Daisy Ridley Feels THE LAST JEDI Backlash Is "Fair"

>I wasn't surprised, no. It’s just a different thing," replied Ridley. "Everyone’s going to have an opinion now anyway on the internet, but I also think it’s fair. If people hold something incredibly dear and think they know how it should be and it's not like that, it’s fair for people to think they were done wrong.

>It doesn’t mean they were – ultimately, Rian’s a filmmaker and one person can’t dictate how a film is supposed to be – but freedom of expression, sure."

The DAMAGE CONTROL continues



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Is Rian Wifeson still making his own star wars movies?

I always felt like she kind of got it. She put so much work into training for the role I almost feel bad for her getting such a shit character and terrible directors to work woth

Daisy has never really been the worst part of these movies. She's charming enough in interviews but the material she has to work with it is absolute trash.

I believe the entire cast was chosen well, even Rose and the SJW looking lady general. They all just got screwed over by the writers and directors they were paired with.

Is she dare I say, /ourgal/?

the absolute state of angl*s, wh*toids, s*y wars and ****

Holy shit they are actually scared the next one isn't going to do well.

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How long before Disney representatives are actively insulting TLJ? It can't be long now

Wait, is Daisy a sexist/misogynist manbaby?

>She put so much work into training for the role I almost feel bad for her getting such a shit character and terrible directors to work woth

Some of that might explain Mark's hate for the film. You remember what he looked like before the Mouse got him a personal trainer? Hell, Disney might have saved him from an early death.

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Just wait til the next trilogy

What? No, that's insane

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JJ's not going to be happy with her

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This. The cast is fine they're just brining shit to life and they have no say in it at all.

Yes feel bad for the feminist who made millions of dollars

Meek attempt at appeasement. While still telling people how they feel is wrong and they better should eat the shit they got thrown on the plate.

>smash burger

i had it once it was pretty mediocre. 5 guys way better

>They were the real sexist/misogynist manbabies all along.

Rose's actress looks fine IRL too but repulsive in the movie.

only turbo sluts like 5 guys

jub jub

I can't wait for the media shill campaign
>Yeah, WE ALL KNOW The Last Jedi was (slightly negative adjective), but Episode IX is going to be exactly what YOU want!
>Written by some Jew who wrote clickbait dictated by Disney about how if you don't like Last Jedi you're a racist, sexist troll

It's as if money can't replace satisfaction of a job well done and time spent on a worthwhile project.

Dont forget
>It's the best SW film since empire!

Surprisingly more reasonable than Brie Larson reacting to fan hate, I'll give her that. Maybe it's because she's British and not a spoiled American brat.

Right on schedule.

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Daisy's thinking about her career after Star Wars. She's already trying to distance herself from the trainwreck.

It is, brainlet

fuck her

I've given up ENTIRELY. With full abandon.

All I wanted was a Blade Runner/Western video game with young Boba Fett hunting Jedi in Coruscant.

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WTF? I love Daisy Ridley now

>racist, sexist troll
my favorite was blaming RUSSIAN HACKERS for the RT scores
they are literally NPCs. they just repeat whatever is trending

there's bounty hunter. but thats Jango

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People who disliked TLJ have shit taste.

i wonder what is words were but not enough to give any website clicks

>ultimately, Rian’s a filmmaker and one person can’t dictate how a film is supposed to be –

Which is exactly what he did because he's a filmmaker

can somebody refresh my memory
in return of the jedi did ben and yoda tell luke that he needs to kill vader or just imply it?

I haven't clicked an article since 2015. I hate journalists with all my heart.

>It doesn’t mean they were – ultimately, Rian’s a filmmaker and one person can’t dictate how a film is supposed to be – but freedom of expression, sure."

after 3 mayor flops, solo was flop number 1
if disney hurts enough money they will literally do anything to get the old fans back.
can you imagine how much ridicule they will get if they manage to turn the golden cow that was star wars into a flop machine?

bad take

good on you user.
considering that most of them are literally starving every denial of click helps

She know her career is done and she is just trying to score some brownie point with star wars fan to make them sympathize with her

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really i'm just sad that these now star wars movies are so poorly memeable. the only funny thing that got memed about was adam driver's wide as fuck chest

Daisy is just an actress, same as that girl who played Jar Jar Chinks.
Anybody directing their hatred for the bad characters at the actors who play them are actually mentally ill.

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Mark probably told her that the jobs will dry up and she'll need those autograph gigs. He's a nice enough guy. Even in the early 90's he'd go sign anything for $10 and do the joker laugh for fans.

do I even ask what idiotic identity politics they are going to put in this time?

Obi Wan: You must face Darth Vader again.
Luke: I can't kill my own father.
Obi Wan: Then the emperor has already won.

>She know her career is done
Nah, she's been a good little stormtrooper for the mouse. As long as you toe the party line Disney will throw you enough bones to eat, at least for awhile.

thanks, what I thought but had to be sure

time for furries. It turns out Chewbacca was a human woman in disguise the whole time.

thankfully JewJew will just run Star Wars into the ground like he did with Star Trek.

The thumbnail looks like he's holding a flaccid lightsabre, a perfect representation of the franchise at present.

I was watching clips of those the other day. I'd almost forgot they existed. Wish I had.

She should have just been the "strongg gurrl" of the group. The black guy should have been the jedi. It makes more sense that way if they wanted a soft reboot of ANH like they intended.

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TFA was so bad that I never bothered to see TLJ. I already knew the shitshow of a franchise was over at that point, and if TLJ made an even bigger stink? Fuck, I am surprised people didn't riot at Disney.

But I thought it was sexist to call her a Mary Sue.

Half of what the media qualifies as "hate" is just banter.
I mean the prequels kid and jar jar werent even around for social media.

Is just the fact that there big first role was such shitty characters and thats all they were known for.

söy 4 u

>It makes more sense that way if they wanted a soft reboot of ANH like they intended
Kathleen Kennedy wanted a genderswapped version of 4-5-6 but Johnson wanted to torpedo the tropes. All the flack she's getting in LA is "how hard is it to just copy the original trilogy" which is a pretty honest example of the cancer in Hollywood; It's not a problem that she wanted to plagiarize the originals, it's a problem that she fucked it up.

Pretty sure a cokehead with zero acting skills gives a shit about her “craft”

i think that would've actually been pretty cool since it's always more fun to root for the non-jedi to kick ass, and it's more exciting when they do so.

>old trilogy
>han solo is the savvy cool guy of the group who's good with a gun
>luke is a bit of a goofy comic relief in new hope, and it takes him 3 movies to become a stoic master of the force
>leia is the headstrong and smart girl who is not afraid to tackle tough opponents

but then in the new trilogy

>finn is the comic relief who acts as the worst qualities of all 3 main characters from the old trilogy
>rey is the badass cool girl who acts as the best qualities of all 3 main characters from the old trilogy

splitting it up as finn being the comic relief that turns into a badass later would make way more sense. or at least make rey like a dumbass who gets herself into trouble all the time despite her jedi powers.

>Rian’s a filmmaker and one person can’t dictate how a film is supposed to be
No surpirse the Disney postergirl is saying movies can’t be a single person’s vision

>smash burger

>She put so much work into training for the role
Then why couldn't she hold her lightsaber correctly once in the entire movie? It really is not that hard, just don't put your hand where the deadly part is suposed to be.

She's innocent in that regard, true.

She got paid to do it. Get off her flat tits.

i will feel something for her only if she sucks my dick
then maybe i will symphatize

Absolutely based, fuck journos & fuck jannies

>can you imagine how much ridicule they will get if they manage to turn the golden cow that was star wars into a flop machine?
If Star Wars becomes a flop machine Disney and their apologists will just claim, "Star Wars wasn't the franchise with the fan base we thought it was. It was just a few fun movies from the 70s and 80s."