Cast the 2016 election biopic

Cast the 2016 election biopic

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>yes I post about politics on Yea Forums, how did you know?

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Idris Elba

Trump - Dwayne Johnson
Clinton - ScarJo
Bernie - Danny Devito
Putin - Mads
The Hacker Known as Yea Forums - Ryan Gosling

Sneed as Trump
Chuck as Hillary

Thomas F. Wilson as Trump

I hate immigrants so goddamn much. They bring their retarded brainlet culture here while at the same time not learning the native culture, customs or language. Coming from a filthy place and even filthier themselves, always breaking the law and running from the enforcers. They behave like rats in a corner when you try to deport as many of them back as possible. Parasites and leeches by nature they do not ever contribute positively and are only welcomed by "people" who arent native themselves or evildoers who were in need of useful idiots to spread their toxic waste.
I hope that one day I will be free of these crossboarding reddit refugees.

>Stop posting off topic threads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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do they make films without any good guys?

this timeline is so stupid that i wouldnt be surprised if they just played themselves

What do you mean the good guy is obviously Jeb

Would Martin Sheen play a good Trump?

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Michael B. Jordan as Trump
Ryan Gosling as Hilary
Madds Mikkelsen as Bernie
Idris Elba as Putin
The Rock as The Zodiac Killer

it should be a big guy

forgot about Jeb, Goose should play him and we give the role of Hillary to JLaw

Bernie would have beat him.

No, but his brother Joe would.

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>be Killary
>millennials love this Bernie guy
>use connections to rig primaries, assuming the Bernie supporters will vote dem regardless
>Bernie supporters end up not voting or vote trump out of spite
It had to be this way, it was funnier.

Brendan Gleeson for Trump.

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based Tom is really annoyed by that shit and would never

>Bernie - Danny Devito

epic post fellow phoneposter

It's already cast

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