Rian Johnson Kino is back on the menu boys

But wait I thought TLJ destroyed Rian Johnson career already, wtf Reddit bros ?

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gonna bomb

>Fun AAA project with net cost price
>Gonna bomb

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It's going to be so progressive.
I couldn't care less.
I'm sure sjws will flock to it.

>rian johnson film

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Looks like shit, I hope he had fun on his last job as a director at least

Post-modern deconstruction subversion meta whodunnit. How exciting.

It's going to bomb regardless how low budget it is

How many expectations are gonna be subverted?

1 billion $ at box office
Rian killed Star Wars because he saw how evil Disney were

Wait the trailer is already out ? or are you coping

It's a good song

>made star wars sequel with insanely high budget
>supposed to be making trilogy of star wars for disney
>makes low budget schlock for a small production house next instead
Yeah, his career seems to really be going places...

Why is Chris Evans such a soiboy?

The only way he can subvert expectations is to make a good movie, and that’s clearly beyond him

How did Murder on the Orient Express do?

Nobody did it. There's NO way Rian would do it otherwise

>knives out

Is he in boys?

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>love budget movie with stars ensemble
>supposed to make new SW movies
ehm he is already working on that, it's already confirmed by himself, just take a look at the retweet history filled with lucasfilms fags

>Daisy as a lead
>Not post office poison
Pick one


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Big if true

>This face kills the muh my starbors neets
Fucking Based

Starts as a whuddunit but devolves into a general drama along the way and by end of the film nobody even remembers the crime, it's never mentioned who did it. Calling it now

Because he can be and still be considered a chad, playing to all his strengths

Made $352 million on a $55 million budget. So it did quite well.

One of the worst songs on Amnesiac. Classic Yorke whining.

>muh my
Learn english, Rian

s0 y, women and minorities, what a wonderful trio.

Based reddittard you need to go back

>a rian johnson whudunnit

>But wait I thought TLJ destroyed Rian Johnson career already, wtf
Uwe Boll made like 30 or 40 movies despite being widely regarded as the worst director in history.

He is secretly a homosexual.

I'm not paying to watch anything Rian Johnson makes ever again.

Brick is fun

I won't watching anything by cancer Johnson ever again

Uwe who

it's supposed to be a secret?

>actually labels it as a whodunnit
it's shit

wow can't wait to have my expectations... SUBVERTED!


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>Michael Shannon
I fucking loved him in Bug.

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Yeah sounds """"great"""

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Spybot upvotes another Spybot on Twitter. I bet Chris and Rian suck each other's dicks after dropping off their wives sons off at school.

Eat shit

>Rian sóyson film

T. Assmad spybot.

Eat shit

Feed seed


Also, is Rian going to get jobs and films the same way Shamalan had/has/is? Seems like producers love doing it to spite the audiences who hate them.

He truly is...America's Ass

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I really enjoyed Brick and Looper. They aren't perfect movies but I like watching them. He's not inherently bad.


>low budget memefilm full of hasbeen actors
Oh nonono hahahahaha

calm down rian

God I fucking hate big movies and the masses of morons that enjoy them.

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Half of those movies were shit

kniiiiiives oooout
caaaatch the moooouse
squaaash his heead
puuut him in the pooooot

it's up

I ain't clicking that, shill.

Every fucking time

>inb4 nobody did it haha SUBVERTED