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Overrated movie.


>whip crack

How old are you user? Not judging just interested.

Was he our guy?

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I always wondered if they just spent that whole show alternating those two songs. Some years back, some fans found the audio for a third song they were supposed to perform at Bob's Country Bunker, but it got cut from the final version. Here you go:

It's a shame that so much of the cut footage from this film was lost or destroyed. I would kill to see whatever 4 hour fever-dream Akyroyd had originally cooked up.

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I know there's some kind of extended edition of the movie, but I haven't seen it.

I'm really glad a lot of vocal music from the 40s has been lost to time. Try listening to the Andrews Sisters; it's awful.

There was an extended edition released around the time of the first DVD remaster. It's got like 15 extra minutes or so. The jail scenes in the beginning are extended and sets the atmosphere a lot better. They show Elwood quitting his job at the aerosol factory, a bit of the brothers talking outside of church before they go in, and they show where Elwood parks the Bluesmobile, which is kind of amusing. There's a bit where Elwood sabotages a bunch of police cars before the final concert. A lot of other stuff is just odds and ends that extend already-existing scenes, sometimes even just brief cuts or reaction shots, but they're very "soulful" moments, for lack of a better word. Like, there's a shot at the very end where Jake and Elwood are waiting for the tax assessor to get off his lunch break, and they're just practicing snapping their fingers like Curly from the Three Stooges while the SWAT teams are bearing down on them. It's such a flawless comedic beat that really re-affirms their characterizations, I can't imagine the movie without it anymore. I can see why they decided to cut all these bits, but the movie is undeniably better for having them restored, especially if you're already a fan in the first place. With a movie already as absurd as The Blues Brothers, more is always more.

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You hella gay user

I own this version. Its the one to watch.

Spotted the discord tranny

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I've watched this version since i was a kid

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Fucking loser

Considering the artists featured in it have no equivalent today and are also all dead id say you are scientifically incorrect.

If anyone is from Orlando, they still do a live Blues Brothers how at Universal and it's great. Don't know how much longer it has left though considering this movie is almost 40 years old.

Actually, the MPAA has officially declared that The Blues Brothers (1980) is, quantifiably, the least overrated movie of all time.

except thats a still from them doing Stand By Your Man

saw a discount show in Branson where they did Blues brothers, Elvis, Marilyn Monroe does Happy Birthday Mr. President and Santa Baby. They all had a good energy, I was surprised. My Dad had the white cassette tape of the movie soundtrack and we would always listen to it in his truck crossing state lines.

>our guy
Fuck off to >>>>/reddddit/ with that faggotry.

t. Hasn't seen God.

That's the only version I've ever seen since I were little.