I like it black, like my men

>I like it black, like my men

Attached: dfd344.png (1388x804, 1.93M)

>I like it like my women, in the kitchen

Attached: index.jpg (184x273, 9K)

>and always on the run

Isnt this a child?

>I like it sneed, like my feed

this is pretty funny because it's a little child saying that.

This thread lacks rightoids sperging out.

A pedophile wrote this.

A head of her time

i like my feed like i like my sneed

The only time you ever see an above average looking white girl with a black guy is in porn.
Shits rarer than a unicorn horn.

A pedophile wrote this.

>I like it young, like my boys

Attached: 1558698244793.jpg (995x1378, 139K)

Based deflecting pedophile.

So her men also like it black

Does this imply that black men are pedophiles?

is anyone surprised by hollyjew?

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she was pubescent there

she was 12.
she was 10 when fully nude in makeup in playboy

>not in the oven
One job.

damn was this the inspiration for the wife and daughter in Synecdoche New York?

>like it like

Attached: 2B2BDCC3-1EE7-4D3C-B316-B6634CD7820D.jpg (901x1200, 107K)

>drink coffee
>in the kitchen

Attached: IMG_1250.png (640x360, 63K)

>the wife and daughter in Synecdoche New York?

that's pretty normal

Adele moves to Germany and whores out their daughter Olive when she's like 10 for "art"

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.jpg (700x469, 77K)

That's the joke. It's like saying I like my water wet.

that has to be lies r-right

whores out how? also I don't think it's necessarily based on brook schields, as even today instagram is full of moms living through their daughters, and whoring them out in the name of "modeling".

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Aren't you a zoomer?