20 years later, I still don't see the issue here. What did he do wrong?

20 years later, I still don't see the issue here. What did he do wrong?

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he was just drunk and wanted to eat his cheeseburger

Make me want a burger everytime i see it

it was before clown world, when eating food off the floor was considered disgusting and crazy.

When you're a parent, you can't let yourself go like that. You need to be always vigilant. Especially when your daughter's a cunt.

he's rich, he could hire someone else to take care of his daughter so he can get shitface and eat hamburgers all day.

Nothing. If you've never seen your parents drunk you've led far too sheltered a life.

Of you had a job, friends, a gf and a social life to maintain you would understand

my parents have always been pretty religious so they dont drink. i myself have only ever been drunk like about a dozen times in my life and i honestly really dont get it, its one of the more subpar intoxications. it only makes u feel woozy, pukey, and sleepy. other intoxications are much, much better

I want to get a burger and beer with based Hoff.

>far too sheltered a life

How do people be alcoholics and get drunk like this where they're all woozy and slurry? I've been a bottle or more of wild turkey a day alcoholic and I end up blacking out before I get stumbly or anything like this.

>only ever been drunk like about a dozen times
>i honestly really dont get it
Maybe you're just retarded.

Being a terrible role-model to his daughter, who was the one recording it.

It was funny.

Metabolisms are a mystery to me too user

>tfw I've been a bottle or more of wild turkey

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He can do no wrong

Literally who?

Was you father an alcohol?

>I've been a bottle or more of wild turkey a day alcoholic and I end up blacking out before I get stumbly or anything like this.
Why must you turn this into a thread of lies? If you get blackout drunk, I guarantee you've been Hoff goofy before.

>tfw one of these a day

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Your probably just super high functioning. I do the same too and still go to work.

When you're drinking everyday it's pretty easy to stay up and not black out.

oh you slur user, and you smell too
you might think you don't but you're too drunk to pick up on it, everyone else isn't

Yeah. But not for years. It just doesn't happen any more.

there's drunk and years of alcoholism drunk
the first is funny, the second isn't

Maybe. I'm skeptical though.

imagine the taste...

>other intoxications are much, much better
I see you’re a patrician degenerate like me. very based user, keep up the good work.

Yeah, well you're a bottle a day drunk so your opinion on things doesn't matter.

knock knock

Come in.

>I still don't see the issue here.
You've never heard of alcholism?
>What did he do wrong?
It's not so much "look at how evil he is" as it was supposed to humiliate him into getting straight. Basically an intervention.

this post is for testing purposes only


record yourself user, you'll see. i used to make drunken rant videos, and you don't realize how fucked you come across when you are wasted. the ones where i was coherent were pretty funny still, but the ones i don't even remember making, those are dark. i dont drink anymore

Well I'm in my 30's now and I'm much the same. That being said, at least twice a month I get that shitfaced, just because I can. Only difference is that now I've learned to keep that shit to myself and I do it at home. Usually here as a matter of fact. I wake up the morning after and see I've posted Jodelle Ferland threads and said the n word quite a few times. I have a good time.

I was killed in a car accident, the driver was an alcohol

People still move and do shit while in blackout mode.

>not eating off the floor
>not doing every drug possible until you go hobo
>giving a fuck

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check’d and welcome back

>20 years later
My memory isn't that good and this gave me a good scare


Thanks, fellow Jodellenigger.

Ive seen my dad drunk but never in the floor slurring.
No excuse to be doing this shit post school years.

This is rock bottom: the video. Especially the roast where Greg giraldo shamed his ass to oblivion. I dont think I'd ever want to drink again if this happened to me

agreed and liquor also taste like shit too

Greg Giraldo was 10 times the drunk Hoff is.

This I'm a weed, candy and Rick and morty kind of guy