Why do celebrities pretend to care?

Why do celebrities pretend to care?

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to sell tickets, dumbass.

Because you get paid for acting why arnt you? Too much moral in your life? Be a socio schizo like the rest of those money hungry jew pets

It's an image thing. Makes them look good.

They sold their souls so doing shit like this reminds them of what having a soul felt like

>it's a robotic autists on Yea Forums try to understand human behavior episode
getting sick of these reruns

shit I didn't know she had been in Paris

Publicity. Literally nothing else. Reminder that George Clooney, big open border proponent sold all of his Italian properties the second a couple of migrants were moved into his neighborhood.

She could feed an entire village with fresh milk.

>being this delusional
What kind of post-apocalyptic world are you sad fucks living in?

We are talking about Hollywood celebrities here right? Probably the fakest people in the entire world.

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They’re professional pretenders , why wouldn’t they.

She likes to eat babies.

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Actually one of the industries where the majority of people are decent. There's even psychological reasoning behind this, due to the fact that they need to be more empathetic in order to better display human qualities and conditions on screen.
You've just fallen for the Hollywoods are pedo kikes who want to rule the world meme. Not that there isn't truth to any of the rumors, but when you blow it out of proportion, you start leaving rational thought behind.

its a cover up. in reality they are scouting for children for the next jew blood orgy


She should donate some of her milk to my mouth next

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they do it for publicity, but it makes you feel really good about yourself in general. especially the children will treat you like you are Jesus Christ walking on their soil. if someone is suffering a severe depression, I'd recommend a few weeks in Africa.

t. been to Ethiopia many times

Laugh all you want. I have real, tangible experience and I know what I'm talking about.
Your brain has been rotting on contrarianism for so long, you'll turn the other cheek only when everyone else becomes a destructive piece of shit.
Careful about those mind-control chemicals they put in your water.

>Actually one of the industries where the majority of people are decent.
Holy shit, and you're calling other people delusional.

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i haven't laughed this hard since i saw that picture of sinead o conner in a burqa


did you really type all that shit?

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>milk truck come to village

Alice is the only one who truly cares.

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they are rich and bored as shit because they already have all they ever wanted, so they do this shit for the lulz.

>seeing starving people will make you happy

Niggers gonna impregnate her so she can supple everyone milk for years.

Can someone post that video where Hollywood scum are laughing at the thinly veiled joke about Weinstein and also the one where they are giving standing ovation to Polanski to shut this guy up?

They arent pretending

God, I hope she got BLACKED there

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>account I am trying to build
Millenials are really the most useless generation, aren't they?

No, but helping them does

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How easy would it be to photoshop myself into a picture with poor, starving Africans?

Particular to actors is the reality that their success is directly tied to them being someone else. They're essentially toys for directors, writers and producers. To compensate for this there is a desire to take some possession of their own faculties and make it more like "they" (as in the person they really are) earned it. The comedy is that, as you said, once again they find themselves playing a part. Pretending to be someone they're not, pretending to care, and mostly pretending to not be raging sociopath assholes with narcissist personality disorder.

The smartest ones embrace the fact their entire professional life is fake, and look at this as just another method to trick people into liking them and seeing their films.

It's not fake though. Regardless of intent, the fact that they use their platform to uplift impoverished people and draw attention to these issues is impressive. They should be applauded for their efforts irregardless of what you perceive their intent to be.

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Denying the truth in what I say is the most obvious cope ever. It's like I can see the how red your neck is and the shit stains on your pants

You're either 12 or trolling or both.

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10/10 troll

underprivileged children in the developing world need milk

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hollywood only hurts people

he's just a jaded, cold dusche

That comment almost had me thinking I was in a Star Trek General thread.

it's /trek/, you mong

Why dont they just type a paragraph on something and screenshot it then upload it jesus christs, slags are so dumb.

Yeah, what a boob!

>uplift impoverished people
>draw attention to these issues

lmao, slacktivism 101

harder to read.
you're dismissed.

>Probably the fakest people in the entire world.
It's literally their entire job to act like they're someone they aren't. Really makes me think.

Virgin Detected

>>draw attention to these issues
then go back to my mansion and chill by the pool.
My photo-op helped the needy

It's the industry where everyone is a professional liar, and being decent is a facade to increase ticket sales.

take that back


every damn day

some of the gay actors are activists for being gay. that's genuine, no`?

It wasn't funny.

did she give them all fresh milk?

Who is this udder lubber?

many here have issues with social stuff.


It brings private investment into the issue in ways most others cannot. Thanks for your brainlet take though; private investment goes the furthest when it comes to charity


one of the few things I can agree with liberals on. this and splitting up facebook/google

People like you is whats wrong with Yea Forums, you should leave and never come back

Not a day goes by without someone here saying they don't have friends irl and it makes me really sad. I always talk to them to make them feel better.

Holy shit

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easy, you just need to cut yourself out of a photo in mspaint. I’ll do it for you for $50

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>i have tangible experience
>[insane rambling]
Tangible experience in what? Living in a padded room?

>me on the right

Anyone can come here as long as they look at the ads and click on them.

>private investment
>links a bill related to US foreign aid

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whoa nelly

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>There's even psychological reasoning behind this, due to the fact that they need to be more empathetic in order to better display human qualities and conditions on screen.
Jesus fuck, you're one of the guys Ted Bundy could convince he dindu nuffin.

Hey remember that push by the media to get black kids into see black panther? There was a fund set up, you remember.
Why didn't Disney simply give the tickets to poor black kids for free?

here's my patreon

How can anyone say all races are equal?

In terms of beauty and intelligence

White>>East Asian>>light skin european>>> pajeets>>>> black

This. Its a guilt thing for every actor that makes it 100s fail, they are aware they are partially lucky to be rich and famous so this is how they ease that guilt.

Yes but you don't have to buy what the ads sell to post.

I absolutely empathize with them, because I struggle with that sort of thing occasionally myself. but at the same time I think their flawed understanding is ruining society because people take them seriously (ala Twitter). I unironically assume that everyone under a certain age is on the spectrum to some degree.

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>Why didn't Disney simply give the tickets to poor black kids for free?
Because they're a business?

It states that private investment, and greater private investment is "essential" :)

I know you hate celebrities, but why hate celebrities that use their platform for good? It makes no sense

that White Savior image is embarrassing for everyone involved. I wished kids refused to pose with the white savior.

and then go back to their ferraris and cocktails

No, who even thinks that?

Is it not really fucking rude to keep your sunglasses on when you speak to people? Can she not remove the 900 dollar aviators for a few minutes and pretend she isn't above it all?

autism is like 1 in 100 peeps (you)

Ads? Whats ads? Only idiots and boomers see ads on the internet

never mind, it wants me to sign up just to view your profile and I’m not doing that, sorry.
also you spelled patreon wrong.

No, that's not daddario.
No u

I was talking to you pussy.

It depends. Sun damages the eyes so there's no big deal about wearing sunglasses outside. Only brainlets would get triggered, but it is seen as more kind to take them off I feel

they use their platforms too look good and get good girl points to stave off suicide in a world where money makes relationships a paranoid nightmare.

did you see the new movie on netflix? I’m pretty sure Bundy didn’t do it

Face blindness is a sign of autism btw

>Race-baiting hate mongers judging others about decency.

el oh el

everything is wrong!
nothing is right!
sits in room by monitor and plays fortinte