I am leaving this place forever

I am leaving this place forever
It has consumed me for far too long

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nice dubs
see you tomorrow


You'll be back. The normies will never give you what we give you. And you know it.


Take me with you. I'm begging you.

>talks about leaving
>posts a thread

Dubs thread

Blessed thread. For every pair of digits we can will a happening.


Dubs and OP gets gangbanged by Yea Forums and never leaves

OP is going to get laid this week.

Good. I churn you summerfags out like Guillermo Del Toro goes through models. I hope you get raped by a pack of niggers maybe that will thicken your skin

Dubs and OP discovers he's genderfluid

fuck it, I'll join you
I told myself I'd leave once my keyword filter hit 100, and it's at 104
bye faggots



dubs and I’m out of here for good

If singles then I’m staying here forever

If dubs, IX is worse than TLJ.

If dubs, I will finally get a girlfriend and get laid this year.

Fuck's sake!

If dubs i kill myself right fucking now

Good on ya breh. If dubs, I do the same and discover happiness in the real world.
If singles, I stay here and discover happiness in the real world.


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If dubs, I will finally get a soulmate and get laid this year.

No more rerolls for you faggot. You will fester in this world like the rest of us men.

Ah, fuck it. I'm done.

If dubs, this user gets a second chance to fulfill his desire, but only under the pretense that he gets off his ass and works for his goal.

Good work, OP. Try to find another, less cancerous community that can be a substitute so you're less likely to come back.

Reminder that mods would rather allow 11 shitposting Simpsons threads than actually do anything about it

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Be careful user, there's blacks out in the real world

If singles i leave and never come back

If dubs, im eating at dubsia tonight

dubs and this doesn't happen




Checked. See you tomorrow.

If singles, I get a girlfriend and get laid sometime this year.

If doubles I overpower this faggots post and he dies alone as a virgin at an old age


If trips, the world explodes RIGHT NOW

Suicide is a cry for attention

See you right now OP. You won't even be able to close the window.

Here's your dubs bro!

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triples and I run Bartertown

If dubs, I meet a rich MILF whose husband died and left her with lots of money. She marries me, and in exchange for being a NEET I become her BDSM sex slave

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this is the sixth suicide thread I've seen so far today. its all so tiresome.


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