Nick Jonas upcoming movie ‘MIDWAY’ looks better than DUNKIRK lol


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>Nick Jonas
Hollywoods still pretending he can act?

Why are all modern war movies such shit looking? They just can never do it like they use to.

Will never be better than the OG midway.

Every old war film is better.

Tora Tora Tora > Pearl Harbor
The Longest Day > Saving Private Ryan

ect... ect...

Dunkino at least used a bunch of real extras and real air craft instead of a bunch of CGI shit. Praise Nolan.

Nolan on suicide watch

>wastes time and money rehashing Pearl Harbor

Saving Ryan’s Privates will always be a better film than Dunkirk. Atelast speilberg has balls to show some gore. Fuck Nolan fucking hack. If I wanted real soldiers I’d watch a fucking documentary.

I think Ridley Scott's had a Battle of Britain film in the works but his recent works have been hit or miss, though he may benefit from a less story-driven film.

>wastes money
it will make money

The attack of the Tin Cans would make a great naval movie.

A couple of shitty carriers and some destroyers hold out against Japanese battleships and cruisers and force them to withdraw.

I want a modern day war film filmed around the same pace as For a Few Dollars More. Barely any music too. Long drawn out shots of airplanes diving down hearing only gun fire and the pilots etc.

This. I'd use one of the DDs are the set of the whole film.


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Reminder that the Japanese attacked America due to America antagonising Japan for years with diplomatic bullshit, economic sanctions and American wargames off the coast of Japan.
You're supposed to believe that Japan attacked Pearl Harbor for absolutely no reason other than an irrational desire for conquest.
This is believed by the same brainlets who think Hitler was stupid for declaring war on America.

>Yea Forums predicts the success of a movie
Midway confirmed for bombing harder than the Enola Gay.

thanks babe. i love you

I have plenty of issues with Dunkirk, but real soldier extras is what made the old war films epic. Saving private ryan is okay, but the longest day is way better. I miss the old war films actually covering the strategic grand strategy and history of the battles instead of just a bunch of pew pew.

Like Patton, one of the best war films has hardly any action but has amazing scope.

They just don't make them like they used to. *Sips*. I'm only 30 by the way and I still appreciate the old ones. Like The Blue Max is the best pilot war film and that came out in the 60s.

Battle of Britain would be cool, but again, would be hard to overcome how good the old film.

Sounds good.

it looks like that pearl harbor movie all over again

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>due to America antagonizing Japan for years
For a reason.

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>Hitler was stupid for declaring war on America
well he lost, so he was wasn't he?

Pearl Harbor was an attack by the US government against its own people. They knew the Japs were coming, but did nothing to stop it, because they needed a real pretext to go and fight the Japanese in the East and try to recoup their imperial gains in China.

I really hate propaganda movies like this.

Nah bro, AmeriKKKa was just racist for not allowing an Imperialist nation to chimp out in Asia.

Looks like shit, famme.
Im skipping this

>Miscegenation laws, KKK, racism, homophobia, sexism
Yeah, America was such a vibrant and progressive place

>Hitler was stupid
He was, though. He literally lost the Germans the war.
You have no idea what you're talking about. The Americans went out of their way to fuck with Japan because they didn't think a non-white non-European nation could have imperial ambitions. Neither Germany nor Japan ever wanted a war with the US. This is literally what the Americans have done for over a hundred years. They put sanctions and terrorize local populations and foreign states until they're forced to retaliate, and then cry about how unfairly the US was attacked. Americans are a literal cancer upon this world. And I'm by no means a supporter of Nazi Germany or Imperial Japan. But America is fucking evil.

Literally every single scene looks like chink rendered CG lmao, even the fucking dialogue scenes.
It looks like a feature lenght videogame cutscene.

>In between Asia and USA

Well, Pearl Harbor didn't showed the collateral damage done by USA, the only civilians killed were at USA hands, and made it look like it were the Japs, so I can assume this will have similar bullshit


>Guys, I'm totally not going to fuck up like Napoleon
>Fucks up like Napoleon
Goddamn it, Adolph

These faggots will never become A-list actors.

>literally starts with pearl harbor shit
americans are literally retarded

>They put sanctions and terrorize local populations and foreign states until they're forced to retaliate, and then cry about how unfairly the US was attacked.

Well uhh, like the Japs did terrorize local populations of other Asian countries too y'know

Well Dunkirk was a masterpiece and better than the 22 movies of the MCU combined so that's great if true

>dogshit CG
>dogshit cast
>dogshit director
>over the top cringy sentimentality
>generic royalty free soundtrack
it only needs Gerard Butler in one of the roles to make it a proper cheese disaster flick

He was a brainlet, and like all brainlets he could only stand the sycophants that told him his ideas were great. It's no surprise that by the end he was betrayed like a bitch by everyone except Goebbels, who would die a beta orbiter forever in his shadow.

true midway kino

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Oh boy another movie glorifying war

Hitler didn't lose Germany the war. The war could not be won. The United States fed Britain and the USSR everything it needed and the allies had more resources and industry and manpower. Hitler gave it his best try.

>tfw born to late to nuke the japs
>tfw born to early to plasma rifle the chinks

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>Well uhh, like the Japs did terrorize local populations of other Asian countries too y'know
Your point? This was clearly just an excuse because they all wanted to get their foot back into China, and nothing else. You seriously think the people that treated non-Anglo-Saxons like subhumans at home were terribly concerned with what the Japs were doing to some random Chinamen? Please. Americans need to stay home and look to their own problems, and let the rest of the world run itself.

I didn't think this was good.The acting was poor.

Better acting than any modern war films.

I'd prefer this to shitway from an asshat who made independence day

I would have done everything in my hand to invade Japan instead of nuking...imagine finding qt jap girls, get to rape them in the rice field and then slice their throats, all in the name of USA

Except the USSR never intended to attack Hitler. In fact, all the evidence we have of internal Soviet conversations show that Stalin was absolutely terrified of the USA and thought having Hitler there could be positive since it would act as a buffer between the Soviets and the capitalist West. Hitler didn't even TRY to ask them for help, or anything. He autistically decided he would do the Blitzkrieg and shit on all of his advisers that disapproved. Maybe Germany wouldn't have "won" the war. But it certainly didn't need to end with the Red Army raping its way through Germany and basically demolishing east Germany into nothing. Hitler did that.

I disagree, the acting was bad, dude. I only watched the whole thing cuz Yea Forums said it was good, so I hoped it would recover, but it never did.

>looks better than Dunkirk

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Lighten up, willuh? Everybody loves war movies.

He did. He shouldn't have opened an eastern front, at least not untill he would bring brits to their knees. But he went full retard mode. No wonder wehrmacht tried to assassinate this complete moron.

What's Francis doing in wwII?

Hitler could have won the war, haven't you ever played Axis and Allies you moron?

You a veteran army of infantry and tanks ready for a land war. Where do you go? You need resources. British navy is protecting England and undermining your operations. There actually is evidence the soviets would eventually attack. But regardless, you have to go east because you need resources. It's the only move that makes sense with what you have. You are going to run out of oil if you don't get those resources.

I wanna see a WW2 movie with super soldiers experiments, mutants and occult shit.
And have it take itself 100% seriously. With an almost Oscar-bait quality to it.

You can't invade Britain. You don't have a the navy. You have a land army and you need oil. You go east.


this does not look like michael bay's pearl harbor because that movie actually had cool action scenes this looks more like red tails

>You need resources.
Which they could've tried to get from the Soviets through other means. You realize they had cooperated up to this point, right?
>There actually is evidence the soviets would eventually attack.
No, there isn't. Stalin was still in the process of modernizing Russia and didn't think he had an army capable of doing much. Ironically, BOTH Hitler and Stalin underestimated the Red Army, which went into overdrive and punished the Nazis badly.
>You are going to run out of oil if you don't get those resources.
Romania had oil. By angering the Russians and getting them to counterattack, they lost Romania too. Good job.

Romanian oil was not enough. It was just life support. Regardless of whether Stalin had intentions to attack first, you are never going to get what you need from them. You are going to butt heads eventually. Communists are the inherent enemy of national socialism and are enemies of the west. You also need the oil in the caucus mountains. This allows you to push into asia as well. Africa isn't going too well because again, royal navy in the Mediterranean. You need oil. You have to get it. You have to keep the initiative because you are on a clock.

You have the whole europe under your thumb, building fleet is not a problem. And making an oil deal with soviets would make it easier to beat anglos, not mentioning v1 v2 rockets bombing. Wehrmacht had made retarded decisions, for example boomers like goering who thought carpet bombers are a meme and so is jet planes so they should stick to shitty dive bombers with propellers, but it's not even close to how much hitler shat in bed.

What you're saying is true only if your intention is to keep expanding without any reason, and that's another stupid thing that Hitler did. He could've counted his victory when he took Austria. So, yeah, maybe he would need more oil to fulfill his retarded plan, but his plan was megadumb from the beginning. Everything he ever did proved that he had no knowledge of military matters or geopolitics.

The war couldn't end. You needed the east to defeat the British. You had to expand. British declared war the moment the war started with Poland and wouldn't stop until it was over. Churchhill was blood thirsty.

>British declared war the moment the war started with Poland
Which is my whole point. Hitler never had to do anything with Poland, and he was warned that the British would retaliate. But he still went Pikachuface when they did what they said they would do the whole time. I agree, though, Churchill was a fucking cunt that deceived many nations and made them die for British interests. I hope he's rotting in hell, and any subhuman that thinks he's a good person needs the bullet.

Yeah but Poland and France cucked Germany. Revenge was due. The entire country wanted revenge.

That CGI isn't even Flags of our Fathers tier.

nah that was videogame quality

read Hamlet, there are countless stories of revenge backfiring, it has backfired for revanchists in Europe especially so

>The entire country wanted revenge.
Not true at all, user. There's a reason it was so difficult for Hitler to come to power and gain votes. Most people did not, in fact, want to go back to war after the devastation of WW1. Shocking, I know.

what's a good German war movie that isn't full of tropes
>muh authoritarian officer
>muh actually not nazi ideologues
>muh opposed to Hitler and national socialism

cool when Americans do it, but I hate when Germans try to retcon their shit like they weren't nazis, the 90s movie Stalingrad sucked mad ballsacks, is there any movie like A Bridge Too Far that is just about an operation, without all the hamfisted moralism

this fag should stick to music

>Lol just build a fleet to rival the biggest navy in the world bro

Patrick Wilson? War kino? Holy fuck, I’m already sold.

Saving Pt Ryan was no joke shit and the opening scene is nothing like getting shot at in real life fuck that one boomer who said it was realistic. fag

If I was not so lazy I thought of making a super cut of Dunkirk and Finest Hour (With Cousin Winnie) that cover the same week into one 4 hour movie

what's getting shot at in real life like?

our guy already has it covered dude

He should see if Dr Pimple Popper would fix that thing on his face, I thought it was a mole when he became a meme last month or so but a close up the other day shows it is all red and raw like a fresh would that wont heal