drink water
Drink water
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shush. pee is supposed to be golden brown
I put a little water in my whiskey.
White Power
Does anyone not carry around one of these at all times?
what, in your purse?
you're so good to me
>oy vey goy remember to drink at least 2 litres of estrog- I mean pure clean water every day!
I've never understood the point of carrying around a water bottle unless you are excising.
How fucked are peoples internals where they can't spend a couple of hours without drinking water? It's not like they are doing manual labor in a field, they are slowly walking/being driven around town.
Still, better than buying water bottles like some mongoloid I suppose.
In my backpack, dum-dum. Everyone on my campus does.
supposed to drink at least 2 L of water every day. If you're not sipping every 5 min, your piss isn't coming out clear.
Only this
you mean soda?
How bad are American water treatment plants anyways?
Fuck you and your retarded bottle. It is impossible to drink from it without giving yourself an involuntary shower.
Just like women, then.
>having the shakes this badly
You should be drinking more water if you are going through alcohol withdrawals, user.
Not cleaning up estrogen from birth control pills is not a problem exclusive to America if you think that. My country definitely doesn't do it and we supposedly have some of the best water treatment in the world.
And it's not hard doing that without carrying around a fucking water bottle.
>mum dad I wanna be a model
>supposed to drink at least 2 L of water every day
That's actually not true, just some bullshit that people spread around for no particular reason. You are suposed to drink as much water as your body asks for, there's no need nor reason to force yourself beyond that. Also, the original text this comes from says you have to consume 2l of water, not drink, which means it should add up to 2l including the water contained in your food/milk/etc.
My campus can afford water fountains.
so no, I do not
My campus has those fountains with water bottle refill stations. It's very convenient.
stay away from te aqua
I actually did some quick calculations a couple of months back looking at a report from the plant closest to me just because I was curious.
If I recall the amounts of trace estrogen were basically on par with eating a single birth control pill during your entire lifetime.
Remember to help your bros hydrate too
you dumb niggerfaggot. You are not perfect. You can be distracted or focus intently on something and forget to drink. The point is to remind people
man he must have been really thirsty
I put it in my wine like the Greeks
I don't drink water I drink semen
Do you fuck little boys too?
I put it in my vinegar like the Romans.
wow she is pretty hot for a man
It's not a purse, it's European.
I 100% would even if that is an obvious tranny.
Fuck white people
>inexpensive reusable water bottle BAD
Yeah but muh estrogen boogeyman le cuck
Im an alt-right autist and my masculinity is very fragile you see
Well, to be fair plastic water bottles, especially inexpensive ones, are kinda bad if you don't want to be a lady.
is that sneaky?
Lol I'll take my chances with my nalgene. I think you got memed.
why is she flashing a white power symbol?
>Does anyone not carry around one of these at all times?
she's making fun of all the non-whites with no source of clean water
I'd much rather drink out of my own personal reusable bottle than a gross public water fountain. You do you though.
Any water bottle is reusable you stupid mayo cuck.
Ever heard of drinking a larger quantity of water at once?
>being so fat you can't walk more than 10 minutes without needing a drink of water
You people need to be lobotomized.
fucking zoomers are afraid of water fountains now
Whats that queer doing now?
I'm a student so I'm walking all over campus all day as well as going to the gym.
Have you actually looked at most public fountains? Fucking gross, dude.
what's wrong with liking water? fuck you fucking autists
based and redpilled
I will if she drinks it and then spits it into my mouth
>staying hydrated is soi
Sounds like those third world countries need to get their shit together. It's 2019 stop living in the stone age
Only $30 a pop!
Stallion milk > all
True enough but nalgenes are cheap, super durable and made in the USA.
probably sucking dicks
How can people be this pathetic?
No, there are plenty of other ways to remind people that don't require lying to them. Giving false information for a good reason is still giving false information. Some people get too obsessed with the 2l thing.
I really want to find the men who give money to this woman and taunt them into getting into a fistfight with me just so they can feel empowered for one moment in their life.
I'm disgusted by these women almost as much as I am by the men who donate to these grotesque whores, but at least with the men maybe if they get their ass kicked and experience adrenaline for the first time in their life, maybe they will reexamine their current trajectory and adjust to being functional men instead of emotionally crippled boys.
Ok sheogorath
I am actually a collector of myself
You still haven't paid there, faggot.
Water is a meme.
$4.50 shipping on that many things of water is actually a good deal.
>he doesn't carry around a can of test to add a scoop every time he drinks water
>ok hand sign
>how many of those people are probably brazilian
>mfw that fatass aum shrinrikyo cult leader did this
Of course I do. I take Adderall six days a week and prefer not to pass out in the heat of the summer, thanks.
>half an hour has passed
wtf where is he?
Thanks buddeh!
>$4.50 shipping on that many things of water is actually a good deal.
It will pay for itself with sufficient quantity.
guess I'm montenegrin, huh
How many fucking baths does she take?
Is it homeopathic bath water?
Nah, I keep a Contigo in my gym bag though.
It's just tap water, user.
Belle is a hustler I respect dat
i always do
There's obviously at least 1 guy directing her and reaping the benefits, a sort of pimp who understands the beta mindset. I respect him more than the dumb whore. And I respect the dumb whore waaay more than the betabuck sap-sucking faggots who patronize her.
Why is she doing the white supremacist sign?
>1 cubic ton of makeup
that dude probably has more beard than 20 no chin soiboys
>drink FILTERED water
Stay hydrated is a code word meaning Fuck Niggers that thotties use
just drink few glasses of water a day, some soda and some beer plus whiskey on weekends and you ll be fine.
>being proud of recognizing and remembering every stupid pasta here
So why cant every Tranny faggot put effort into it and look like this.
i've been drinking nothing but GFUEL for like a week now and i cannot seem to get hydrated. i even bought the GFUEL hydration mix but my pee is still bright yellow and i only go like once a day. the fuck am i doing wrong here?
>being a newfag
hey I got one of those
Drink more you absolute fucking mong.
How can you fail at doing the most fundamental, basic part of what every living organism needs to survive lmfao
Stop spending so much time here.
i can't handle any more caffeine bro, i can't. I tried a mostly full rainbow unicorn bang that my sister left on the coffee table because it was clear i thought it would clear my pee up but it just triggered caffeine anxiety.
Actually you're supposed to drink one ounce for every lb you weigh. You're going to be functioning at optimal levels that weight.
And drink water
you live in your mom's basement and dont have a job
dont lie to us. we know you arent le ebic colleg stoodint
go outside
Dilate lmfao
how's the weight loss going, adderallfren
go die newcunt redditnigger
Drink water.
water is annoying. just an hour ago i went to take a shower, water turns on and it immediately smells of rain. gross. drink rain? bro.
Are you delusional? College students are the main userbase for Yea Forums and always have been. How poor are you?