Your thoughts on this little guy?
Looks cool
why are elephants so funny
What's With All The Elephant Posting Lately. What's It All Mean, Really?
Don't click it bros. Don't.
The EIDF is out in full force
You'll find out soon enough.
this actually happened. they starved those elephants to death, because shooting them would "lower the morale" of visitors. seeing them starve to death obviously did not.
Absolute unit
This is 10/10 elephant kino. Apparently there's this tradition in Kerala, India, where you bring elephants into public places and behave like a fucking retard to make them angry at you.
Mad lad
He is based.
why does he look so human, it's like a human in a suit
Precious baby angel
It might look cute but this is actually animal abuse. Elephant eyes are much less sensitive to light than human eyes, so the little guy can't see anything. He's probably frozen in fear.
The glasses aren't even covering his eyes you goof
Why are white women like this
That is just how a human kid would act. Also elephants can pass the mirror test
Elephants don't have eyes in the center of their heads like humans, they are basically on his forehead, but thanks for the bullshit bio lesson
where the hell is he coming from?
>just checking your prostate bro
Yea Forums turning me onto baby elephants has been the highlight of the week. and one of the most wholesome things to come out of Yea Forums in a while. can we get a /beg/-baby elephant general?
... never relax.
I want to eat elephant meat now
But it would probably taste awful anyways
I liked the pegu kino threads better
>can we get a /beg/-baby elephant general?
Don't spoil it.
shut up sissy
What was his fucking problem?
Check my moves, user.
Looks like a big fat human man with a weird head. What the fuck
Looks like a kid having a tantrum in the middle of Walmart.
Aww look he's playing with him!!!! Haha so cute!!! proooooh:DDDDD
>tfw no elephant bro to play with
>casually moonwalks out of there at the end
Slons share like 95% of their DNA with pigs. And pigs share 95% of their DNA with humans. Do the math.
>Mom, Johnny's having seizure again!
Did anyone find her instagram yet?
Probably thinks it's a monkey
>sauceroaches in prooh thread
Why would an elephant have an Instagram?
based and cutepilled
PRÖÖÖÖÖÖÖH :D give me her instagram
which board do i have to thank for pröhposting? i'm sure it isn't /an/
What the fuck is his problem?
You're trying to be funny by playing retarded, you shouldn't do that man. People won't understand it and think you're serious. In the end all you do is look retarded. Happens to me all the time.
Elephants don't have eyes
Elephant version of running with the bulls
How the hell they are so intelligent?
imagine pajeet there is shitting the street, peddling as fast as he can away from that charging elephant
Just don't care if people think you are retarded
Here's one remembering his old trainer from 15 years in the past. He still knew all his old tricks.
This the coolest shit
There's always a dumb nigger like this commenting on every animal video posted on the internet.
I mean "elephants". Pardon my french.
That elephant was tortured
true. same for ants
elephants, seriously? when did this place turn into reddit?
He looks happy to see him. Kys, retard nigger.
when you showed up
you just KNOW
Do elephants have feelings?
Sions is a curse word?
100% cute
>Do elephants have feelings?
Fucking kek
they are some of the smartest and most empathetic animals in the world. behind only primates and maybe cetaceans
me on the left
who was in the wrong here
Best thread on Yea Forums
Based Memelephant, he knew it was the only way
What do you mean with 'feelings'? They feel pain and the like, but they don't have complex thought patterns and the way they feel have no real resemblance to the way humans feel.
Are their any good charities for them?
loxodonta africana
They mourn and show affection.
Why did he want that phone so badly? He stretches as much as he can so he can reach it, but the cameraman steals it before he can grab it
>donating to charity
literally retarded nigger
Elephants have four knees
Weird as fuck animals, but they're gorgeous. I love elephantposting
to delete the evidence
They really don't. Retard humans have interpreted some of their behaviors as 'mourn'.
Humans share 50% of our DNA with bananas so that's not really a good argument
holy fuck is that cow okay
Yeah but they really do
So show me the evidence that they 'mourn'.
no, charities are a scam
and humans have interpreted other humans behaviors the same way but that doesn't mean the average human is anything than a braindead cunt
Me too bro
some even more than that
Prove to me that they don't
show me evidence that humans mourn
I guess that's their version of helicodick
>instathot status
That reads like Morrissey lyrics
Imagine the next level shitposting we'd have if there were elephants in Australia
Slon just means elephant, he automatically added the plural and didn't even notice, happens all too often.
You are both retarded. I knew you would use this literal brainlet argument. We can communicate with other humans. You can define the word mourn and then ask a human: 'hey have you mourned' and they can respond 'yes'. Tada. You have just proved that humans are capable of mourning.
Please ask an elephant if they have mourned.
what the fuck? do they do that by instinct? do they communicate? how the fuck does the rest of his family or herd or whatever you call it know to wait in the bush while the bull is clearing the road?
>ok you guys stay here while I go ahead and chase away the indians, wait for my sign
that's an oddly complex thing to communicate, right? right?
can elephants go completely underwater with only their trunks sticking out?
>fuck your instagram, bitch
Thought so, my bad. Just want to help out lads.
Mud bath, they do it to cool down
user is probably Russian or Polish, slon is elephant for Slavs.
>Times when I act like the joker
ask an elephant if they are capable of eating
Trudeau is such a fucking dickhead what the fuck is he going to do now, kill the poor guy? Fucking Canuck piece of shit, who the fuck votes for loonbags like this
The elephant Ryan Gosling.
Animals that travel in packs do that sort of shit all the time.
Based retard.
so you have the definition of mourning and then another human telling you they did mourn but you don't know if they actually mourned or if this is an approximation the same way you think elephants show a morning behavior without actual feelings backing it up
there must not be a lot to do in Australia
probably makes a certain sound
ask a mute person if he can mourn
this post is retarded on so many levels it's not even funny
please don't try to come off as smart ever again
The resemblance is uncanny
Zoomers BTFO
you clearly lack empathy. are you by any chance on the spectrum
Haha elephants are so cuuuute looool lets go pet o-*gets gored and trampled to death*
Big time spectrum post
With our current definition of eating, you don't need a verbal confirmation that someone is capable of eating to prove that they are eating. Seeing as sorrow is invisible to the eye and a completely internal process, you do need a verbal confirmation or behavior that is not interpretable as anything else to prove that they are mourning.
He knew what he was doing.
just because someone says they are mourning, doesnt mean they actually are
saying something doesnt make it real
are you autistic
Well yeah you don’t just run up and pet wild elephants. Do you have autism?
>behavior that is not interpretable as anything else to prove that they are mourning
hurp a durp
pröh :D
>sorrow is invisible to the eye
Wow you’re SUPER autistic huh?
my heart
>Seeing as sorrow is invisible to the eye and a completely internal process, you do need a verbal confirmation
Absolutely beautiful. I hope you are just baiting, for your sake.
False equivalency. Just because you can't identify two feelings as being exactly the same because of the internal natural of feelings with the procedure of definition/verbal confirmation, doesn't mean it's the same as just wildly speculating on behavior that is easily interpretable as something else.
I'll wait for the evidence that elephants actually mourn.
wow I couldn't post something as retarded as that even if I tried
Opposed to what exactly?
Going bike riding on a gold coast town while sipping on a chai latte?
>I’ll just call anyone who points out my autism a brainlet
lol bazinga’d! how will neurotypicals ever recover?
do Australians really do this?
>taking a piss after drinking all night
he phone most likely made a noise and scared it.
>Heh come on, young boy
>falls over
>mfw I've wondered for years what the onomatopoeia for elephant noise could be
>mfw it's PRÖÖÖÖÖH
his face when he gets up
Feelings are, by definition, an internal process. You can express feelings, but sorrow, as a feeling is internal. Are you guys actually retarded?
>very social creatures lose a vital part of their social group
>they are unsure of what to do next and stand around for a while
>they also touch and play with the remains
The fucking woman narrating the video actually EXPLICITLY says the following: "I dont know if elephants are mourning. When I think of mourning, I think of that as a term that I only know really applies to humans. You know, if a person I know loses somebody in their life I can ask them how they're feeling, and they can tell me about grief. I can't do that with an elephant. ... Whether's it's mourning, I can't say, but it's certainly an interest in their dead."
And I wouldn’t have it any other way
This. Half the fun of 4channel is pretending to be retarded anonymously.
Summerfag redditor detected
Whaat's the other half ?
>maybe if I call them autistic some more I can pretend I've made a good argument and not have to realize I'm too fucking stupid to even understand how feelings work
Masturbating to feet threads.
I hope his team won.
Even with three legs, you can still make frens.
> sorrow is invisible to the eye
do you really believe this? have you been to a single funeral in your life? i will ask again, are you on the spectrum?
That's an expression of sorrow. Not sorrow itself.
i noticed you haven't answered any of my questions. why is that?
wow we can't see feelings because feelings are chemical reactions in our brains?
thanks, doc.
This thread is so fucking reddit. Somebody post animal gore so these fucking retards go away.
Because there is no way to respond to 'LMAO ARE YOU AUTISTIC?' I can promise you I'm more normie than everyone in this entire thread combined.
I noticed you can't actually refute points I make without attacking my person, why is that?
there you go bro
spläts splööts :D
>a-am i fitting in yet
summer amirite
But how can you know humans mourn too? The only evidence you have is physical, someone telling you they're mourning isn't proof. And since you can only judge with evidence you have, then either humans don't mourn or elephants do mourn.
the elephant eye can see only 24fps
did you do well at school this year?
The human eye can't see above 30fps
shoo shoo go be a try hard somewhere else
>Pictures cost money, bitch!
i told you before, you lack empathy. that is not an attack on your person, it's an observation.
you don't need a 'verbal confirmation' or observe some type of behavior to understand how a person is feeling. the fact that you are trying to argue that you do just confirms my previous observation and legitimizes my question whether you are on the spectrum or not.
yeah, that's the meme. I don't get people who go like "yeah I get the reference so let me just post it real quick". It's the same joke.
The joke is 60fps though
actual retards
Based & LogicPilled
excuse me where can we check in
I really fucking hope not. Fucking hell. If it did, I hope the people responsible suffered.
Sexist misogynists
not being able to tell how people are feeling without asking them is an obvious sign of autism
must be an African elephant.