I never really thought that there's something wrong...


>I never really thought that there's something wrong.. It was more like I saw an American documentary about this (transgender) and then I felt it a little. But before that I had never heard of anyone that was born in the wrong body or stuff like that so I told my mom that "I want to become a girl" and that's when the process started.

any kinos for this feel?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>an American documentary

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THE cutest tranny out there
is he on hormones since he was a little kid? what's his story also why isn't there a bulge? is he posto p?

>5 years ago

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Literally one documentary and this freak’s mother is ready to cut off his penis.

bet "she" is a dirty bitch and loves to swallow

They shouldn't cut off the penis. It's always messed up afterwards.

>I saw it on TV and decided to do that
Kids unironically think this way and that's why juvenile transgirlism is a bad thing

he's beautiful

Trans done right desu

yes this the wrong way, you don't have a cunt just because some doctors mess with your body.

what they should do is set up a system where transgirls and transboys can be paired up and you could just transplant the genitals and swap them around

Wouldn't work because a lot more guys want to be girls than girls want to be guys

I wonder why that is..............

Does she still have a penis?

Follow her on instagram, she's quite beautiful. Only flaw is her legs, they look lanky

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>tfw no trans gf

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i hope so

Which studio should she sign for bros?

you're disgusting

what makes some more passable than others?

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Probably youth and being beautiful before transitioning.

beginning treatment earlier

Hips and legs are the two major giveaways.
Male thighs are straighter while in females are more angled, because female hipbone is wider. No hormones or surgery can fix that.
I sincerely hope he doesn't cut off his dick.

Anything but that shitty christian

if you start hormones before your body begins to do the majority of its growing then even those things should grow to be feminine

She probably will, she says she will never pose in a bikini which is understandable

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that language is funny

Why do the pretty ones never do porn...

If you suppress puberty then your cock never grows beyond that of an 8 year old.

That poor Indian boy had puberty delayed by his kike parents and he had a laughably small cock as a result.

Point being: the sex change operation requires a certain amount of genital material to happen.

I'm not a biologist but I think the overall structure of the skeleton in quite dictated by the DNA, if hormones would transform you into a female your dick should also fall off and grow a vagina.
That's a shame. Not because I like traps or something but transitioning is nasty gross shit and that will be regretted big time

that's a good thing in two ways for him then. he doesn't end up with a gaping wound, and he'll also have feminine legs and hips

Youre right,i cant watch anything with that fucker anymore

He has a gaping wound, they cut his cock off anyway but I don't think bone structure is determined at puberty though.

I'm no biologist though.

>He has a gaping wound, they cut his cock off anyway


reminder shes 6'0 and still growing

better get on anti growth hormones

Of course it's Americans ruining everything everytime.

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>Jazz Jennings Says She Had A ‘Complication’ During Her Gender Confirmation Surgery

Her stitches fell out IIRC. Nasty shit.

50 years ago if the parents/doctors did this to a minor they'd face the chair.

Yeah, those places seem excessively white according to amerimutts, it seems.

Can you imagine how much better the world would be if there were a complete embargo on Anglo media?

nah i was talking about the chick in OP


Got confused with the womenshealthmag. It's a he without a cock.

Poor bastard.

>"told my mother"
>no mentions of father at all

Yeah no idea but i'd probably plumb her boipussy if it was of age.

Estonia and Norway dont have anything in common.

>tfw dicklet
>dick is smaller than 8 year old
>don't want to be a tranny

fuck bros is there hope for me?

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I wasn't speaking about Norway specifically, just how Americans like to ruin everything.

>American Accent
Every tiem

What makes you think that, a 5 second long webm?
You miss the part where is just a mentally ill, brainwashed man who will kill himself once he turns 30 and his masculine features start showing with age?

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It's a he.

>will never pose in a bikini which is understandable
Because it would show his gaping wound and boyish body?

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I mean, being a tranny wouldn’t help you so idk why you even brought that up. Anyway I guess you could just be a bottom or something.

You could get jacked. Women really only give a shit about girth because that's where they are most sensitive.

If you're fat now then you'll actually gain some penis length because your fat is covering up some of it. Also, having higher test will give you better/stronger erections.

The downside? You'll realistically never do it unless you have thousands of dollars to spend on a personal trainer or an EXTREME amount of personal willpower.

Good luck.

Then why post that picture, it's completely irrelevant to the topic.

It is.
That boy was brainwashed by Americans, and Americans seem to like brainwashing actual decent places a lot to turn them into places as terrible as America itself.

No, because he has a feminine penis. Don’t be a lazy nigger, read the reply chain.

already jacked dude my penis is still tiny

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Do you speak norwegian?

No, i'm not from Norway.

So what makes you an authority on Norway? Specifically its current 'state'?

youd literally never be able to tell its a male unless you were told
its not like jazz where he literally looks like his brothers more than his sister

>I never really thought that there's something wrong.. It was more like I saw an American documentary about this (transgender) and then I felt it a little
Transgenderism is literally a fashion choice byt the mentally ill and the cure is to keep it away from kids. But society is determined to do the opposite.

Death to trannies.

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I'm European, so of course, i'm worried when Americans sabotage us and force their cultural terrorism here, which is constantly.



Just get a 5/10 girl who is happy to be with you.

wtf I love trannies now.
If they all looked anything like that nobody would have a problem with them but as it stands most just look like freaks

Which part of europe?

Nice to see how progressive and tolerant americsnd are, they even allow trannies to do a school shooting


Well, then you'll just have to use your hand to get the girl horny before finishing her off.
That, or just get a 6/10 girl who'll just be happy with having a huge jacked man instead of a numale.

Those are highly selective pictures though m8.

They are a facsimile of a female and they'll age like shit, guaranteed.

Just look at linetrap with her balding. Imagine being 40 and being married to THAT.

Why on earth would you worry about American cultural imperialism in Norway as a Spaniard? They're not even in the EU not to mention other that fast food, that cultural influence is pretty much a non issue

I rather die alone I don't want an average looking girl

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Because it's still Europe, and it doesn't happen only on Norway.
And fuck the EU, hope it disbands soon.
Countries need to start making their own choices.

If you just care about looks then don't get a girlfriend and just bang random girls.
A relationship is supposed to be something you get into with someone you care about.
If it's based entirely on looks, you will only last a month at best.

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pretty sure they got surgeries to make your dick bigger my dude.

EU is pretty fucking great mate. Spain is a net benefactor as well.

It's responsable for filling Europe with immigrants, and it's pretty much the 4th Reich, everyone is under the orders of the fucking Germans.

>Spain is a net benefactor as well.
Not worth it.

Average looking girls can be nice user, don't be put off.

Mate, liberalism is everywhere in the big cities. London, New York, Sydney, Toronto, Berlin, they all have more in common with eachother culturally than the countries that they are apart of.

It's the exact same reason why you understand English fully even if you're not Anglo.

Franco fucked up by reinstating the monarchy.

Imagine wanting every european country that is smaller than a american state fighting for its own rights against America, China or Russia.
Based Brexit posters

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yeah, a billionnaire jew died earlier this year during penis enlargement surgery

No, America, China and Russia are too busy fighting against each other, although in an ideal setting they would all nuke each other.

>It's responsable for filling Europe with immigrants

Europe is pretty much closed for illegal migrants. Thanks to the EU.

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Yes, because they make a ton of them legal.
Borders should be completely shut down, and all those ships bringin refugees across the mediterranean sinked.

EU is the only way to control immigration. It's gonna happen, climate change and general instability is gonna force people to displace. A overarching policy to deal with it is the best possible option. And no, just blasting migrants out of the water isn't an option.
Liberalism is everywhere in Europe or rather the western world as a whole, because Europe is build on the liberal idea. It's kinda why we fought so hard to cuck the everloving shit out of monarchies and reduce them to tourist attractions or rid ourselves completely of them. So yeah, of course it's everywhere.

>Borders should be completely shut down
That's what they did, it's full of frontex patrols preventing the largest group from crossing.

>all those ships bringin refugees across the mediterranean sinked.
now you're just being edgy.

>just blasting migrants out of the water isn't an option
Says the people who want to fill Europe with them.

Why should these organization be allowed to operate freely when they are against our interests?
They exist exclusively to keep pumping Europe with refugees.
Their ships should be sunk and the organizations themselves ilegalized and raided.

Yeah, murdering people isn't gonna fly genius. Don't be a /pol/tard.

Who's talking about murdering?
I'm talking about confiscating and sinking their ships.

And then what? Most of the time they are captured in sovereign water, which means you have responsibility over the migrants (crew always ditches them). So you're still stuck with them. Best way is to actually try and tackle the root cause and work with north african countries to increase security. You know, like the EU is doing.