>They called it "the Blip"
>they didn't age, came back exactly as they were
What would be the most inconvenient location to "blip back" at?
Far From Home confirms everyone came back exactly where they disappeared during the snap
>you get blipped back on the toilet and someones taking a piss on you
You know it happened.
Aunt May’s blip back was pretty funny. A couple had moved into the old Parker apartment and the wife thought May was her husband’s mistress.
Fortunately Hulk ensured that everyone “blipped back” safely, so while a lot of the ensuing situations were awkward, no one physically got hurt.
35,000 feet above the ground.
>get dusted while in a plane
>come back five years later
>fall 32000ft to your death
So what if in that time the skyscraper you were working when you disappeared bad been demolished?
Would you appear in the sky and fall to the death?
Or what if your home had been used to make power station, would people appear inside concrete?
Or even better, the tens of thousand of people that were on a plane during the snap, would you see them appearing all sit eight kilometers above the ocean and then watch them fall on top of the ones floating in the water cause they were on a sealiner?
in the whole world? hulk prevented anyone from geting geting hurt in the whole planet? yeah right
tfw scuba diving and appear again but without the gear
You were snapped fapping on your parents bed and return inside your mother as she's masturbating.
He did. Infinity stones do exactly what you wish .
they didnt age? how did this affect the age of consent?
Wasn't it the whole universe?
you sure?
damn, imagine the trillions of aliens that appeared in deep space cause their planet had moved
Yes you fucking mong.
Haha, what a thing.
>fapping in your room
>get snapped
>your younger sister gets your room
>ffw couple years
>your sister is now 16 years old and horny af
You can fill in the rest, produced by realitykings.com
None of you are funny with your try hard retarded scenarios. Not a single one of you fucks is funny. Just stop.
Except reviving people who died naturally apparently
Oy vey I still remember when my uncah moshe was blipped back by that nazi thanos who will pay back the reparation for all his missed years?
Did they ever explain why exactly all Peter's friends got blipped?
another one of these? jesus.
t. Redditor
>get unreasonably angry at other people making lame jokes on a Polynesian blacksmith forum
>this somehow gives you a false sense of superiority
It's not exactly impossible.
Including himself, Peter only has 5 friends that mean anything. At a 50% chance of being snapped, the probability of them all being snapped is about 1/32 or just over 3%.
>klan meeting in abandoned woods
>be only one to get snapped
>blip back during opening of new basketball court were forest used to be
Glad you agree the jokes are lame
>The Milky Way Galaxy has moved trillions of miles from where it was five years ago
Hulk could have wished for everyone to comebak with bigger genitals but he didnt. What an asshole,
>women now have giant pussies
>Someone is standing on exactly the place you were when you got snapped
>You get brought back
>The two of you either merge to a Thing like abomination in constant unfanthomable pain or straight up explode to a gory mess
I did not laugh at one post this entire thread. You should all KYS.
>be sitting down to eat with your family
>get snapped
>blip back five years later but your dad/husband is nowhere to be seen because he’s a faggot now and is attending a support group so he can talk to captain America about it
>unironic discussions about capeshit
While your parents were having sex. Or two gays were making out
What's the point of you're not gonna be blipped back on a nude hot female?
then this thread is consistent with the MCU in general
>What's the point of you're not gonna be blipped back as a nude hot female?
The toilet you were shitting on while someone else is shitting on it (hopefully a girl)
Imagine having sex with a girl and she turns to fucking ash
Return peeing while your daughter was on pot
>get snapped having the common understanding that trannies are mentally ill
>blip back as a bigoted neonazi transphobe
>Get dusted
>Come back
>Someone else owns your home
>Get fucking murdered by them because they think you're a home intruder
Good job Hulk!
banner and every other white avenger. tony knew what's up and preemptively bailed the fuck out
At the Avengers vs Thanks HQ battle
Even the infinity stones can't trump castle doctrine.
Imagine being a fucking pilot. Imagine you flying a plane full of dozens of people. Imagine getting snapped in a second by some California raisin. Imagine waking up instantly 5 years later in the wreckage of the plane at some military base, everyone in the fucking plane died besides you and you're the only one who's still alive to carry that knowledge.
I did laugh at your miserable existence.
And afterwards, you meet someone else and start a family with them, and five years later you're sleeping with your wife when that girl shows up in your house completely naked and orgasming.
Imagine being dusted alongside your partner while you're having sex in the living room and returning to a full family reunion haha
He literally did. He made sure everyone was brought back safely.
He snapped everyone back retard, so when he did he also snapped them back safely.
I'd prefer it if my younger sister was originally 6 and post-blip is now 11.
that's your headcanon, he never said that
With his fucking mind, genius. The Infinity Gauntlet does (most) of what you will it to do. If the gauntlet can bring the snapped back, it can bring them back safely.
I'd prefer if he was 2 and after bli... ok
>Reddit user dwallace3099: People have expressed views that, in Endgame, those brought back by the snap could have died in accidents (like someone being brought back 100 ft in the air where a plane used to be). Is it possible that Hulk, when doing the snap, not only brought everyone back, but also brought them back in a safe place?
>Kevin Feige: We refer to the version of Hulk in Endgame as Smart Hulk. So, yes.
Now fuck off
They mention this in the movie. One of Peter's friends has an ID that technically shows he's 21 years old based off his birthdate, but because he was blipped, he is still only biologically 16 so can't legally drink.
Durr durr but then I blipped away and now you are laughing at yourself durrrr. Look how funnay I am. Give me (you)'s
I laughed/smiled at these.
Sorry meant didn't*
On ones taking about the biggest plothole in this, which would be the fact that in order for this movie to happen, every single main character in far from home and homecoming would have to have been disappeared in order for everything to work how they're showing it. If just one of those motherfuckers stays, they would have been five years older and graduated by now, and this movie wouldn't be able to be made. This is a requirement for damn near the entire cast of the movie.
Infinity stones, ain't gotta explain shit
That isn't a plothole.
Well it's pretty fucking stupid
This happened in an episode of Fringe.
What about vehicular crashes caused by the snap? Or being in a plane, train, or automobile in general?
That's such a copout
I guarantee the insurance Jew doesn’t cover the auto accidents
Guys guys what if I was cacaing in a bathroom but I blipped outside now I caca in streets? LOLOLOL I am funny man comedian
no pajeet, you must only poo in the designated street.
That would be blipping back into shilling this garbage movie on Yea Forums. Kill yourself.
Marvel-cucks call this a intelligent movie and i even see actual "intelectuals" discuss the "cience" of fucking avenger
Blip. I blipped you. LOL
B-but isn't the planet/solar system/galaxy moving constantly?
Where your airplane flight used to be.
Blip. You are now blipped. LOL
Blip. You are now blipped. LOL
So let me see if I’ve got this straight. Pete, his aunt, and his entire circle of friends got snapped, but every single original Avenger didn’t? What are the fucking odds?
You're right. It's just contrived. Also, the school didn't hire new teachers for 5 years? When the old ones blip back they just get to restart their jobs?
The world is beyond fucked in the Marvel universe. People should be dying from starvation as the current infrastructure shouldn't be able to handle the population doubling overnight.
Everyone who got dusted also owns nothing, has no job and no home. They are literally 100% fucked.
What if you blipped back inside of someone else's torso?
>Smart Hulk
What happened to professor Hulk?
Why did the Avengers try so hard to reverse something that ended up not being that bad?
They need their dead superheroes back so they can keep shitting movies.
>Have loving wife and family
>get snapped
>come back and find out your wife remarried and has multiple new kids
Legally, what would happen?
Would the wife be arrested for polygamy or adultery?
You have the power to make it happen as if nothing had ever happened.
Still choose the retarded option.
>>ffw couple years
>>your sister is now 16 years old
You haven't veen on Yea Forums for long if you think anyone here would be excited by this
Is it like the movie TimeCop, featuring Martial Arts Artist JC VanDamme?
because audiences fucking hate zero-consequence "it was all just a dream" plots.
>posts NPC meme
>doesn't understand the irony
Why didn't they just go with Thanos has a massive boner for Death again?
bc that's sexist and too dark for the milquetoast MCU storytelling
Wanda: "Did you try to bring back Vision?"
"Oh...we forgot that guy. Oops."
mid nut
Vision was on the glove.
Reminder that Cap cucked the Steve Rogers who was still frozen and undiscovered in the timeline created when the gem was removed, and that Steve Rogers woke up to a world that never missed him because he had been replaced by our Cap, who then stole that timeline's shield to take it back home and give it to the guy who got beat up by Rumlow.
So do all marvel movie take place 5 years in the future now? The new spider man movie is in 2024? Did technological advance stop for 5 years or so they have the fucking iPhone 14 in the MCU?
>restart the school year out of season to benefit the students who got snapped and lost five years
>first thing they do is a school trip to europe
this fucking movie
The shield that Steve gives to Sam at the end of Endgame is NOT the original shield Captain America had, it's a different one, easily spotted in the footage:
It has a discrete center section, with spacing around the center section, and some holes in it as well.
So when Sam says "It feels like it's someone elses..." and then Steve replies, "It isn't" that's because it actually isn't someone else's shield:
Steve had it manufactured when he returned to the past, specifically for Sam, to give to him in the future after he lived out the life he wanted and actually deserved.
The original shield at that time in the past was inside the German superplane along with Steve's prior self buried in the ice where it remained until he was discovered at the end of Captain America: The First Avenger.
You people need to pay more attention to the details, all the info is right fucking there to see.
If you nut and the jizz is shooting out, which part of the jizz will disappear with you? We know clothes disappear with the people, so would the jizz stream disappear too? Or would only the part of the jizz stream disappear that is not interrupted through air from the perrson disappearing?
>pay more attention to detail in stupid bloated MCU garbage shitfest
No thanks
Actually, Steve (the older one) probably contacted T'Chala in Wakanda and asked him to make a new shield for Sam since Vibranium is so prevalent for them. It's not as if T'Chala would refuse the request.
>went to a motel to fuck
>you got snappd
>you got Blippd
>now the room is occupied
>would people appear inside concrete?
loved that possibility
>trhows shit on Yea Forums
>get snapped
>ffw couple years
>Yea Forums is hostile as usual with retards like you
dude, even in that scenario you are a waste for comedy, fuck you
you are calculating a probability on a stupid premise, you fucking moron. probability doesn´t work that way
>some blurry
>some headcannon
user, fuck off.
Realistically, their universe is so big that it shouldn't be impossible for nobody or everybody on earth to have been snapped.
>What are the fucking odds?
>everyone gets snapped back
>it doesn't adjust for the earth's movement
>4 billion corpses end up in the path of earth's orbit in a roughly spherical pattern
Sup bumboy?
>dude we're so compassionate we saved the world
>DOUBLES the world population in one day
Where do they live? Where does the food come from? Where does the economy acclimate them? Sounds exactly like something a liberal would think is a good idea
But why would he say yes without Steve being Cap? During most of his lif3 T'Chaka was king, and he was even more isolationist than T'Challa was before he opened the borders.
Feige is such a fucking pseud faggot.
He can't just give people a straight answer, his responses just ooze with forced sarcastic shit.
Didn't they establish that when you went back in time and change something you create a new reality? If so why did Steve come back to the same realities future?
>Be fetus
>Get dusted by the snap
>About six years later "blip" back into mother's womb
>She thinks I'm an accident from the gang rape she got from some post apocalyptic thugs
>Gets aborted with a rusty hanger
>Dad who was also dusted walks back into the shambled home finding mom.
>Takes her a couple days but she realizes what she's done and suicides over it.
>Never get to live in an awesome world of superheros where there is a chance I develop into a bad ass power wielding demigod of humanity
Feels bad man
That faggot at the support group missed the snapped fag's willy in his bumbum.
How the fuck did cap even age anyway?
Red skull didn't, and they both had the same shitty serum which should've made them immortal demigods.
>give all other men 8 inch dicks
>give self a 9 incher
Because time's up, white man.
No. It's more like the X-Files but instead of aliens it's focused on parallel universes.
Obviously not, you fucking idiot. What a stupid fucking question.
Anybody have a still of JK Simmons as J Jonah Jameson in FFH??
The directors said it's a story for another time, ie they don't fucking know
>everyone not dying from the blip
>autistic Yea Forums needing their hand held to explain how hulk brought everyone back safely
You guys can't handle this
i wouldn't trust someone that "dabs for the camera" to take the trash to the curb let alone snap everyone back safely
>he's socially awkward therefore his intellect is in question
Infinity rocks
yes. How the fuck are you even surprised by that
How does a PS4 game look better the movie?
Nope. Banner made sure everyone returned safely.
Not surprised by that, surprised by idiots who believe that
Probably if you came back on the shitter someone else was using it
This. What if the pilot blipped.
God damn I started to lose it when he popped up. So happy.
Honestly I jumped up, I thought the film was mediocre but that face genuinely hit me with nostalgia
Stop being retarded, there’s absolutely zero mechanism for Banner to shepherd 3+ billion people and another several billion animals to some ideal location. He literally could not even bring back Vision or Heimdall who both died right in front of him. All he could do was ctrl z the Snap, stop shilling half-baked, facially ridiculous explanations that don’t hold up to even a moment of the barest scrutiny, MouseCUck
>All he could do was ctrl z the Snap
Yeah, the Marvel fans are the ones struggling to articulate what happened. Fucking retard.
You are objectively too stupid to reason with
What about all the people who died as a result of accidents caused by the Snap? Like passengers on a plane that went down after only the pilots got dusted, do they get to come back?
LOL, nope
Do you not know what control Z means or are you just a massive, massive sperg?
It doesn't make sense when you bring God into the equation. Technically, with the powers of God, the rules don't apply so you should be able to bring back Vision, Gamora and Black Widow despite them being bound to the stones in some way.
Seems like they get a bum deal. Although going by the rest of the coincidental circumstances regarding who did and didn't get Snapped they'd handwave it by saying nobody died in accidents like that as all involved got snapped or no pilots got Snapped.
So half of peters class should literally be 22 right now but they are all stll 17
How the fuck does that work??
Furthermore that sucks for everyone involved due to deaths of the unsnapped, all of peoples belongings being sold off, new marriages, etc etc.
Furthermore the population doubling overnight would be a much bigger catastrophe for the world than half the population vanishing.
Should have reverted everything back to the moment of the snap.
this is the dumbest shit i have ever heard
Again, way to prove fucking Disney has better storytellers than whatever stupid shit resides in your brain.
I don’t think anyone ITT is having trouble grasping what happened - i.e. the writers wanted their kid friendly movies to have a happy ending so they glossed over all of the consequences of their lazy writing - except for you and maybe one other brainlet that’s most likely also you
I bet you’re one of those redditfags who pretends Thanos’s plan was coherent to begin with, aren’t you? Go watch your shitty bonus PS2 scene for another $15 and try super hard not to think about how the writers and directors don’t even respect you enough as viewer to even bother getting on the same page as to how time travel works like a good Disneycuck
Based, XENOS deserve exterminatus
Odds are that of peters mathlete buddy's 2 others would have been snapped including himself and the other half would have moved on and been graduating college during far from home.
LMAO I forgot the target audience for this quipshit was literally 9 year olds. When you start 5th grade in August ask your teacher what a metaphor is for me. Hope your balls drop soon, kiddo
Still doesnt explain how the fucking world handles all the people who lost everything in the proceeding 5 years or those that died or those etc etc.
How do we feed an additional 3.5 billion people when the world readjusted to feeding half that?
thats idiotic
Everyone knows you are an insufferable underage b8 fuck off summerfag.
>How the fuck does that work??
They all got conveniently snapped
Imagine being this much of an autistic faggot.
So its zero fucking consequences because LMAO turn your brain off?
Its 1000% worse than just undoing the past.
Just turn your brain off haha. Praise Marvel!
Hey have you guys finished your summer reading yet? Miss Adams is letting us read Hunger Games but I just might watch the movie LOL!
everyone understands it's bullshit
what we don't understand is how it can be considered not only good, but a masterpiece
>dying of cancer with little time left
>family mourns loss
>come back and die from cancer right afterward
>repeat family mourning
When Hulk snapped to bring everyone back he also snapped back all of the plants and animals that were snapped so there was enough food for everyone.
Did you tards forget that cows, chickens, and vegetables are also alive therefore were also snapped.
Easy sport, you’re going to get yourself into time out if you keep talking like that! Is Daddy going to have to wash your mouth out with soap again?
Thats not how food works
We dont feed the world via hunting you dumb faggot.
We don't hunt chickens, cows, or vegetables you stupid fucking faggot
Plants were not snapped fuckwit just sentient beings.
Does anyone still consider it a masterpiece at this point? I thought it was already at The Force Awakens point where everyone realized retroactively that it was just empty hype driving their excitement and the actual movie doesn’t stand up to a rewatch? Even my comic reading friends who drive around to conventions to cosplay as the characters said as much
Plants are sentient you fucking moron. Scientists recently have theorized that they can also feel pain.
Plants were clearly not snapped.
That's just idiotic, there are a million issues that come to mind instantly reading that. What if someone's standing exactly where you were when you disappeared? Will you merge and both die? Will you fuse into one?? Will you both horrifically and painfully die melting and be erased from existence like a Timecop situation?
Prove it retard
I can hear the sound of the Pornhub intro already.
The movie half of all plants didnt vanish in any scene of the snap
You should imperiously kys
Who the hell even watches marvel movies
The force of them popping into reality pushed away any matter that was there before they were materialized in. So if a person was standing there they would be pushed aside from the force alone.
There weren't any plants shown during the snap other than a few trees and some grass. They were just the lucky plants that didn't snap. The rest did retard.
Too many people for my liking if I'm being honest.
Modern cinema has infantilized an entire generation of young adults.
Plants were snapped according to Feige, but again you guys have ALREADY put more thought into the subject than anyone working on the movie ever did, so what’s the point?
And yes, removing half of all plants and animals when worried about limited resources is obviously pants-on-head retarded, but then again so is literally every single aspect of Thanos’s utterly inane plan. Just turn your brain off hehe
This is just your ass-canon Im done with you
Imagine getting btfo this hard. Embarrassing
All that proves is Kevin Feige and the writers are fucking idiots that didnt care to address or think through the implications of their own plot.
You got BTFO dude. Just bow out before I embarrass you again
I literally linked you a quote from Feige saying as much. Yes, yes, it’s utterly stupid and made for brainlets, but it’s canonical - don’t shoot the messenger, bro
Fiegs a fucking retard if thats his answer
At no point does the film show that plants and animals got snapped, at no point does it explain the wider implications of unsnapping
and evewn if entire fields of half grown food appeared again thats EVEN WORSE how the fuck would the environment hold up a doubling of the plants and animals int he Amazon?
Oh good a field of half grown corn now appearad in a fallow field that went back to its natural state. What a fucking waste.
ITs idiotic and so are you.
The implications of what Fiege is saying would be LITERALLY worse than the original snap by THanos.
Thanks avengers.
Let's hope none of those people were snapped at places like ledges or balconies and push people over the sides when they come back
You’re forgetting that hulk is the smartest avenger. He accounted for everything including people getting cucked and falling from the sky
The more I think about it the more I realize how fucked up bringing back all the dusted people was.
This fact always makes me wonder how the fuck time travel movies work. The time machine would have to have some kind of Earth centered device in it.
I agrre.
This isn't even new. We've know for a while that even the creators of this shit disagree on ambiguous plot points, the most recent being Steve's timeline shenanigans.
People are picking movies apart, and finding loose threads that they never even considered, but they're pretending that they did.
It really comes down to whether you consider Feige the word of God in the MCU.
You're the real moron If you actually give a fuck enough to argue the official writing from the director. It's a childish brainless movie so arguing about irrelevant details only furthers the proof of your retardation. You claimed plants weren't snapped and you got BTFO, cope you stupid nigger.
We agree with you that it’s idiotic, bro. The plan never made sense to begin with, why the fuck would he address Malthusian concerns with mass death given the power to make more resources? Yes, you have to turn your brain off to enjoy the movie - it’s aimed at children and manchildren and the producers know that their audience will swallow anything - e.g. Tony “only a genius on Earth” inventing time travel overnight - if they distract them with a lazy joke, like a kid saying a potty word. You can’t think about the films at all outside the theater, they’re totally nonsensical and don’t even try to have internal logic. You’re just realizing this?
People having trouble understanding how hulk brought everyone back safe on earth. When in reality you should struggle with how hulk brought back trillions of lives safely across the entire universe
Not your bro retard
Chill out, fag
We call him Smart Hulk haha. So he just did it, y’know? No one got hurt tho! Haha consequences upset some of our fragile viewers
How? He looks completely different.
Not him but, nah. 14~16 yo are the most horny and actually interested in sex. Anything lower or higher Just doesn't care it the same.
Nice nipple senpai
>o shepherd 3+ billion people and another several billion animals to some ideal location.
It wasn't just the Earth, we are supposed to believe he did that for the entire universe. Its the most retarded thing ever. Not even timmy turner was this dense.
So between Ultron and these drones Stark is one of the MCUs greatest villains.
>Never get to live in an awesome world of superheros where there is a chance I develop into a bad ass power wielding demigod of humanity
Chances of that are lower than winning the lottery. For non-superhumans, it would suck as much as real life except you have an increased chance of dying because of some random villain every month.
implying you wouldn't be brought back mid-air
How do you get to the exact same spot if Earth is always moving in space?
Even if you disappeared for a few seconds and came back you would be floating in space.
no one can beat this
imagine being a pregnant woman and your 9 month fetus is blipped and it comes back while riding a roller coaster
any takers?
>Did technological advance stop for 5 years or so they have the fucking iPhone 14 in the MCU?
This is fairly likely. If half the technicians and scientists are gone, and the rest are in chaos. Also, sales of many items will drop to near zero as so much stuff has been abandoned by owners.
There is zero chance of a Playstation 5 in the MCU.
As for inconvenient locations, lots of people will appear in showers or dressing rooms.
Moving cars could get complicated - what if the car was wrecked after you vanished? What if it was sold, and you appear while someone else is driving?
Man im reading trough the plot for far from home and some of this shit seems way too dumb.
>Fury sabotages Parker's trip and gives him Stark's glasses, which were meant for his successor. The glasses are equipped with the artificial intelligence E.D.I.T.H., which has access to all databases of Stark Industries, and can launch weapons at command
>Parker considers Beck worthy of being Stark's successor and bequeaths him the E.D.I.T.H. glasses.
Please tell me this isnt as dumb as it sounds.
Also heard rumors of JK coming back as JJ. Pretty based by Marvel to be honest.
>get snapped while having sex with your wife
>blip back in 5 years later while your wife and her new boyfriend are fucking on your bed
Motherfucker, now I want to see this porn.
Didn't they claim nobody died in New York during the first Avengers movie?
No, they actually use it as a point in Civil War to point out that people actually die during these events.
You might be mixing it up with DC's Batman v Superman "There's nobody on this island" shit.