Daily reminder that this actually happened

daily reminder that this actually happened

Attached: this actually happened.webm (1296x540, 2.97M)

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I bet you wish you could say the same thing about having sex

with your mother

What the fuck was Jackson thinking?

I bet you wish you could say the same thing about me shitting in your anal mouth

>"I bet you wish you could say the same thing about having sex about me shitting in your anal mouth"

Attached: 1561323657693.png (454x520, 13K)

They’d been trying to do the battle practically but time constraints meant they just scrapped it, fired all the extras on the spot and CGI’d it all in later.

Too busy counting the bags of money he made.

dem fuckin' dorfs man

I'm trying to forget anything past the first half of An Unexpected Journey exists in the Hobbit trilogy.

Attached: 1509235320543.jpg (641x653, 31K)

It looks pretty cool, why the hate?

It didn't actually happen, it's a fictional movie. Retard.

lol, which of the 3 movies was this? i think i kind of watched 1 and 3 but i don't even remember what happens in them

The best defense is a good offense

Attached: 0ce.png (600x562, 433K)

>elves disappear as they hit the floor
did a pajeet animate this?

What's the point of a phalanx if you don't use it?

the problem is that the scene is retarded

It's probably for the best that you don't remember

BfME 2 has unironically better battle scenes

t. Indian man

>eleves taking every opportunity to walk over dwarves
>even if that means getting hacked to pieces by orcs and stabbed in the back by gudgefilled spear-dwarf

It all adds up.

Attached: thedragonsneed.png (1311x342, 126K)

This is a pretty good look at what happened, even has some cast interviews.

Attached: lotr rotk pub end.png (1024x426, 756K)

Can't unsee.

They teleport back to jump again.


Formerly Smaug’s.

So you can stab those sneaky elven cunts in the back

How could something so comfy turn to such shit, bros?

They don't disappear. Look closely. They are charging through the orc ranks

>Lindsay Ellis


You can clearly see they just blend in with the Orc's

>elves jump in front of shield wall
>elves immediately get pushed back into dwarven spears


kek I remember reeeing about this when I saw it and my girlfriend getting annoyed at me about it. same thing with the shield wall in GoT Battle of the Bastards. It wasn't even a shield wall or a phalanx. really gets my goat

It's funny how the orcs just get progressively larger in Jackson's films. First there's the orcs in Moria, which seemed pretty small, not much larger than dwarves (which was just about right for the average orc), then the uruk-hai are suddenly this entirely seperate breed that are 6'4 rugby players rather than "near man-size" (which is what made them so threatening in the book; they were no longer this stunted creature, but not much shorter than a man), and then in the Hobbit films all the orcs are uruk-hai tier, despite the greatest of orc chiefs rarely, if ever, reaching man-height.

>oy vey, the white elves aren't disappearing, just "blending" with the orc masses
Fuck off rabbi.

It ONLY looks pretty cool, that's the problem.

>making of lotr
>visual effects supervisor is a stern look mf with decades of experience
>some autist spent all of christmas break working on sauron's tower exloding

>making of hobbit
>vfx supervisor is a black guy
>the cgi artists are a bunch of zoomers running around in pyjamas

can't be bothered to get them out and capture screenshots but this is pretty much why the cgi in the hobbit movies sucks

>It looks pretty cool
Only if you're 12.

Attached: 1509312143064.jpg (618x618, 57K)


CGI gives too much power to filmmakers, they forget restraint.

Attached: roman formation.png (1000x659, 1.78M)

based and dwarfpilled

Caesar-tier tactics right there.

no. pj was forced into making this by that fat spic hack

Why don't they wait for the orcs to skewer themselves on the spears before jumping in?

Subverting expectations

thats not that bad when you think about legolas did in the movies

First of all if you have a giant wall of shields and spears and your enemy is about to charge straight into them you don't jump out over said wall so you enemy can then just sort of mash you into it so you both die instead of them dying on the spears. That is insanely retarded.
Secondly, though it is tough will all the cuts, follow any one of those guys who jumps over the shieldwall and see what they actually do. One I watched just jumped over, faceplanted, and then got hacked to death as he was on the ground.
Great tactics.

>And that's why I came back. Because you don't have one. A home. But I will help you take it back if I can.
>The company finally opening the door to Erebor.
>Will you stand with me, one last time?
The trilogy was shit overall, but it had some nice moments that really captured the spirit of Tolkien's works. The soundtrack was good too.

forgot link

>some elves are longer than others
>you're daughter been telling stories about me again?
>[elvish guffaw stops suddenly]

Nah they all conveniently clip through everything around them and keep swinging wildly. Just like in your vidyer games user

post the legolas one. you know which one

Basically >he doesn't know about elven iframes
git gud scrub

It's like Vermintide 2 where the elf tries to hog kills, breaks formation but ends up dying while the dwarf and the rest of the party bunker down in a chokepoint.

>complaining about realism is a fantasy genre based film

>armchair tacticians

Attached: 1439800345186.png (200x200, 19K)

pretty much all the best scenes in botfa were all the non fight scenes. I do have to say is that the ending to that film is perfect

Legolas hijinks in the LotR trilogy were already cringeworthy, nonsensical crap.

Attached: gagaga gard.gif (500x210, 977K)

I can still hear it.

Remind me, what was the ending? All I remember is Alfred Lickspittle, the dwarven anti-arrow artillery, CGI Billy Connolly and the coin triggering a catapult.

Gimli was done dirty by Jackson.

>tfw the battle of the 5 armies came out 5 years ago

Attached: Nervous Pepe.jpg (460x397, 39K)

jesus christ

I didn't believe you and had to look it up.

Attached: 1543771477630.png (708x600, 478K)

>post ending in 6
One job. dumb frogposter.


I'm sorry user, I failed you. If the board was filled with people who cared more about the content of their posts than digits it would be a happier place.

>the elf who lands on his face and immediately gets killed

>jump in front of the pikes
w-why though, if you get pushed back an inch you die

>burping Gimli as a walking dwarf jokes generator
>super ninja snowboarding elf
FotR was the best movie of the trilogy because Jackson was still holding himself back. The signs were still there (CGI Legolas with the Moria troll) but it was still limited in bullshit.

No it would be even shittier you faggot.
Now check my 7

All LOTR films were pure kino. John Rhys-Davies is also incredibly based, met him once at a convention, he's very British and loved to talk politics.
user, your post is broken.

The LotR trilogy could have been a fair bit better with a proper director, really. Jackson's a spectacle director, that's it.

>from the maker of Braindead and Bad Taste comes JRR Tolkien's Lord of the Rings
If I was my current age in '99 or whenever they announced the adaptation and who would direct it, I'd have popped a fucking vein.

Visually they were stunning, the soundtrack is still gorgeous, the actors were spot on (save for Bloom perhaps), but things like the Army of the Dead soloing everyone at Minas Tirith, Denethor's farcical death or the Gondorian soldiers being braindead for no reason were bad. Really, really bad. And that was purely Jackson's script at work.

>Gondorian soldiers being braindead for no reason
what do you mean by this one

The more I think about it, and after having read the books again as an adult, the more I've come to realise that the LotR trilogy is not any sort of case for Jackson's skills as a director, but the skills of the other people involved in the production, and how the director's limited influence was for the better.

You mean Tolkien?

I watched her YouTube documentary on the Lord of the Rings/Hobbit series. I think there is a third video you forgot about. They're pretty cool videos. She even has a series on the Transformers movies, I think they are titled "The Whole Plate" after one character who ate a whole plate of donuts.

Yeah, the army of the dead should have been a human army from Gondor's heartland. I liked John Noble's performance as Denethor, his suicide really captured his despair at Mordor's power. How does he die in the books?

>I think

I feel thin, sort of stretched... Like one book stretched over three films... I need a series. A very long series. But I don't expect I'll make it well... In fact I mean not to.

>trolls pushing wooden siege towers towards the wall of Minas Tirith
>Gondorian archers with no fire arrows standing there
Gandalf had to tell them to aim for the trolls instead of the towers, before that they wasted their arrows for no reason.

He throws himself in Faramir's intended pyre and die there instead of running all the fucking way back to the citadel while on fire before jumping to his death.

Tolkien didn't want to expand on the Hobbit but he kind of had to so stretched or not that's what he decided to do.

>fire arrows

Their oficers are in in cahoots with the arrow makers so they ordered the troops to waste arrows so the government will increase the military budged, making a huge profit for the weapon industry. The real question is which taxes they would increase.

John Noble as Denethor was a great cast, but the script they have him was wack. Denethor's wisdom was second to practically no one but the White Council; he seemed as regal as Aragorn and as wizened as Gandalf to Pippin. And Denethor was entirely right in his despair; the strength of Sauron that he'd spied in the Palantir was real, and it would have ground Minas Tirith to dust and enslaved all the peoples of Middle-Earth had the Fellowship not succeeded with their plan, one Denethor could not have known about. Basically, instead of a wise, noble ruler come to his wit's end for very rational reasons, driven to his madness by decades of dwindling hope, and it finally being crushed, he becomes kind of a resentable, petty lord with the same vibe as Theodén before he was healed by Gandalf. It's all in the dialogue, I guess; the presentation. The guy is said to have used the palantir to steal information and secrets from both Sauron and Saruman, who were both incapable of stopping him, as his will was no weaker than theirs.

Here's his death in the books for the record, it's preceded by a fantastic exchange between him and Gandalf:
>‘Come hither!’ he cried to his servants. ‘Come, if you are not all recreant!’ Then two of them ran up the steps
>to him. Swiftly he snatched a torch from the hand of one and sprang back into the house. Before Gandalf could
>hinder him he thrust the brand amid the fuel, and at once it crackled and roared into flame.
>Then Denethor leaped upon the table, and standing there wreathed in fire and smoke he took up the staff of his
>stewardship that lay at his feet and broke it on his knee. Casting the pieces into the blaze he bowed and laid
>himself on the table, clasping the palantir with both hands upon his breast. And it was said that ever after,
>if any man looked in that Stone, unless he had a great strength of will to turn it to other purpose,
>he saw only two aged hands withering in flame.

Peak bait. Ceasar never mastered harry houdiny of half his forces mid phalanx.

houdiny was a magician not a roman

>want to do some funky 48fps 3d thing
>have to ramp up the colours and bloom because of it
>can't show it in 48fps on the bluray release so you're just stuck with the shitty blurry bloom effects
What were they thinking? I don't remember it looking anything special in the cinema either, so what was even the point?

Attached: The Hobbit With The Bloom Effect Toned Down.jpg (833x690, 100K)

>when they formed a circle and allowed to be encircled
>when they charged the fucking oliphaunts with cavalry
these movies always had cringe tactics since the very beginning. you just ignored it because everything else made up for it.

>if any man looked in that Stone, unless he had a great strength of will to turn it to other purpose,
>he saw only two aged hands withering in flame.
Huh, so did people/elves actually start using palantirs again once Sauron was gone, then? I've never thought of that.

>calling him a magician

Attached: Impressed Lich.png (274x346, 114K)

they're only at the black gates to buy time, and getting surrounded takes time. beating the oliphaunts with cavalry is impossible in any case and theoden knows his guys will realize it if they get a second to do it, plus he wants to die

What, were pillum used defensively?

It's amazing how Kubrick always went all out to make scenes like this realistic and hardly anyone else does. This scene is incomparably better

>Lindsay Ellis

Could probably use them that way. Romans were shock infantry though, they weren't pussies. They liked to be the ones doing the charge, not the other way around.

I really like the sun glinting off of their gear as they march, sells the scale really well. The costumes aren't all that good but otherwise it's amazing.

Afaik, only the Orthanc and Minas Tirith palantiri were actually in the hands of Men at the end of the War of the Ring. The rest were recorded as lost at a certain point, or simply unaccounted for, such as the stone that Sauron had, which I assume was either buried in the ruins of his tower or recovered later on. But yeah, the reformed kingdom of Arnor & Gondor used the stones again, presumably putting one in Minas Tirith and the other in some far off place in the realm.

Of course they'd throw them at charging or advancing opponents, ex that watling street battle against boudica and in some situations particular against lots of cavalry they'd use them as spears

Yeah thats what surprised me, the spear heads are so thin and are made to bend surely as soon as the enemy makes contact theyd become useless. Standard spear armed auxilia would do the job better. Also the image has classic segmenta armour with leg warppings, werent those used in the late empire when that armour was not in use? Also that shield is off, shouldn’t it be rectangular for classic imperial legionnaires?

>jumping over your spearmen
Holy fuck.

Aragorn had like a hundred men and wanted to buy time and Rohan was all cavalry, what the fuck were they supposed to do?

>Removing Tom "Wear the One Ring as a Cock Ring" Bombadil was a good call.

Lindsay Ellis can go rot.

It would be impossible to get them all authentic looking uniforms they're pretty close though for me it's how they march in formation instead of charging in like retards it's awe inspiring you can feel how terrifying it must have been to fight romans it's like watching a force of nature slowing advancing toward you imagine watching a mass of death and destruction march toward you with machine like precision before you anyone even had the concept of a machine

no u

>he wanted some hey dol merry dolling to take up screen time like Radagast
Nigga what.

what you wouldnt want Tom showing old man willow who is boss and showing the hobbits his sick pad and hot piece of ass Goldberry

Fuck no. The only good part was them being saved from the wights, showing the origins of the blade that kills the Witch King.

based this actually happened poster

eh, to each his own i guess

Attached: The Alfrid The Battle of Five Alfrids.webm (980x404, 2.84M)

Attached: Dwarves headbutt an orc off of a cliff.webm (1280x444, 2.84M)

daily reminder that you're going to die one day and you wasted your time caring about lord of the rings instead of improving yourself and starting a family

Jackson's elf worship was really lame as he cucked what should have been a badass Dwarven moment.

Now You can also complain that its retarded for swordsmen to leap directly in front of a phalanx with savage heavily armored spear men charging into it but thats really besides the point.

Attached: 1542541201782.gif (1280x720, 912K)

moria was full of goblins, not orcs

I bet you wish you could say the same thing about scoring trips instead of dubs

The movies were such a mess visually, and there were so many dwarves, that I think it hadn't actually clicked for me that the fucker had an axehead in his head, or I knew it in the first movie and had forgotten that detail by the third one. So that moment I wondered what the fuck was going on, why they were pushing eachother like goats, and then I finally either realised or remembered the design choice.

me on the left

>before you anyone even had the concept of a machine
Akshually precise machines are older than the Roman Empire.

Attached: Antikythera_Mechanism_-_National_Archaeological_Museum_Athens_by_Joy_of_Museum-696x348.jpg (696x348, 56K)

Goblins are orcs and all orcs are generally pretty small compared to humans.

Are you autistically butthurt because you somehow think it would have been strategically more intelligent and efficient to let the Orks impale themselves?

That's superficial logic. Everyone knows the elves are almost immortal and have trained for literal centuries, sometimes more, and they are more efficient than dwarf tactics. The element of surprise also gives them an advantage.

Please tell me you weren't this autistic.

One in the first wave just stumbles and falls over lmao

This. AUJ was such a good film despite its problems, but the other two were so bad

teenagers actually love this movie

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Yes, in fact Caesar won the battle of Pharsalus that way
Then again he was a complete madman


It doesnt take a tactician to know that's retarded.

They modeled all the orcs with spears and polearms. Then they decided to have the elves do their wicked smart jump attack, so they had to remove all the spears so said elves didn't impale themselves. Not a single spear to be seen in the followup wide shot.

lord of the rings is shit. great for its time, but in 2019 it has been antiquated by newer fantasy works (baldur's gate II for example)

Havent watched part 3 because of this webm, not even going to pirate it.

how the fuck does someone sign off on this

Imagine how much less retarded that scene had been had the elves come from the other side and acted like the hammer to the dwarves' anvil

Or if they'd just jumped over after the initial wave of orcs had been impaled on the spears(because stupid orc cannonfodder tactics), rendering them useless for the moment. Giving the dwarves the second they needed to discard the spears and join the melee.

>the virgin flank attack vs the chad jump into spears

Dumb lumbafoot

fpbp checked and based

this can't be real