Boycott IX

Most of us won't be going to see it anyway after the TLJ debacle. Personally that killed sw for me, probably forever.

But to make a difference I'm going to convince other people not to go as well. Most people don't care about Rose or Finn or Poe anyway, they don't care how their stories resolve. I'm just going to remind people how bad TLJ was leading up to IX and discourage people I know from going, most of who are on the fence or ambivalent anyway so it's easy to tip it into not going territory.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Cool blog faggot

Nah, I have to see how badly they're going to botch it.

I'm going.

>he heh i jus want to go to see how bad it is haha
literally everyone here is gonna watch it

I'll have to go since friends buy multiple tickets.
It's going to be a shitshow. They will double down on the stupidity because feminists can't be wrong.

Most retards and basedbois (like you, since you watched TLJ) will watch it anyways. Your "boycott" only gives them FREE exposure.

Daisy Ridley says the movie is "kids going on an adventure".

this. stop talking about boycott and they'll forget that it's coming out.

No shit? It's almost like I just said something along those lines. It's got to be better than TLJ, it just has to since Ruin isn't at the helm, for now. I will be skipping his SW films, if they ever get made. Not sure why Disney wants to kill their golden goose, but it's their property now.

It's not a boycott when I simply don't care.

>Most of us won't be going to see it anyway after the TLJ debacle. Personally that killed sw for me, probably forever.
Then why not go the fuck back to plebbit, considering any actual fan with a brain dropped SW either before or immediately after TFA

Tfa sucked but I was willing to give it a pass on the condition that TLJ actually answers the questions it raised in a satisfactory manner.
Needless to say, I won't be watching the next debacle.

I’m more interested in Jumanji.

>It's got to be better than TLJ, it just has to since Ruin isn't at the helm, for now.
It won't be. For instance, why is there an A-Wing getting shot down in the trailer? Just hyperspace ram it!

But fighters are too fast and maneuverable, they can easily dodge a hyperspace ram. In fact, all their space warfare should evolve around fighters now that anything slow is just a target.

How can I boycott something I have no motivation to see?

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Too late. I boycotted the entire re-boot as soon as they cast some fugly bong dike in the "lead" role of an American epic space saga.

have sex

Hyperspace ram the carriers before they can scramble fighters.
>TIE Fighters don't have hyperdrives.

That's implicit. Any fighter without hyperdrive is pointless.

Guess also people should leave every planet (they aren't secured anymore) and start living in mobile stations or giant ships, relocating every time an enemy scout finds them.

Darth Vader's TIE Interceptor prototype had one, so all the TIE interceptors in RotJ had them. That cannot be denied.


Boycot implies there's something they can do to make me watch it.
I have absolutely no intention of doing so. I doubt I'll even bother pirating it, instead just relying on osmosis via shitposts in order to mock it.

>Guess also people should leave every planet (they aren't secured anymore) and start living in mobile stations or giant ships, relocating every time an enemy scout finds them.
Yep. A hyperspace attack would be like a nuke at best or a Death Star at worst.

The First Order doesn't use that anyway.

>The First Order
Yes, fries too please.

post full image NOW

Okay, the not-Empire. Happy?

>Most of us won't be going to see it
Of course you will, you'll be first in line so you can complain about it on the internet.

I just want you to know that you are beyond retarded.

I might dee it but I'm paying for a Jumanji ticket

A boycott is ridiculous because it won't work.
Just don't watch the movie, that's all.

You're not fooling anyone


Every single one of you is going to see it.

You wouldn't be so angry about TLJ if Star Wars wasn't so crucial to your existence.

I wish your parents had boycotted having children

Sorry Mickey, you're not getting my money

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Of course not, I'm posting here.


I think thats a bad idea, OP. You should go watch it on the big screen for the awesome special effects, at least. Your "boycott" wont impact anything anyway, so why not enjoy 2 hours of a silly good looking story?


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>false flagging as a shill to cultivate paranoia and resentment so everyone is more of a faggot like you
gamers rise up

You can lie to me but never to yourself.

>I just want you to know that you are beyond retarded.
No. Just hyperspace ram the Star Destroyer with a brick of a ship before they can scramble fighters.
>Insta-win at the cost of a hyperdrive, a droid, and some metal.

Take your meds, schizo.

Sorry, but you're not going to get the answer your supervisor wants.

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You seem to be doing a good job lying to yourself

>implying you have money to give
an allowance from your parents doesn't count


Oh I'm sorry, were you hoping you weren't so blatantly transparent?

Does anyone actually think these "boycott" posts are real? It's so painfully obvious that it's just Disney Moms trying to create something they can link to in their blogs and say, "that evil hacker Yea Forums is at it again!"

Cut this shit out. Nobody actually cares enough about Star Wars anymore to boycott anything. Nobody wants to go. It's as simple as that. So put that in your Huffpost blog and fuck right off.

>they broke the lore in this escapist fantasy for children where nothing ever made a lick of sense to begin with
I say again, you are retarded.

cope all you like, Mickey's not touching a penny of mine.

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You are proving my point by continuing to angrily reply.

Disney finally started their falseflag campaign. It won't be long until Yea Forums gets spammed with the same thread and then MSM will blame Yea Forums again.

You need the obvious posts in order to direct attention to how forced they are, while overlooking the actual shill posts that serve their purpose undetected. It's shilling 101, lmao.

>it doesn't count if I pirate the movie
your cognitive dissonance is hilarious

>alt right bigots and the hacker know as Yea Forums actively sabotages the new SW film!

I accept your concession

>jokes on you I was only pretending to be retarded

>He thinks disney shills regularly post here instead of reddit

I've been against the earth sending signals out into space ever since I learned it would only take an object the size of a space shuttle traveling at 1/3 light speed to wipe out all life on the planet. Almost any other sentient species would know this too and find itself obligated to wipe us out so we don't do it to them first.

So you're mad then

Are you stupid? Stop dude.
This isn't your sekret club and boycotting some movie is absolutely retarded. What does that even mean? "Ohh look at me I won't see movie!". Who cares faggot?

>n-no! You WILL see it! You have to!
the cope is physically painful

That's where you're wrong. Star Wars was always a B-movie wrapped in A-movie packaging, but it made sense in its own rules until The Last Jedi.

Now, they have to use the hyperspace tactic.

Wow you found out you don't need to consume welcome to adulthood

delet this

Of course you have to. You wouldn't have any reason to live without a new Star Wars film to shitpost about. The opposite of love is not hate, user. The opposite of love is indifference, and you are about as not indifferent as it gets.


>'ve been against the earth sending signals out into space ever since I learned it would only take an object the size of a space shuttle traveling at 1/3 light speed to wipe out all life on the planet.
Luckily, we can only be detected at around 100 light years in every direction, so an ayy would have to be really close.

physically cringed at your post thank you very much OP you massive faggot

No it didn't and you're a fucking moron if you think it did, period.

>is in physical pain over a discussion about Star Wars
what's that like?

Bad argument there, shill

I really don't want to watch it. I have a feeling that one of my brothers is going to offer to pay for my ticket though. I mean, in a way that's a nice problem to have, but I don't want someone else easing l wasting their money to get me watch a movie that I don't want to see, and I don't want to contribute to the movie's box office even if it's indirectly. I just want to get together and watch Return of the Jedi at home.

I've yet to read any of yours, faggot

There's no racism or soggy knees on that post so probably not a shill. OP is just a faggot that's all.

Im not watching any other SW or Marvel movie. Fuck them for robbing the industry of art and innovation. And fuck me for giving them moneu for so long.

not going.

>the hidden fortress is a b-movie
Top heimin.

Unless they found a way to travel outside their home system

>Unless they found a way to travel outside their home system
Even then, the odds of pointing yourself in the right direction are pretty slim.

That's because you're illiterate

I am 100% going opening night because I like Star Wars. I honestly have no idea what people don't like about the new trilogy. It feels pretty typical Star Wars to me.

Maybe you guys should go and watch the new Star Wars movie, you all need to watch a film that isn't being made by Marvel.

Yeah, SW was always just entertainment to me. The last two movies weren't even bad, just okay.
I really don't get the autism of the haters. People make long youtube videos nitpicking those movies and they have huge audiences, I really don't get it.
How can you find the energy to hate so much on some stupid popcorn movies lmao

"pffft, like you incels will resist watc... Dwayne? What are you doing her-"
"Oh no… Not again!!"
*WHUUUUUrrrrrrrrrrr r r rm
*walks away

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nice digits

>but it made sense in its own rules
no it didn't, the force was always whatever the writers wanted it to be to fit the fucking plot even before the prequels.

>no it didn't, the force was always whatever the writers wanted it to be to fit the fucking plot even before the prequels.
Not really. It can manipulate objects or people, mind control, and call down lightning. In the prequels, Palpatine cloaked his force abilities from the Jedi and passed himself off as an old coot of a politician.

Also, force ghosts were always advisors in some way. They couldn't interfere with Luke's confrontations with Vader. Now, they can call down lightning from beyond the grave for some reason.

When all is said and done, the SJWification of movies is a very good thing. It induces revulsion for media that grown adults have no business watching: as a society we are diminished by our conversion to man children in their 20s 30s and 40s. We need to become adults.

I'm going to see it because I never cared for star wars and I enjoy your screetching

I recognize that image

>after the TLJ debacle
Idiot. I gave up on this franchise the minute Hamill said there was no story explaining what Luke was doing since RotJ. Hamill told this in an interview before or during the release of TFA, which I thus haven't seen. The identity politics was the final push to never bother with Star Wars again, aside from the clusterfuck that is the production details.

Bruh you're not the target audience in the first place, hell, SW fans are not the target audience, the franchise is targeting zoomers and milllinneals, foreign markets, and people who enjoy watching bombs dropping and exploding in space and flying super women, I didn't even bother torrenting anything past TFA.

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See you on opening night sheeple. youll buy it anyway

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WTF were they thinking?

Agreed. At this point, movies in general are very surface level entertainment and I either had fun watching them or I didn't.

Honestly, i'm going to go watch it. Most people here are just being contrarians since everyone watches them now. My advice OP is to leave this fandom and never return because this is not what you want anymore but I assure you my friends and I love this new Star Wars. You have grown and left this all behind but we're just getting started.

>Disney PR script says...


Nah I'll watch it. I've seen every Star Wars movie so far in the theaters and I'm not about to stop for a bunch of incel MRA's. Stay triggered OP.

>i'm going to eat shit, stay triggered!

That implies that i actually want to see the movie

no, im really not. haven't even seen TLJ, stopped going to movies after TFA. im just here for shitposting now

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I will watch it like i watched the other ones, when a decent rip comes out.

>the mouse resorts to reverse psychology
>it actually works
i hate all of you capeshitting faggots

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My computer downloads the movie right after i click the button. Why the fuck would i need a line?
Weed is smoked not insufflated you fucktard.

Nah. Not even the camrip this time.

This! Star wars should be for mature adults like us boomers!

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>defending nu wars

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Rey backflip jumps over a TIE interceptor in the teaser, nutsack.

my friends who were big (fake) star wars fans aren't even excited to go see it and they're the type of people who went to see endgame twice cause of the "cultural impact"

Don't give money to Disney.

No, you won't.

Buy a ticket to another movie and then sneak into the IX showing.

but daisy is cute and i want to be informed for the next plinkett review

PPD just straight up shit on miracle while mid

This, and I have hope she gets a twi'lek girlfriend

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Yea Forums was excited right until the first trailer.

just watch a camrip, guys

My curiousity trumps my hate. I want to see if JJ can salvage the episode 8 mess.

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I'm on the fence for Ep 9 because I don't care about the story arc at all. But I'm back in for D&D SW.

I cant wait for /reylo/ general to come back.

>actually believing there is evan a remote chance that thie trilogy can be saved...and by hack Abrams of all people.

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Not that user, but the name of the artist is Armando Huerta. Look for thy selves.

I will see it, I'm curious about how they will fuck it up this time.

BUT, I will watch a camrip. I have watched VII and VIII in teathers, but not this time. This time a message must be sent.

user. No one cares about SW.
No one cares enough to bp\ycott it or write bad reviews for it.
Its fucking dead and fake antihype is as transparent as fake real hype.

>JJ can salvage the episode 8 mess.
He's the reason this piece of shit is as bad as it is in the first place.

JJ Abrams is an unoriginal hack who never ever did a good pay-off in his life, in fact his whole writting ideology is based on never giving satisfying pay-offs, that's why my hope was on VIII, since the idea of somebody continuing what JJ started sounded interesting. Too bad they chose the worst possible guy for that. And they didn't learn to choose better, as I can see from the pick of the GoT hacks.

There's absolutely no way this movie will be good as a final episode. Do like everyone else, and watch it just out of curiosity of how bad it will be.

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I'm excited since I thought TLJ was the best Star Wars movie. It was the only Star Wars movie my girlfriend ever liked so she'll be excited to go as well.

Dude lets all just watch the camrip.
If the movie is good then we see it in theaters. If it is shit then nothing happens.
Problem solved now stop giving the movie exposure.


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>Most people don't care about Rose or Finn or Poe anyway

This is true, but it's irrelevant because Kylo is the main character and main draw, not them and he's plenty popular.

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>Kylo is the main character and main draw, not them and he's plenty popular.
People like that ass faced krypto jew fuccboi even less then those three fucking wastes of spunk.
The entire thing is a shitshow of poor casting decisions, directing,and worst of all writing.

The people who made those movies have their heads shoved so far up their asses they can't realize this. Or they do, and give him few exposure just to bitch.

He had like two seconds exposure on the trailer. It is not nearly enough for the ONLY popular character in this mess that is the sequels.

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all generals are cancer and worse than reddit

Nice blogpost

He only had a few seconds in the trailer and Rey and her ugly friends took up the rest and YET Kylo was the only one trending on twitter, not them. He was the one fans cheered for at Celebration, not them.

They did put him on the VF cover, so that's a start. I think he's just a really huge spoiler, so they are keeping him under wraps. It was like that for TLJ too and he ended up stealing the show there and having the most importance in the story so I'm not too concerned about it.

I think they know they can drip-feed Kylo to fans. They are finally releasing comics about him and his is the last one after Rey's. Implying that the is more important than her as we already knew.

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Man who gives a fuck? If you want nuwars to die don't organize these gay fucking boycots. You're just going to provoke retards into watching it even more. Just don't watch it, don't talk about it and move on with your life.

This. But it won't be good regardless

I hope people will, I just hope nobody will pay for it.

Boycotts haven't worked since like the 40s dude

Boycott means sitting this one out to spite the production company, in the hopes they will change their ways in time for the next one.
That's not the case for me at all. TLJ extinguished any interest for Disney produced Star Wars content in me. I simply won't go even if it's the second coming of Christ. They killed my boy and let impostor wear his skin, and then that one died too. On top of that, everything else in that movie played it soft and loose with continuity and even basic internal logic or was simply boring. Utterly worthless in every aspect.

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And Oscar Eggsack said they improvised a lot of it on set. Whoop de doo.

Watch the camrip, don't give them money.

She was just talking about her scenes with Finncel and Pee. She can't talk about Kylo or Palpatine or anything actually important because it's a major spoiler.

She also said it was really emotional. You really think they are going to do a SW movie about "friendship"? Keep dreaming. The guy who interviewed even said Finn and Poe barely came up and it's all about Kylo and Rey.

Read between the lines and actually pay attention to the material, dummy. When have Finn or Poe ever been important or central to the plot? That's right, never.

He's a side character for a side character, of course he can improvise, none of his scenes are important and are going to be filler anyway.

I'm not angry anymore. I've drawn a line. You may be somewhat right about Star Wars playing an important role in my life, but "Star Wars" does not. I have all the Star Wars I need to be happy. I don't need "Star Wars" to make me miserable.

Nobody watched Solo, which was actually close to serviceable and certainly Disney's best effort with the license, to date.

Daisy also said in another interview that Rey is kind of separate from Finn/Poe and the Resistance because of her Force powers and John suggested Finn is trying to find out what is up with Rey and Daisy also said they argue or disagree at one point.

It's clear Rey's real plot is centered around her bond with Kylo and how it relates to the main story.

Finn is just there to provide plot device conflict because Rey is going to be struggling to be loyal to the Resistance and the fact that she wants to fuck Kylo Ren and is drawn to him no matter what.

I can see it now kek


That leak about Pocahontas ending is really coming true kek


Why would you see it anyway after the previous 2?

It doesn't need a boycott. It's shit out of the gates.

Even if it's slightly better than TLJ, I still won't give them any money. Hell, even if it's great (haha), I won't. Fuck Rian and fuck JayJay.

I liked 8, but I'm not a fan of JJ Abrams. I might go see it if it gets good critical reception.

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You really are dense aren't you


I'm gonna pirate it via camrip or Blu-ray release. Fuck Disney.
