"I-it's bad!"

>"I-it's bad!"
>"Le degenerate sjw tranny mutt blacked pozzed feminist kike propaganda!"

Reminder that kino is kino, regardless of whether it goes against your "values." Quality television about "degeneracy" (anything other than Sesame Street sing alongs in a /pol/tards eyes), is still quality television.Birth of a Nation is literally propaganda and it one of the greatest films ever.

Euphoria is an engaging, perfectly directed story of human ego, dependence and existential sensation in the days of the modern drug crisis and the second sexual revolution. Suggested readings include Introduction to Psychoanalysis, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Infinite Jest, Revolutionary Road, the Brief Wonderous Life of Oscar Wao, Stoner, Howl, Nausea, The Doors of Perception, Orbiting Jupiter, and Divine Comedy.

Euphoria is kino. No amount of reeing will change that.

Attached: 1cbcf291-0ca4-4e23-8632-c3817ba8dcbf.png (1280x720, 1.15M)

[$5 was deposited to your account.]

This. Even that black church shooter thought 12 Years a Slave was kino.

I actually agree. People here are retarded.

Sorry Reddit, but we don't like niggers here. Please move along and take your mental illness with you.

I would watch it if it was about the tranny. I just find zendaya fucking annoying and ugly. I hate her retarded narration.

just makes me want to do drugs. doing drugs is better than watching a show about it.

She grew on me by ep3. Being unattractive helps her case.

so you're saying zendaya is some kind of mold spore? I agree

>Jewish teen drama

show your underage tits

>/pol/ demon conjured
Opinion discarded. If you can’t talk about the merits of the show without sounding deranged and making it another political shouting match then your opinion cannot be trusted.

it's just boring.

Nice seethe, have sex buddy you earned it!

all art is propaganda. good artists pour their entire philosophies into the things they make. bad artists just put in a bunch of pathetically obvious political shit, but it's possible and legitimate to object to technically good art on philosophical grounds as well. when your taste gets sophisticated enough you start to notice all the little recurring motifs and patterns typifying different philosophies and ideologies. i watched catch-22 recently with very little knowledge about either the film or the original book, i couldn't even remember the name of the author. all the same it took me about 10 minutes to identify it as a bunch of pessimistic brooklyn jew neurosis that was not really going to speak to me in any way. watched the rest of it, was pretty ambivalent, did some research, what do you know. heller probably lived down the street from woody allen

not saying anything about the movie you're talking about because i know fuck all about it and don't feel any need to change that

What a retarded post. .. .

Coming of age full of drugs and sex, that's surely a new concept

This is a bad copypasta,
You should delete it from your notepad file.

You are right. Pols complaints are exhausting. Sometimes all it takes is a black character. But the fact is that too much propaganda can be distracting....but that is subjective. Common facts in american will look like propaganda in iran.

I like how this was a dumb post the first time, and it’s dumb today.

See Manufacturing a strawman doesn’t suddenly make this show relevant/shocking/compelling. It’s as laughable as every attempt by the safe corporate establishment to speak to the internet generation. Omg, kids watch porn, omg, porn creates unrealistic expectations, omg, kids either instantly figure out those expectations are bullshit or they become school shooters, omg kids do as much drugs as we did at their age, omg, omg, omg. Hey guys, moral panic on isle 6. Why aren’t you all morally panicking? Well if you’re not going to moral panic then I’m going to pretend like you are!

Shit writing. 3 Minutes in, the daughter asks her mom if she has any tampons. The mom then tells her where the tampons are. What kind of retarded shit is this? The daughter would know where her mom keeps her tampons. The mom would know that her daughter knows where she keeps her tampons. Terrible fucking dialogue.

I was actually surprised how good it is:
>the trans person is clearly mentally ill
>drugs are portrayed as life destroying
>girl fucks a guy at a party, is embarrassed and claims to have been blacked out drunk, that guy gets beaten up for being a "rapist"

>Psychoanalysis, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Infinite Jest, Revolutionary Road, the Brief Wonderous Life of Oscar Wao, Stoner, Howl, Nausea, The Doors of Perception, Orbiting Jupiter, and Divine Comedy.
>I am a faggy degenerate and my addiction turns trash into kino


>the alphaest jock is actually gay and mentally ill, just like his dad
>porn is empowering and not life destroying at all
>leaking a persons nudes is wrong because they’re the currency of this generation
>also please ignore how contradictory 2 and 3 are

>porn is empowering and not life destroying at all
Ive seen 3 episodes and its pretty clear that porn is a negative influence, seen as how the black college guy is surprised when the girl isnt into choking.
>the alphaest jock is actually gay and mentally ill, just like his dad
Hes not mentally ill. Hes a closet homosexual in a small town.
>leaking a persons nudes is wrong because they’re the currency of this generation
And the same narrator also said "Im unreliable" and shes literally a crack addict. Her opinion is irrelevant.
>also please ignore how contradictory 2 and 3 are
In English doc.

enjoy your depression

wow dude sounds super empowering

Your mental gymnastics are impressive. Doesn’t change the fact all your attempts at counter arguments have already been covered in this thread.

what film is this

>ad hominem into deflection
My work here is done.

Nothing about that was an adhom or deflection. Probably actually read a thread.

>12 Years a Slave
Staggering snoozefest. Just because some white liberal had flashbacks back to slavery when he saw this, doesn't mean that the movie was uninteresting drag, with plot more suitable to TV movie, and not cinema movie.

Uhhh, it starts dialogue and challenges taboos, I guess?

>word salad into quick retreat
Your work here is done.