side because they're winning
what are you? italian? kill yourself.

any queen B lewds?

No they're just louder.

>Eric André

That’s not Lupita

And Lupita was the lead in “Us”.

And the loud ones are winning this race.

The age of man.. is over

It objectively didn't

>they may be shit but they aren't stinky POO POO shit.
go back.

props to disney for finally giving lions the proper melanin levels

Who is that? Kinda looks like her


Florence Kasumba. She was the Dora Milaje that told Natasha to move in Civil War.

>everyone who isn't conservative is wrong

I can hear Seth Rogens laugh

>black nationalism
they're americans not africans

imagine spending this much on casting and the movie will still be a soulless slog

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The Lion King isn't about Nala. Also it looks like shit

>Trump in North Korea
>Cleared on Mueller, No Collusion or Obstruction
yeah bro leftists are winning because they got moobies haha


Honestly, my favorite pairing of the actor to the role.

I'd like to say you guys are a bad influence on me but we all know this is Disney's fault.

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I am terrified that this movie is going to make a billion dollars off of NPCs with no standards. But then again, Dumbo flopped so who knows?

She's one of the main characters are you stupid?

Let me guess: after desperately searching for Simba, Nala tries to give him his father Mufasa's lightsaber, and he nonchalantly chucks it over his shoulder.

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dumbo flopped because A) it's a shit IP with only a 50 year old movie supporting it B) it was directed by that faggot Tim Burton so it had extra edge
Lion King will probably do 800 million as it's a beloved animated classic that activates the 30yo boomer bonus

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Now some hammy acting


>I'm black
Opinion discarded.

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Imagine typing this. Do you get upset when people call you /pol/?

>taking anyone seriously who uses words like NPC in conversation
>thinking one of the most successful and loved films of the last multiple fucking decades is going to flop

>Imagine typing this. Do you get upset when people call you /pol/?

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>cleared on obstruction
He's literally not though.

>waaaaaaaaaaahhhh don't use Yea Forums words on Yea Forums

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So that is a definite yes?

Why don't they make a movie with real black people. Why must it be lions?
They can make it in Wakanda

No we're all /pol/ here

yeah he was cleared. stay mad doe.

Isn’t Black Panther already Lion King in the MCU?

>Long live the king.
>Who killed Mufasa?

I've been rewatching community and he's almost a different person now, damn

Billy Eichner needs to get AIDs and die like the faggot he is.

I'm actually losing my shit LMAO

I'm just here to watch honkeys get triggered



Enjoy this (You)

LMAO they match beaks, no wonder they cast him

No fucks given. Most of them have great voices, and the ones who don't can be fixed in post.

This is a thread for /pol/tards and mutts to chimp out because black people are in a photograph

>"I think there is a case to try him if he was a civilian, for federal charges on obstruction, there is enough evidence here. But you can't indict a sitting President, so I leave it to you Barr"
I don't know what disease Trumptards have where they are cheerleading corrupt swamp people, but it's funny to watch.

>being this upset that people tell him to go back

That's not an argument. What compels you not to move there then?

Please fucking kill yourself, zoomer.

This unironically looks great.


fucking kek

Settle down, Donny. You got off on technicalities and the GOP trying to avoid a Constitutional crisis. Not really the same as an exoneration. But if that's what you need as a "win" these days because you don't have the wall, then sure.

haha seething

isn't beyonce a shit actress? how did she land this role

I can't wait until this entire fucking ride ends and we get better political discourse when your balls drop.

he mad


At least I can form arguments, faggot. Can you imagine if they wrote a hundred page document claiming Hillary could be tried for obstruction? You'd probably demand she be hung immediately.

But it's your own personal ideologue, so that's fine!

it was her fucking turn


They're really not, clearly you don't interact with people much. Most people are annoyed with the PC shit.

>muh PC meme

are you fucking retarded?

"PC" has always been shorthand for anything that you don't fucking like. The true blackpill is that there are more movies and shows and entertainment outlets out there than ever before that push the envelope of what's okay and not okay to say. You conflate that with the 3 universities that have safe spaces (designed for those who are diagnosed with PTSD) and your faggoty obsession with Tumblr and Discord as if the rest of the West gives a single shit. I've never met an SJW in my entire life, I have never interacted with them and a private company telling me to fuck off isn't censorship.

Random fun fact, Seth and Billy appeared on Last Week Tonight before this

what heppen with russia anyways


We arrested a dozen nationals and every intelligence agency on the planet agreed that the Kremlin was behind data-mining and creating fake political accounts online.

But that must have all been fake news.

left vs right politics is the bread and circuses for amerisharts

No they aren’t. Every social media platform is rooting against Trump and every dopey celebrity on the left is using these platforms to shill for the Democrats and Trump still won. The left is a lot more vocal because they are allowed to be but it’s not getting them anywhere.

yeah literally every world power government interferes with every election with propaganda at a minimum

but why is cheeto bandito still tweeting??/

her frontal lobe must be microscopic. total nigger retard

>>"I think there is a case to try him if he was a civilian, for federal charges on obstruction, there is enough evidence here. But you can't indict a sitting President, so I leave it to you Barr"
Well if we're just making up quotes now.

>everyone else does it, so it's okay
That's literally never been an argument, Christ you people truly are retarded.

Yea you just made that shit up.

>better political discourse
>peepee tapes
>crying babies
>throwing milkshakes
dilate harder

You do realize that the literal only reason he isn't seeing a court date, is because he's a sitting President right? Bootlicking shills sure are something, I swear.

>We arrested a dozen nationals
Who? And on what charges?

>he literally said there is enough in the report to AT THE VERY LEAST, indict a civilian
Fucking absolute clown world.

made what up? see reply below as well

read a book

I didn't say or make any of those points to you but if you think you're discourse of crying about Jews and denying literally any evidence that makes Trump looks silly is an improvement, then you're brainwashed.

>You do realize that the literal only reason he isn't seeing a court date, is because he's a sitting President right?
Whatever helps you Comey bootlickers sleep at night.

You people seriously don't even think about words, you just throw them up. This is how a billionaire crony wins a fucking open election...

>he literally said
Then post the literal quote.

That entire investigation was Comey's FBI rats being butthurt that Comey was fired. Peter Strozk, Lisa Page, etc. It was nothing but a dog and pony assblast show. A two-year long temper tantrum that the entire country is embarrased about. The entire country rolls their eyes when you shills start going off about Russia.

None of those Russians were arrested, you dope. You don't even have a single clue what you're talking about.

I can post several from the report:

>“While this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.”

>“The evidence supports the inference that the President intended (former campaign Chairman Paul) Manafort to believe that he could receive a pardon, which would make cooperation with the government as a means of obtaining a lesser sentence unnecessary.”

> In evaluating whether evidence about collective actions of multiple individuals constituted a crime we applied the framework of conspiracy law, not the concept of "collusion." In so doing, the Office recognized that the word "collud[e]" was used in communications with the Acting Attorney General confirming certain aspects of the investigation's scope and that the term has frequently been invoked in public reporting about the investigation. But collusion is not a specific offense or theory of liability found in the United States Code, nor is it a term of art in federal criminal law.

>Several features of the conduct we investigated distinguish it from typical obstruction of justice cases. First, the investigation concerned the President, and some of his actions, such as firing the FBI director, involved facially lawful acts within his Article II authority, which raises constitutional issues discussed below. At the same time, the President's position as the head of the Executive Branch provided him with unique and powerful means of influencing official proceedings, subordinate officers, and potential witnesses-all of which is relevant to a potential obstruction-of-justice analysis.

"God fucking damnit not again"

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Are...are you pretending to be retarded?

is beyonce doing the motion capture?

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Did you get all that from InfoWars or some aspie shit? Nice counter narrative floating around your head there. Propaganda must be easy to come by these days.

>I can't even fathom that my political party is a corrupt trashbin of retards too
lol whatever floats your boat I guess.

Yep, you're retarded. Not even worth engaging because I can already gauge how fucking stupid you are.

I accept your concession then. Go post your discord infographs and your crying liberal meme pictures over at your favorite board then, faggotron.

Is that racist shoe man?

somebody edit a kfc bucket next to the actors

incel: the thread

keke this guy is still bootyblastered

>make statement
>"that's dumb"
>"okay, you concede"
>teehee you're mad ;)
I'm so goddamn sick of /pol/niggers.

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positively rumproasted

>I'm not embarrassing at all though


couldn't get James Earl Jones for the photo-op? Did they just reuse all his dialogue or did he actually record it?

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You can tell the lines he delivers in the trailer are new because of how winded he comes off.

>Trumpfags literally run away when the thread isn't even close to archive and someone knows what the fuck he is talking about and read the report
I'd say it's all the time but I don't make fun of the disabled too much.

>200 posts of /pol/ seething

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I want to fug Nala.

In case you were retarded, this was the part I was referring too:
>At the same time, the President's position as the head of the Executive Branch provided him with unique and powerful means of influencing official proceedings, subordinate officers, and potential witnesses-all of which is relevant to a potential obstruction-of-justice analysis.
Meaning that his position shields him from actual legal action that the JD could take if he wasn't a sitting President, which he hammers home at the end of the report, then said to Barr, then said to various news outlets after the report was submitted.

Fucking bootlicking cocksucker.

guess your right, haven't seen any trailers on it until just now

Attached: beyonce rub partition.webm (1920x1080, 1.71M)

lion kang

A man made out of pure cringe and self dick sucking with zero talent except complaining about White pipo

>They didn’t do one of these for Rafiki because they knew how a certain part of the internet would meme it

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if you visit the furry pornography website e621 and search the string "steven_stagg the_lion_king", then checking the oldest image (a large group shot), you'll like what you find.

>they didn’t do one of these for Rafiki and his actor because they knew how a certain part of the internet would react

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>actual shill

Why didn't they just use the original VAs again?


my ancestor :)

What's wrong with him?

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Oy vey

>Any kinos for this feeling?

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>black niggers bitch about movie set in africa with all the VA's being white
>just make sure theyvare all white south african actors and say "Well, they ARE African"
I await the day someone has the balls to do this

literally everyone of these look like they're stuffed with glass eyes

Only good actor in this movie

did your gay dad make that?

What did they mean by this?

Why don't they cast real voice actors?

>picture of a black man parallel to a primate
>expecting 4chins not to meme it

Kimba's main plot was actually about him trying to turn his jungle into an utopia where all animals could coexist peacefully because when he lived with human he learnt their about right and equality and sheit he found it superior to wildlife (reminded me a bit of Babar actually) I think he could even talk to humans iirc
t. Boomer who saw Kimba before The Lion King

Or, you watched the Defunctland video from a week ago...

I don't even know what that is, I saw Kimba on TV when it aired in my country
I'm not american so anime's been pretty mainstream here since the 60's

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There are no white people in this film. Only blacks and jews.

If it makes you cry...

Why does Eric Andre look like he's in fifth grade?

>this kills the /pol/tard

This looks better than the fucking movie, classic clown world

She's the biggest female celebrity there is at the moment

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