Millions of fickle zoomers start identifying as "libertarian" because of a tv character

>millions of fickle zoomers start identifying as "libertarian" because of a tv character

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What am I if I hate the nanny state we’ve become and want to go back to the more lax USA of the 70s to early 80s?

a bitter old man

a faggot

>Millions of fickle zoomers start identifying as whichever political/ideological faction wasn't made fun of in the latest episode

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The US was at its peak cocaine fueled degeneracy in the 70s and 80s.
Hollywood taking power
Banks becoming deregulated to shit
Worst presidents being elected

Anyone who looks back fondly to these times is coping.

yeah but the art was unquestionably better in every way

libertarians are such fags

Literally r3ddit, the character. Parks and Rec was awesome though

The "good times" of the USA were in the early 1800s and the country has nose-dived ever since.

>society molded around baby boomers
>not a nanny state

Chris and April were best

Remember when /pol/ was basically libertarian circa 2012? It was a better time

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>millions of fickle zoomers start identifying as "conservatives" because of memes and ecelebs

hey, ukrainians elected (well, sort of) another jew as a president based on some tv show

now everyone realizes libertarianism is a meme, and only traditionalism makes sense

>Ron paul Yea Forums
you niggers weren't there!

surely it’s not cuz people on the left in real life have become insufferable, cliquey, phoney dickheads that started actively censoring art and helped ruin dating

a communist

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We realized being a libertarian only allows the left to drown your vote with hordes of imported nonwhite voters that will consistently vote for more taxes and more government power. Being libertarian isn’t pragmatic in a (((diverse))) society.

You know no one actually paid that 80-90% tax rate, right? There were enough loopholes and exceptions that the effective tax rate was closer to about 19%.

that could be said about any year


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Finally. A parks and rec thread on Yea Forums
Im about to finish season 3.

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