Why did he do it?

Why did he do it?

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Hes a nigger.

Virtue signalers usually have dark secrets and enough skeletons in the closet to staff more than one haunted house. He bitched out Eddie Murphy for being too vulgar, probably right after he drugged some 14 year old friend of his kids.

because he wanted to and had the opportunity. why did harvey do it? why did pic related do it? because they are pigs and because they could

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>Virtue signalers usually have dark secrets and enough skeletons in the closet to staff more than one haunted house

Bullshit statement to discredit people who follow ideals. Just because there's a few bad examples doesn't mean there's not an absolute majority of people who just actively do what they think is right.

Power corrupts.

>Virtue signalers usually have dark secrets

Based Pryor was a degenerate but he was an honest motherfucker who warned us about the nigga from Philly with a God Complex

A black man in the 60's and 70's, or any period of time, drugging and raping white women for this long and not one of them immediately went to the police?


Bill Cosby is my hero

Don't you have to go and dilate then watch some shitty slam poetry?

Go fuck yourself

>virtue signalers are evil and phony, because bill cosby is a rapist

>He bitched out Eddie Murphy for being too vulgar

He did that not because he was a virtue signaler or believed in non-vulgar language, he did that because his own target audience were families. of course he would act like a nun in public

See? Exactly what I mean. You hate all the "pc people" and trannies and whatnot, so Bill Cosby being a rapist perfectly fits your agenda and is the best example to discredit everyone who's not sexist and racist as having "dark secrets" and whatnot

Just neck yourself

4chanel told him to have sex and he listened

>do what they think is right
>he thinks this is a good thing and that ‘right’ exists and the definition doesn’t vary based on people’s own values and codes they follow
A murderer, cannibal, and child rapist thinks what they’re doing is right. They feel it’s right, so they do it. That doesn’t mean it is right, you absolute fucking retard.

>A murderer, cannibal, and child rapist thinks what they’re doing is right. They feel it’s right, so they do it. That doesn’t mean it is right, you absolute fucking retard.
No, you absolute fucking retard, those people are still aware that it is objectively wrong to kill and eat people, otherwise they would do it in public and not try to cover it up.

Fucking imbecile

Because he was so horny and lonely ahhhhhhhhh

He didn't do a goddamn thing. Half those whores fucked him for free, the other half are lying for fame.

He is innocent, and doesn't deserve to be in jail. His constant talk about how niggers should stop being niggers and act like respectable human beings was rankling the jews, and his plans to buy NBC were the last straw. The nigger had to go. We know he fucked a lot of white women, so yeah, that's an easy spin into mass rapist.

All jew shit fuck them all. Bill Cosby innocent.

>He didn't do a goddamn thing. Half those whores fucked him for free, the other half are lying for fame.
>He didn't do a goddamn thing. Half those whores fucked him for free, the other half are lying for fame.
>source: dude trust me

He made that pudding pop.

Yes yes jew your greentext is very effective.

>And he spake this parable unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others: Two men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican. The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican. I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess. And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner. I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.

Virtue signalers are usually shitty people. This is not a new phenomenon.
>hurrrrr christfag
Moot point, whenever you want to say the Bible was written, there were parables about virtue signalers being shitty people and to be wary of them. That was my point. Throughout the history of civilization, virtue signalers have been with us and it is wise to question them.

Why did he do it?

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Look at this idiot. Everybody point and laugh

>Virtue signalers are usually shitty people
that's not the fuck conclusion dude, the conclusion is that the biggest virtue signalers are sometimes shitty people, not that virtue signalers in general are shitty people. that's fucking retarded.

Spotted the virtue signaler.

Only because it’s illegal. If there was zero repercussions, they would do it anywhere, anytime, for any reason. You said FEEL what they think is right, and criminals feel like doing whatever crimes they do. You’re a literal braindead waste.

You sound like the type who posts on resetera.

Are active christians mostly shitty people? Do you really think that? Priests are sometimes shitty people that rape and molest children.

>Virtue signalers are usually shitty people
Is really not the correct conclusion from that excerpt

old white men are vile

No you dense idiot.

>what they feel is objectively right

here, let me correct it for you, i hope now it's retard proof and you realize how fucking retarded you are.

what's wrong with being a virtue signaler? I'm not though, I just think that many of the people on here are completely full of shit and nothing but a miserable bunch of racists and sexists. that doesn't make me a virtue signaler, it makes me somewhat normal

He was a big guy.

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>that's not the correct conclusion
>but here lemme make a completely irrelevant incorrect conclusion of my own
Pick your poison.

This outward-sainted deputy,
Whose settled visage and deliberate word
Nips youth i' the head and follies doth emmew
As falcon doth the fowl, is yet a devil
His filth within being cast, he would appear
A pond as deep as hell.

Damn, user. Called it, didn't ya?


He's a cumbrain.

>spoke against BLM
>this happen

jeez what a coincidence

Because he could. Women need to remember the only thing that keeps men from completely subjugating them is male willpower and judgment. For the most part any man on any given day could beat and rape the shit out of any given women at any given time.(There are of course probably extreme exceptions not all women are mma fighters however) We just don't because we're good people.

that's not even remotely an argument. if you think it means that virtue signalers are "usually" shitty people, do you think that active christians are "usually" shitty people?

Evil people hiding behind virtues makes sense, but concluding that everyone with virtues must have them to hide his evilness is just fucking stupid

dubs, based and FPBP

At least he told all the other blacks to not bitch about racism and get their shit together, talk like normal people and pull up their pants. That's why the negro defense force was so meek in his case.

daily reminder that his son Ennis Cosby that was killed by that gay prostitute from ukraine, was a serial killer, pedophile and rapist.

>source: my racist ass

He fucked up Lisa Bonet so bad that he had to make the network give her a show. and he molested raven symone so that she ended up a lesbian.

pedo detected
k you pedo apologist

what the fuck are you even talking about man

Yeah people will accuse anyone who advocates anything of virtue signaling. Even if the person is disingenuous and just doing it for kudos or whatever else, pointing that out doesn't actually address their argument or prove why they're wrong at all.

the question isnt why some priest who is a modern jesuit influenced homosexual who went into the priesthood to cover his tracks is so bad, its WHY DID BILL COSBY DO IT?

stop deflecting the question you jew.

>who actively do what daddy says is right

>pedo detected
take your fucking meds, schizo

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I fail to see how being an active Christian makes you a virtue signaler.
>Faith is not what some people think it is. Their human dream is a delusion. Because they observe that faith is not followed by good works or a better life, they fall into error, even though they speak and hear much about faith. “Faith is not enough,” they say, “You must do good works, you must be pious to be saved.” They think that, when you hear the gospel, you start working, creating by your own strength a thankful heart which says, “I believe.” That is what they think true faith is. But, because this is a human idea, a dream, the heart never learns anything from it, so it does nothing and reform doesn’t come from this `faith,’ either.
>He stumbles around and looks for faith and good works, even though he does not know what faith or good works are. Yet he gossips and chatters about faith and good works with many words.
>gossips and chatters
>gossips and chatters
>gossips and chatters
>gossips and chatters
I think most virtue signalers, regardless of their faith or lack thereof as is obviously your case, are shitty people. Gilden. They have a shiny exterior but are rotten and dead inside.

I already answered the question, goy

same reason they always do. whether it's trivial or major there's a type always wants to see how much they'll be allowed to get away with and maybe even they want to get caught

It does though, brainlet

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Because being an active christian literally means being a virtue signaler? active like in active user, not passive.
and you're just over and over repeating the same thing. it doesn't make much sense that the main motivation for people to signal virtues would be to cover up their own rott, what the fuck. the vast majority do it because they think it's the objectively right thing to do.

i mean you as a christian, with all the scandals and abuse of power, i understand that you think everyone who's signalling virtues must be after your kids

>people who tell you to do the right thing are bad, they just do it to hide that they do the bad thing themselves
>people who tell you not to do the right thing are good, because they.. have nothing to hide?

what? that's just stupid dude

Honestly kinda sounds like nothing but your excuse to openly act racist and sexist. Because "virtue signalers are usually bad people", i mean look at Bill Cosby, so virtue signaling is wrong and being a racist asshole in public is the correct thing to do - by conclusion. Because the only reason to signal virtues is hiding that you don't have any of your own.

Because he could.

Why are you assuming I'm a Christian? I posted an excerpt from the Bible to prove the point that people have been virtue signaling throughout recorded human history. I then posted Shakespeare. You are now harping on Christianity because you're a fedora tipper, you fell for the oldest fucking trick in the book you tourist newfag.
Why do you assume I openly act racist and sexist? Because I post of Yea Forums?

>Why do you assume I openly act racist and sexist? Because I post of Yea Forums?
Well, yeah, kinda. But also because
I mean it's just an assumption, but I think it's correct. Just like the fact that, again, you completely dodged the question and basically just repeated yourself. again.

and why do you assume i'm a "fedora tipper"? also yes, people citing the bible are usually christians. Hence my assumption you might be a christian. Crazy, I know.


>user is one person
gtfo and stay go, newfag.

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>feeling the need to reply
pedo detected

that's not what i was trying to say dude, i meant that it's the same principle and the same reason to have the odd need to discredit everyone who's publicly promoting virtues


>objectively right


>what they think is objectively right
>what they think


Because NO MATTER HOW RICH YOU ARE bitches still talk during sex.

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the worst part is the hypocrisy

Because he felt he could get away with it.

Everytime someone asks what they would do if they were invisible, most guys say “le rape!!!!” That’s what he thought living as a celebrity with lots of star power.

He dindu noffi. They did mah boi dirty.

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