Is Shaft Kino?

Is Shaft Kino?

Attached: Screenshot 2019-07-02 at 12.58.23.png (1328x1206, 677K)

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the cognitive dissonance must be overwhelming for the woke crowd

Why are gays so scared of jokes? Such fragile little manchildren.

Peoples Hernandez was the best thing about this movie.

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It is indeed, well spotted.

Also just to clarify, I didn't delete my own post. It was apparently so spicy the fat cunt (who does it for free) decided to remove it.

Imagine if he worked out or went for a walk instead of deleting posts, how much thinner he might be.

Fat cunt.

>Shaft review
Hey sjw cunt, why don't give THIS shaft a review? *Unzips*

>this film doesn't follow my politics
>one star!

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It takes overwhelming non stop propaganda to convince people that being gay is "normal"
So even the hint of someone disagreeing with them has to Be met with overwhelming force

have sex

At least he's getting ample monetary compensation for his work.

For some reason homophobia is allowed if you're black.

I can't, I'm married. Thanks for the offer though.

>He doesn't know

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homos are homo

>millennial masculinity

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The only places leftism can spread is heavily censored platforms

Has anyone actually seen the movie give me a quick rundown? How is it bad?

Is it so wrong for a movie to have a Black father with traditional values?

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They're starting to phase that out though. Blacks didn't see that eventually they'd have to go gay too if they wanted to stay in the oppression Olympics.

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Film is okay. Enjoyable, Samuel L Jackson is good onscreen, millenial black guy is a bit cringy at times early on but as character progresses its less of an issue.

Critics slating it are likely just hurt because of how the film portrays millenials and 'nu-males'

I haven't seen it but yeah it's kino

What was the joke?

lmfao he's making the same face as that scene in Jackie Brown

There's jokes about where Shaft sr. suspects Jr. is gay because he isn't old school macho.

>They're starting to phase that out though
Lets hope they fight back on that.

>fucking loved Shaft (2000) as a kid, watched it all the time
>hear sequel is about to come out
>trailer paints it as a fucking comedy
>söys are made that Shaft isn't a tranny now or some shit
What the fuck happened to this world.

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>Millennial masculinity
Lmao that's not a thing

Honk honk

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So 70% of critics are gay?
This explains the success of the Wonder Woman skeleton
Everything makes sense now

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this is why the jews want racemixing, so they can produce a mutt that is more obedient and doesn't chimpout

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>le sex scene!!!
Fucking cringe

Pretty good

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I’ve never thought about it like that but you’re right

They always have escape routes prepared for moments like this. This time it's easy; Jackson and Richard Roundtree are in their seventies.


It was stylish though, specially the opening

It was fun
The most ironic part is critics calling it islamophobic even though the movie doesn't make fun of muslims, only about people crying islamophobia if muslims are involved in criminal activity