Just started the first episode. What am I in for?
Just started the first episode. What am I in for?
Best tv show of all time despite what sopranofags say
>inb4 gay nigger with a shotgun
white boy goes on a shooting spree
im only here in the hopes somebody makes fun of the chess part
Lots of head bobbing
incomprehensible speech
I always thought they were two great crime shows that explored completely different but ultimately similar parts of the criminal underworld.
Not the best of all time but it's definitely pretty great apart from that atrocious season 5
Right side wheel in murika, driven by niggers
You're in for Omar comin'.
>implying its not meant to look like a reflection
season 1 may have been the single best season of television i have seen in my life
Boring ass piece of shit. It baffles me how much fellatios this series
>see deez niggaz here, Dey da pawns, Dey like da soljahs
Or something like that, good enough user?
gets from Yea Forums
Boring niggers,doing boring nigger shit.
watch the show before posting brainlets
>It baffles me how much fellatios this series
What did he mean by this?
Black people fan fiction
Having lived in Baltimore I can tell you it’s actually nowhere near as incomprehensible as it should be
It good
the meme trilogy of Yea Forums
(along the sopranos and breaking bad)
I watched like episode or two, and didn't figure out what the point of this show. Dropped it.
Reflections don't switch wheel side nigleto
this except Sopranos is about family and The Wire is about society and institutional failure
watch it
>mentioning BB in one sentence with Sopranos and Wire
3/10 made me mad enough to reply.
Based and omarpilled.
Yap, bb at least had plot.
take out breaking bad and put in deadwood, but then its not a meme trilogy its just kino
this has gotta be a joke right?
That's all it had really. And good acting (not le shouting and crying Jesse or Skyler) and cinematography (minus the retarded yellow mexico scenes).
i also liked score
sure. It has no rewatchability like Sopranos or The Wire though. Or much anything deeper to say, it's all surface level plot.
skip the journalism parts of season 5