Kinos about the nature of women?

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I may be a misogynist but I'm 100% on her side on this.


Is she supposed to stay with him even if she's no longer attracted to him?

based woman
fatties should be shunned

It's still better than being underweight

Go the the gym you fat fuck

Serves the guy right for being fat and ugly

Why is it that everyone throws away basic moral principles when it comes to making women happy? If the genders were reversed and it was a good looking dude being disgusted by a fat chick then people would be screeching at the dude for being an insensitive asshole who doesn’t respect her body. Same goes for shit like innocent until proven guilty and cheating.

>throws away a relationship instead of talking it through
>it's the guy's fault

If my wife got fat i'd probably leave her too, after a reasonable window to lose the weight i suppose

most colonial boat kino

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Why do people think love is some pure thing? Go into it, knowing what it is. OP, you sound like a butthurt child.

This is why monarchism with enforced morals needs to come back. Democracy was a mistake. People are so fucking stupid and can never rule themselves.

Giga cope you stupid fucking American. You all would do the same to an ugly slob woman, why’s it any fair to insist they’re wrong?

I bet you don't like jumpscares, incel

Lower exceptions.

Oh boohoo faggot.
>woman on r*ddit breaks up with boyfriend
>faggot virgin screeches "this is why we need monarchy!"


>couple gets married
>couple underestimates "To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."
>married couple inevitably get divorced or leave each other
Don't get married if you can't handle a little difficulty like an overweight spouse.

WTF based??? Fat """"people"""" are disgusting

Have you guys really never looked at a girl you've been fucking for a while and suddenly just a switch flips and you can't wait to be free of her ?

It can be for something so minor even. Some people you just get sick of them. Or you never even liked them to begin with, you liked your idea of them.

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I too agree with fuck fatties, but what irks me is the holier than thou attitude of women pretending they are in the right, but if a man does it he is a huge asshole. Kinda like what OP is doing desu.

unironically The Room

>all that text
>nothing said
Top time waste kino

We were brought up by television.

Lanklet cope. Get some muscle, no one likes an Auschwitz twig-ass “man”.

my bf is fat. sometimes i use his belly as a pillow
if you can’t into fatties you have a small brain and a smaller soul

>Imagine being this retarded

Yeah but I do the polite thing and start acting like a shithead until she leaves me.

gynocentrism. humanity have been cucks for women and are happy to throw away justice to please them

the state made a marriages meaningless, except when she wants to divorce

IF you're married, you have to know that there will be ups and downs. IF you can't power through the downs, you should never have gotten married.
Are you really such a retard that you think you'll always be attracted to the other person? Like when they're a sick, fucked-up mess, or when she's a baloon that's 8 months pregnant?

It's just your basic 101 causality reversal. Don't see what's the big deal here.

>my husband is getting fat
>which makes him unattractive to me
>but that would make me shallow
>and I'm NOT shallow
>so it must be because he's "creepy"
>yeah, that's it

Women pick a conclusion and then build a narrative to fit it. Basic shit, so I have no idea why you guys are getting upset about it.

Top kek user

future white generations would be the ones surviving this moral collapse, we will get better we just have to resist

lol based

Thankfully there are people here that actually have sex and know their shit about women.

>sick, fucked-up mess, or when she's a baloon that's 8 months pregnant?
That's beside her control, just like aging (for the most part), but you should still take care of yourself, husband or wife

This is correct, but guys do it all the time too. People are just terrible in general.

Husband is fat, but hot damn is he snuggly. He does kettlebell and dumbbell stuff at his desk at work and we do a fitness youtube video together in the mornings before breakfast so he has a decent bit of muscle underneath the fat, so he's like a big thick pillow.

I'd call him on it if he ever stopped working out entirely but I've always liked my men on the thicker side. He's my big hairy bear.

The average American female is 5'4 and 171 lb with a 39-inch waist.
I do not want to 'have sex' with that.


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maybe, would, no, would, probably not

God damn, butterface-gumi.

keep having sex

omg lolll! sick comment my good senpai, yikes lol oof!
*does a fortnite dance*
*tips beanie*
lol #cope #havesex amirite!?
high-five yo-fammity-senpai, 10/10 comment!

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Based and /fit/pilled

Itt: retards taking the op seriously because they need to lie to themselves and use this topic to vent it


Kramer vs. Kramer

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>If my wife got fat i'd probably leave her too
she would make a fine addition to my collection

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I guarantee you these are not women(females) bro

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>taking on another man's project
Very charitable.

Neither is the one you posted

If this was the other way around reddit would be seething at the man for not wanting a fat wife


yes that's why I posted him retard.

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But did he have money though?

I agree with the guy you reply to

Fuck fat people

Abusing life for their gluttony desires

>in English Doc
women traded sex, did so not just on shore but sailing out to European ships

depression is real, bad luck is real. How many wives leave the husband, ignoring the "in sickness and in health" vow?
Fuck them.

haha holy shit, it's actually true

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Still not a girl

still a retard I guess

The truth hurts

nah they actually support shit like this, most of reddit is men and there’s a ton of “men’s rights activists” who like to shit on women (especially fat women) at every opportunity. not that different from here desu

Well, no shit. It's not like I'll get caught dead with a whale. You can't blame the roastie for this, really.

What's weird is not trying to get your husband back in shape. Women often get into this set of beliefs that they're more pure than men and connected on a more emotional/spiritual level to others. It's not true, but it leads them to rationalizing things like "not being attracted to their now overweight husband" as being that they saw the real him or some such bullshit.

Similar thing if they get annoyed with their boyfriend/husband not making enough money, rather than admit they want a guy with more money, they'll rationalize it to themselves that they just want to be with a guy that's more driven (or some such bullshit).

They'll do practically anything to distance themselves from the reality that they want to be with hot guys with money that don't require anything of them.