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Pretentious, boring trash. Refn is a one hit wonder hack.

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I fell asleep during the second episode.

but you didn't watch it. you're just a clown world retard that thinks its propaganda about jews or something. kys.

it's great


garbage. i liked OGF and its a worse version of that stretched out for 13 hours

Why does this seem like True Detective Season 2?

Check the IMDB ratings for every episodes
Now check the rating for the pornographer episode

Refn still has it when he isn't shoehorning his gay silent long-shots

>t. leftycuck

I'm not kidding when I say it's pure kino.

I've dropped it on the 4th episode and no i don't give a shjt about its politics. Making every scene purple, blue and taking a 10 minute break between every line the characters speak doesn't make your show deep or interesting.

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The long shots work if he's working with a charismatic lead like Goose or Mads or Tom Hardy.


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It's great, shame about the final episode though.

>having the attention span of a 10 year old kid

>muh celebrities
Why do you care more about the actors than the writing? Martin Jones is better written than Driver or any character Refn has done before, you'd notice this if you actually managed to put attention for longer than a minute.

Also the lead actor has the most punchable face ever. I fucking hated it whenever he was on scene. This nigga right on the spot.

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>it's another " it gets good after episode x" episode
guess i'll watch it anyways since Refn is an interesting autist

Control your emotions, child. Not every character is made so you can jack off to him.

What does attention span have to do with it when there is nothing worth paying attention to. You're just attempting to brush aside all criticism. Martin is a shallow nothing of a character, any of the protagonists of the three Pusher movies are more well written than him.

martin isn't the protagonist

It’s kino, some very brilliant scenes and the choice of music was great. Miles played the taciturn cop turned vigilante well and everyone else did a solid job too. Also Yaritza was fucking hot in the show but every image I find of the actress she looks meh

You obviously haven't seen Pusher trilogy.

I liked it a lot. Though even at around 13 hours it still feels like it was just the first half of a larger story. Which I guess is good in a way? Better than feeling like it went on for too long

What criticism did i ignore? is complaining that it's too purple "criticism" that is meant to be taken seriously? the use of color is used to create atmosphere, do you think Refn chose to add a neon color scheme because he thought the movie would be instantly deep? what the actual fuck does the color scheme have to do with the series being good or not? it's just one of the many things that make the series, it's not the focus and i did not find it boring, and plenty of other posters did not find it boring, is that not proof enough that your attention span is weaker than mine? the reason you found it boring is because you have the attention span or a teenager or you're a wagie that just wants to be mindlessly entertained by shootouts and car chases. I guess the fact that you think that Martin has no character is proof enough that you can't actually think while watching, do you need Martin to look at the camera and tell you all his goals and aspirations?

>Also Yaritza was fucking hot in the show but every image I find of the actress she looks meh

For me it's the opposite

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It’s going to be a series, right?

don't think refn wants to come back to it. there's an interview out there somewhere

Apparently it’s one and done. Which is fine by me I guess, the ending felt pretty conclusive, although there are plenty of places to go for another season.

I get the impression it's a one-off. If Amazon throws more money at Refn he might end up doing something else rather than continue this one

Best TV show of the last 10 years

>do you need Martin to look at the camera and tell you all his goals and aspirations?
The fact that this never happens is what makes it great.

When I tell people of this show, I explain it as a mystery thriller, where the mystery is what the character is thinking, which is why there are long pauses in dialogue, and the thriller aspect is their actions.

>you will never drive through the night listening to Barry Manilow for vengeance

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i'd just like to say that watching Yea Forums trying to bend over backward to convince themselves this was not only watchable but also kino has been far more entertaining than the show itself

weird flex but okay

It was..........................................all right.

Damn it’s been such a long time since a pleb filter has been released I almost forgot what’s it’s like to see posts like these


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did anyone rip it/make a torrent? my prime subscription ran up.


Ending sucked hard

You should’ve started it on episode 4 and ended on episode 8 pleb