>hang out with a girl i've met for 2-3 months now
>seems nice enough
>begin sharing our fetishes and some porn clips etc
>beastiality is brought up indirectly
>she brings up dogs fucking women and how its easy to find such videos
>I say all beastiality is animal abuse because dogs or what ever can't consent to that shit and it's disgusting
>she gets defensive
bros what the FUCK is wrong with women?
Hang out with a girl i've met for 2-3 months now
you forgot to add: kinos for this feel?
I already know she is white
>>I say all beastiality is animal abuse because dogs or what ever can't consent to that shit and it's disgusting
That's bullshit tho.
well you're right, but surely it's consequential
You are either vegan or a hypocrite.
They can't consent to being pets either
Stop posting about your imaginary girlfriend. Have sex, for real
Nor can they consent to being turned into meat.
>dogs can't give consent
What kind of retarded bullshit is this? You're saying all sex between dogs throughout history is rape?
Hello Adam
The word you're looking for is coincidental
>sharing porn clips
Is this something zoomers really do?
>begin sharing our fetishes and some porn clips etc
do people really do this?
t. american prude
well first she sent some lewd pics, then fetishes were brought up, and we share porn every other morning, but now I'm getting doubts if she legit wants to get fucked by dogs
>one woman is insane
>bro women are crazy wtf
you're fucking stupid negro
no hes making shit up
believe what you want I guess
More likely he meant inconsequential. He probably uses words like "irregardless" too.
>he doenst know about the dogpill
Lmaoing @ ur life kiddo
>I say all beastiality is animal abuse because dogs or what ever can't consent
Horny dogs jump on those disgusting hoes faster than guys. They are dogs for fucks sake. They will fuck a pillow, your leg, basically anything so imagine their brain when a girl turn around. Just remember to get a bitch if you ever move together