Gordon's burgers start looking better every video
Gordon's burgers start looking better every video
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Which one is better Yea Forums ?
how do you even eat this
i dont trust anyone british inside a kitchen ever, gordon is a hack fraud
It's a really good burger obviously, but then again making good burgers is something a toddler could do. What makes it funny is that his skyscraper burgers are harder to eat than the one he complained about being unable to take a bite off, but obviously his show is just entertainment and he understands stacked burgers are typical.
how come the bacon i buy look nothing like Gordon's
He butchers his own pigs.
it looks so fucking good
jesus christ
stick to french food gordon
oh no no no
Just buy bacon from a butcher or supermarket that has fresh cuts of meat, it will be good. Packaged meat in general has some disadvantages when it comes to taste.
He'd have lost his fucking shit if someone served him that for fucks sake
I have but it never looks as good as that bacon
yeah cuz his meat comes from the chillest pigs and the hottest cows on earth
the absolute state of it
looks like a fucking drooping mess, I can imagine his reaction if he was served that
>Oh come on, what the fuck is this?
>Now that *looks to the camera* is a sad burger
A fried egg always turns a burger into a fucking mess and doesn't add anything worthwhile. Anyone who argues otherwise is wrong.
My fetish is to watch Gordon Ramsay pegged into submission by Marco Pierre White. He is such a hack.
If Gordon was served that on an episode of Kitchen Nightmares he’d flip out.
>how am I supposed to eat this?
>there’s grease everywhere
>what a mess
Have people mass tweeted him this yet
>Makes fun of restaurant for serving a burger that is too big to fit in your mouth
>Makes this instead
what a fucking hack
>"Good" Chef
>Just put salt, pepper and olive oil on fucking everything every step of the way
so is this the secret of cuisine?
t. mommy makes my tendies
Gordon did nothing wrong, he was complaining about the massively over wide patty in comparison to the bun. His patties are thick af but still the same width.
>top needs 2 hands
>bottom are smaller than one hand, he also cuts them
are you retarded?
seething bumboys
for me its this pizza
i miss him bros...
Did Ramsay bump him off out of jealousy?
Remember when Gordon could be shown on tv calling people spics and faggots and no one cared. Good times. That shit would be a career ender today.
Really dying for a burger because of these threads so i'm making myself some BURGAHS tonight
>cooking beef with olive oil.
I bet you sip on onions too.
im cooking them in real butter (not on pic) but the olive oil is to season it like gordon did
butter has a high smoke point, if you cook a burger in it it'll just become bitter unless you finish it with butter
you are suppose to use either beef fat or just regular oil
>dude, white people need to go extinct.
Yeah, Anthony's getting a 'yikes' from me.
It good to use both. Oil can handle hot temperatures and butter gives taste.
The Burger of Hypocrisy
For me its cowboy burger
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
How did I do guys?
Looks like poverty, did you not even toast the buns?
>slice tomatoes nice and thin
>they are 1cm thick slices
unironically yes
>whole mushroom
>half a salad
>one stick of butter
and he smashed all of this between a bun, but why?
none of the parts of this meal were improved by forcing it into a bun, he could have just served it on a plate
this is a sad burger
If you have to put a skewer in a burger, you fucked up.
>not making your own patties
Fucking scrub
you didnt even toast the fucking buns
why the hell did you put shitty prosciutto on the burger? Here's a tip cheese, lettuce, tomato, pickles and mustard or ketchup (if you are a fag).
i swear he puts a liter of olive oil and a half pound of salt on that thing all told. Anything tastes good if you just fat and salt that shit up gordo.
Believe or not, that's how they do it in most restaurants
sure but I'd hope that Mr Michelin star here does something different/better than most restaurants. He'd never go that far on his precious beef wellington.
Agreed, he totally comes off as a hypocrite
that burger is like my entire calorie intake for the day
Chef Here. I think Gordon was "over-reacting" for the camara, but he was not faking it all. You see, in Gordon's burger, if you were to grab it, the bread is brioche. Brioche generally are not very dense. Beetwem the crust and the bottom, there is plenty of air between the dough. The breas is also toasted, this means it will give to he pressure of thr hand much more. The meat, being medium (I am not sure if it is indeed medium RARE because that might be the camera. Cameras fucked up reds in food, and many times the color gread meat to make it look super brown on the outside and pink on the inside) is juicy, so its elastic, so if you took half burger, it wont be very diffucult, There are shots of him earing burgers for reference. If the burger in the episode had a soggy dense bread, maybe from the tv it wont look so different, but in your hand you know you cant take a bite without having a dry piece of shit ik your mouth.
>taller than it is wide
jesus christ
Just imagine it's fat black cock Gordon, I bet you'd figure out how to get that in your mouth in no time
Buy good bacon man, it's nothing like the shit most people get. Find a good butcher and you will get stuff like his. Might be difficult in the USA, I am from Greece and my bacon looks just like that.
>Heinz Ketchup
pol shitters out
Genocidal jew rotting in Hell, hope his final moments were agonizing
A good burger is supposed to be a mess to eat. You a gay.
Burgers should extend past the bun.
i did (the inside)
>he doesn't put hash in the buns
Idiots here don't go to butchers while they have some of the best prices and best meat around here they would rather go to Wal-Mart and get a tube of hamburger from some processed fuckwit shit instead of decent meat. We have plenty of butchers in America the plebs prefer one stop shop shit.
>didn't even add any knorr touch of taste
jesus christ and hes supposed to be a master
Ah I see, laziness overcoming will for quality. A shame.
the secret of restaurants is just a shit ton of butter/olive oil, shallots and seasoning. Makes everything taste better
I just woke up. Where should I tell Mom to bring me a burger from, lads? Sonic? Hardee's? I don't like Cookout. Any new kino burgers out there?
Just place an old basketball in the microwave for a minutes, then add tribal temporary tattoos.
>Not using Hunts in 2019. (((Heinz)))
No thanks,Gordon am fine
how is a butcher's meat any different than what I'd buy at Publix? It all comes from the same animal.
You have plates of fag
Oh ok
Yeah, Gordon doesn't know shit about cooking, fucking should take his michelin stars and shove them up his ass fucking hack
>raw onions instead of caramelized
neck yourself
Why is the mushroom so burnt?
>dude olive oil, salt and pepper LMAO
What a hack
Yep, don't forget the butter!
>little baby scared of super mild red onions
>what is flavour
why wouldn't you toast the buns?
What the FUCK is wrong with that hand
raw onion brings out more beef flavour for me
don't know why, but thats why its in a a lot of burgers
hard for me to enjoy a burger without them it just adds something thats missing
burgah, nice and tall
>vegan patty
you fucking DICK
>all right present your dish
>*contestant removes cover*
>oh fuck me
>*camera zooms in as violins screech*
>uh chef I-
>what the hell is this?
>*Ramsay starts picking apart the burger*
>what's this burnt, black piece of shit? is this a hockey puck?
>it's an egg in a mushroom chef-
>I wouldn't even feed that to my dogs you know that?
>fuck off, no point for you
Bro those veggie patties are litty I get the same ones and I'm not even vegan. Love black bean burgers too. Heart healthy and non fattening. Ignore all the retarded obese clogged-artery walmart-scooter-riding losers who won't give it a try because they're asspained and coping about vegans and being fatasses.
If I need to disassemble the burger to eat it it's not really a burger is it, I'm just eating steak with a side of bread.
I eat vegan patties every now and then, they're pretty good if you don't expect them to replace actual burgers. no really lower in calories though
>"bacon, nice and crispy"
>zooms in on soft flabby bacon that he burned
>"make sure your grill is really nice and hot"
>puts on patty
>"make sure your grill isn't too hot"
>"remember to season everything every step of the way"
>leaves arugula unsalted
>salt on fucking everything
>half cooked egg
>INSIDE a giant, disgusting mushroom
Fuck this hypocrite loser.
>not buying preseasoned arugula
This is why you're not on Gordon's level.
Fuck off to > with this trash.
/ck/ mods are no fun allowed chumps who banned joey/reveiwbrah/jack/ramsay posting and killed basically the only threads on that board that anyone really cared about. now the board is just endless circle jerking and low key advertising
>tfw I literally cannot try to cook because my family members fuck around and hang out in the kitchen all day every day
>botox face
Gordon is getting old bros
Every ingredient except the bacon has been burnt. What the fuck am I watching. That mushroom is practically charcoal.
They discuss fast food more than actual cooking and when they 'cook' it's basic as shit.
>literally, literally, literally, literally, literally
How many times is this British faggot going to say that?
you might want to recheck the ingredients and calaories on those veggie burgers
I enjoy them too but they are higher in carbs calories and sugar added oil and most of the time pre fried, a lot of "stabilizers" and bonding agent add
burgers patties are low in calories on their own and have higher protein
>not knowing that WM sells the finest meat in all the land
and sous-vide to make things quicker
yeah ridiculous thinking that vegetarian is healthier because it's vegetarian
>we're grillin the mushrooms
>*burns them*
yes chef
he burns the living shit out of the bun, no way that tastes good
Hides it from the camera pretty well.
Where should I get a burger from rn? Don't make me ask a third time nigger
>women should get back in the kitchen were they belong
Yeah I'm thinking he's based.