why isn't 'chad falls in love with qt tranny' a more established genre?
why isn't 'chad falls in love with qt tranny' a more established genre?
Other urls found in this thread:
> falls in love
that's buttsex
Dude wtf fantasy is as strong as ever. What we lack is suicide kino with 40%+ rate of succes.
Are they going to have sex?
>Anal sex
Absolutely disgusting and degenerate.
We must help trannies get the help they desperately deserve before more kill themselves.
>Thinking that putting your penis in a hole that bleeds clotted blood monthly is less gross
He's not in love with her. He knows that Jules got fucked by his dad and is going to hurt her.
maybe not
It's not, it's just really boring compared to vaginal. I suppose if you use condoms then anal might be a little better but if you go in raw pussy > anus any day of the week.
t. virgin
Sticking your dick in a warm and wet pussy is fantastic.
better than having shit dick
Use a condom.
>your dad fucks someone
>you get butthurt about it and want to hurt the person in question
What kind of logic is that?
>why isn't 'chad falls in love with qt tranny' a more established genre?
It will be as time goes on. Watch.
Hey look, more trannies who claim to be 'women' shaming actual women's bodies. Niiiice!
-actual girl.
post tits
Does fake vagina sex even work? I mean, you're essentially just fucking a hole that has no nerve endings, lubrication or anything a real vagina has.
it's dilation for life, user. that shit will never be functional.
can you be my gf
>implying you wouldn't
not if you have or would anal a man including transwomen.
30% have HIV and besides anal is gross
Stop pushing this Jewish created abomination of a movie in all these threads you've been spamming. In the name of Jesus Christ, STOP!
>man face
>no tits
>wide shoulders
>no hips
No, I wouldn't.
>Blood that is meant to naturally be ignored and not get diseases from
>Feces from the anus which literally exits shit
>goodbye horses plays
Why does he look like Elon Musk?
>tfw face like this
what do lads?
God I wish that were me
Become a tranny. Duh.
Jules in 5 years
your month is over
>-actual girl.
looking forward to an lgbt christmas in preparation for the 2020 elections?
I thought this thread was about LARPing that fudgepacking trans''''women'''' is straight.
now it's just out and proud gay guys?
>tranny has a anime wallpaper on his phone
I bet he posts here too.
go take a shower fish flaps
probably larping as a nigger
>it's maam, MAAM
My squishy fishy!
also that fat fuck, pretend she's a cute little girl online to get followers on tumblr, this fucking series seem like a parody.
>blood is worse than literal shit
It's very obviously written to appeal to the AGP trans fantasy.
They even try to make the other characters unappealing. The only pretty girl gets fucked by a black person to make the audience angry with her.
Because chads can’t be gay by definition
Buttsex until the tranny gets prostate cancer.
Actually anal will be off the table as soon as they start leaking from their ass. Incontinence sets in really fast.
Isn’t gay Christmas just like normal Christmas except with more glitter
Nah, he larps as a girl (female).
so when does the terratoma reach sentient life or hasn't it undergone the ritual yet
are girls panties as comfy as they look?
asking for a friend.
Not if you have a dick, no.
unless you got a micro penis i'd imagine stuff would fall out all the time
So this is going to be "he doesn't realise who he's messaging, find outs, resents them but eventually falls in love with them" plot
>why isn't 'chad falls in love with qt tranny' a more established genre?
because as is the case in real life this is going to end with chad killing the tranny because the only people interested in any relationship with a tranny beyond fucking one once just for the experience of it have legit mental issues
do not interact with lbqt stuff in anyway
do not acknowledge their presence
it's unlikely that he doesn't know, she only creates profiles on websites for trannies and men looking for them
he knows
she doesn't
>chad falls in love with qt tranny
There was a couple of episodes of Ally McBeal around that theme. That was back in 2003.
>he knows
>she doesn't
her penis looks like it sits in those panties nice.
>a show about a woman hallucinating a dancing baby and an asian who knows the art of fucking so well she forces people to sign NDAs before she fucks them is a good way to gauge real life
he was presented as being smart and vindictive, also a sociopath, his dad fucked the tranny and recorded a video of it that his son found, this is likely some sick scheme to harm the tranny
Why doesn't anyone care about my Very Good Post (TM) that points out him looking exactly like Elon Musk?
Shouldn't he be more pissed at his dad for fucking a tranny? Also, isn't the tranny underage in Murristan, which means the homo father should go to jail?
I just want you to know that you beautiful.
>An American adaptation of the Israeli show of the same name
Makes you think
>nobody has posted the webms from episode 1
When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
took me 10 minutes to watch this video, physically disturbing, how can anyone watch this?
That whole scene was an obvious AGP fantasy.
Tons of neckbearded white men sweating onions while typing up that script.
we don't exactly know what his end game with the tranny is yet, it's also presented that he idolizes his dad and might not give two fucks about who his dad fucks since his dad has a fucking secretly indexed catalogue of sex tapes he has with random strangers that is son enjoys watching without his dad realizing he knows about the videos
What the fuck is wrong with Americans?
Same reason people break their necks to watch a car crash.
But really, does Jules have a teratoma yet?
I swear migatards are more sensitive than SJWs.
Pedophilia, Self-hatred, and Excessive porn consumption.
These are the three ingredients that make up every modern trans.
At least those who choose that life. Some are forced into it by abusive mothers and doctors because "Mommy, I like mermaids!"
Lol no. Americans think that fucking anyone under 18 is wrong.
He's not approving of it, just that it's rampant in America and causes a domino affect because victims of pedophilia have a high likelihood of becoming pedophiles themselves
Either you have a very high tolerance for awful tv or you're disensitized to seeing such abnormal things, maybe it's because of our different cultures. Regardless on it's quality content alone, this is very trashy
Not him, but if you can't watch 1 minute of some shitty teen garbage you're a giant pussy.
the show is kinda half bad/half good but this scene was amazing
>this scene was amazing
Yeah but it's not
99% of trannies are victims of child abuse, be it either physical, psychological or both.
It's been scientifically proven trauma at such a young age causes permanent brain damage because of all the chemicals being released as the body and mind attempt to defend and cope with what's happening. The under-developed brain of a child can't take the chemical cocktail and fries itself, it's also the psychological trauma that leads to pathological damage just like how stress can cause an ulcer in adults. There's an entire industry based around manipulating, encouraging and taking advantage of victims, to rake in billions and push the current zeitgeist.
Most of them end up pedophiles themselves thus the circle continues.
Exterminate ALL leftists
I did like this scene alot, the shifting emotions as she was bitching and moaning about wanting drugs was nicely done
>leftists ruin everything
lol that ones full of angry ugly trannies that are mad at other trannies
The more you guys meme about Hunter, the more I realize that my gf looks kinda like a dude
'Tis true sweetie ;)
Rest assured, when you are one day in the gulag, its a re-education camp, nothing more.
its =/= it's
Yeah, you're right. I wouldn't
delet this
>Lol no. Americans think that fucking anyone under 18 is wrong
Usually the more people scream at something the more they are guilty of it.
>do not interact with lbqt stuff in anyway
>do not acknowledge their presence
How am I supposed to find cute traps to analsex this way ??
H-how is it to have a qt junkie gf like Zendaya ?
>physically disturbing
It's because you have the gays user
Pretty easily. Just have drugs.
nice and saved
t. dealer
>You did this to me! You fucking... you did this to me, Fez. You fucking ruined my life!
Because like 1% of them pass
then cast those 1%
>"""actual girl""""
>no qt trans girl to fawn over me
why even live?
>makes fun of trannies for years
>watches two episodes of euphoria
BTFO, Yea Forums
so are they gonna show benis or what?
It's good propaganda desu
Why do trannies always have that pasty globbed look to their skin
It looks like it's gonna fall off any second
The scene where Zendaya loses her shit because she had a fight with Jules was fairly kino. Looked like rejection sensitive dysphoria. I can't handle it when someone is slightly upset with me it completely destroys me and I get similarly anxious/emotional. Time to KMs.
That's called mother nature and it's how humans and every other mammal on earth make offspring. You fucking sodomite freak, society hates you and for good reason.
because chad has stacey, he doesn't need trannies.
only 4chin makers of tranny threads need trannies
>chad falls in love with a hyper feminized gay man
just a meme also that guy pushing it
You will never pass, kill yourself.
>those shoulders
mine was also a meme
but c'mon, bugs, remember the mongolian hobby site that you're on, not everyone is memeing.
I'm not a faggot.
Not sure where his plot with the tranny is going.
ladycock and chadass
is this show even good?
If by amazing you mean hackneyed/cringey/overly-sentimental then I agree with you
good, yes. but is propaganda because there are some based moments to get you to trust it, immediately followed by some degenerate shit.
feels like SkinsUK HBO edition.
can somebody post the chad's dick?
>teenager show with trannies
i'm just hoping one kills himself so we can meme it
It's terrible. Don't believe the people who say it's good. Literally nothing happens except violence and sex. If you're into violence, sex, and drugs in place of actual art/entertainment then you'll probably enjoy it
>beautiful photography
>soundtrack is good
>acting is good
>tranny/zendaya/chad is the only compelling storyline
>melodramatic as fuck and kinda cringe at times
It's alright. It's allowed to be out there/melodramatic because it's a teen drama. Anyone who says it's approaching anywhere near realistic is completely out of touch though. The only realistic TV depiction of being a teenager is probably the inbetweeners.
how do people not find zendaya adorable
We know
literally nothing wrong with her skin
it's tight and white
Zendaya is so ugly!
Season 2 was confirmed even before episode 1 aired and i hope none of the characters dies, but Fez has death flags all over him...
Because trannies are disgusting.
>white men end up fucking eachother while shitskins breed with our women
I think I'll pass on this round of jewish propaganda.
Who else is more confused by whether or not they want to fuck Zendaya than whether or not they want to fuck the tranny ?
You'll never pass
he's 5'4 and barely in the show
and he's gonna get cucked in future episodes
why does 1 black guy trigger you so?
Why do you say this bro, I'm Mexican and have never been anything but polite to white people
Remove the hate from your heart
Honesty is more important than realism. Unrealistic depictions can still be honest. As long as they get at the heart of things.
It's unrealistic but it's not dishonest.
You'll never have sex
I hate this trans shit. I'm a huge fan of traps but this whole trans thing seems like a mental illness. Being a cute girl doesn't mean you need surgery or anything. All these fucking hideous caveman looking white dudes putting on dresses and shit, it gives me cold sweats thinking that saying I like traps makes people think of that. Honestly, I just want to give up on humanity. Here's a worthwhile, wholesome trap for you, user. I'm sorry people are taking something I like and annoying you with it. Fuck trans.
>these are the shills ITT
Yeah I wasn't trying to imply it was dishonest or anything.
Oh thank God.
Traps are the same shit you degenerate retard
they end up the same
It's all degenerate. Any man wearing women's clothes and trying to be feminine should be shot. Fuck you, stop advocating for the death of masculinity
aren't gender fluid and non-binary identities accepted amongst trannies?
You're the anti-masculine one, if you think that traditional masculinity is so fragile and unnatural that merely giving men the choice to adhere to it or not, will destroy masculinity.
>40% of trans people have attempted suicide
>40% of trans people die from suicide
why do pol retards think this is the same thing
You get an extra one.
Look dude, I'm not going to try and blow your mind here, I'm straight as an arrow, I've almost been married, I've had a kid, I've done my part. The fact is, I want to spend my time with someone who shares my interests, not someone I have to worry about 24/7. You can put whatever hostile label you want on it, you be mad and worry about who is gay and shit, I'll be over here enjoying life.
I haven't watched any of this Euphoria shit because I'd rather be watching something I enjoy than just consuming echo chamber politics stuff. Are they going to end the series on pedo shit or have they already tried to normalize it?
They are fucking disgusting.
Cleanse this world with fire
pol thinks "getting the help" is spamming them with messages telling them to kill themselves, though
too skinny. gross
They do that on their own. No need to drag /pol/ into this you fucking incel
>t zoomer inbred that isn't aware of cultural icons like david bowie
>made up facts
>no citations
>drunk frog
what's the point?
>I'd rather be watching something I enjoy than just consuming echo chamber politics stuff.
Social issues aren't politics you retard.
If you don't think a new HBO show is worth giving a chance, simply because it's probably well made, then you've got shit taste in television.
Child abuse is bad, killing children is good? pol makes no sense
When you give men the choice to reject masculinity you destroy society. Look at the West now. You have 1000s of white men sterilizing themselves and never having families, or instead they grow up to be sex toys for other perverted men. It's a fucking epidemic and you degenerates obsessed with sex keep promoting it everywhere
Ok. You're still a degenerate even if you "just like traps fuck trannies bro". Traps are a precursor to trannies, and either way they encourage homosexuality. Fuck you for running away from responsibility just so you can live your life fucking "traps" (men). Coward.
>anti-tranny /pol/posters are literally gay and into traps
lol is this common? really makes me think
So? Michael Jackson the boy molester was a cultural icon too. Are cultural icons above criticism for boomers or what?
Never had to put down a pet, my man? It's basically the same thing.
I'm not calling it bad, I'm saying I didn't watch it. I watch almost everything else HBO does though. You're right about identity shit, I agree with you 100% and won't take it any further.
/pol/ here. Ever since the election we've had a ton of fags who don't even care about conservatism claim to be /pol/ when in reality they're just liberals who want to say nigger
>Type out this desperate wall of text
>Still go to bed alone
>tfw literally relate to this scene
Had to lock our opioids away and trap my teen sister in our house to keep her from ODing again. Literally had to physicially restrain until she tired out. She begged in every type of way possible, saying genuinely awful shit that actually fucked with me, telling me she loved me, telling me she was gonna die, etc
The opioid crisis has the potential to destroy a whole generation. The men responsible need to be locked up.
So, Chad knows who he is talking to but Jules doesnt. Is it just the unoriginal Chad tries to trap someone to bully and hurt him or Chad really wants the boipussy without afterthoughts ?
Also Does that make Zendaya gay if she also wants the boipussy ?
Is the black bro secretely gay or he will get cucked somehow ? I dont get where they are going with his storyline beside dating a thot.
Will Fez suffer the whole show ?
>gender fluid and non binary
Those are just straight girls who want a slice of the oppression cake.
Masculinity isn't "fragile" dude, it's *difficult*, unlike femininity. So if you give people the option to opt-out, they simply do. But it's also necessary, so allowing men to do that is not good for anyone involved except those individual men.
Getting mad at strangers online for hours every day is a mental illness
people that don't present in a feminine manor molest children too. what's your point?
>a ton of fags who don't even care about conservatism claim to be /pol/ when in reality they're just liberals who want to say nigger
being edgy is literally what your board is for and anyone delusional enough to take it seriously and thinks it's about self righteous political views should kill themselves.
they spam themselves with messages telling them to kill themselves? are you retarded?
I don't like traps or trannies but Michael unironically did nothing wrong
>thinking Yea Forums only got into traps in 2017
what level of zoomer is this?
i want rebbit to leave
Maybe if so many men find 'masculinity' so difficult then it's not good for everyone.
Personally i find it the most natural thing in the world.
>difficult = bad
retarded midwit shot-term thinking that turns people into pic related
>But it's also necessary
Which part? Dying in stupid wars? Breaking your back at hard menial labour for little pay?
>it's difficult
Yeah I'm sure your life is very difficult lmao
Wait... so I've not been helping?
/pol/ was never conservative to begin with we just meme'd trump and are a bit more aware than the average sucker don't project your mutt politics on the whole board fag
people that have to advocate masculinity and take pride in their sex and cry about women all day are the ones who unironically should transition, they're bitch made.
Good on Mac Miller for ignoring that ugly ass
>/pol/ was never conservative to begin with we just meme'd trump
Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company.
Honestly masculinity is fragile. It doesnt matter who you fuck, that wont make you more or less masculine, there gay who are far more masculine than hetero watching disneyshit all day and while tweeting how feminist and progressive they are with their pink died hair.
Obviously Jules isn't masculine at all
Being masculine =/= being hetero
She realizes how pathetic it is immediately after. It's not like most Junkies aren't self aware. They just care more about being high than self respect or anything else really.
>heh I love fooling you silly boys
this is trying too hard to be KIDS.
masculinity is being a father and taking good care of your family simple as
'Being masculine' is an utterly redundant and useless term that only serves to trap people into potentially damaging social expectations.
If what 'being a man' entails is natural rather than arbitrary then it will happen without society forcing it to happen.
>redefining masculinity to mean something (you) don't like to justify rejecting it
based retards so drowned in degeneracy and word games you can't even tell you're slowly dying
Disgusting fucking faggot
have sex
>are strongly correlated with homosexual behavior
Iunno when being a whingy little bitch was ever part of being a man user
I will stick my dick in every girl hole and nobody can stop me
the fact that jules gets spammed here more than sydney sweeney's remarkable tits is sad.
niggers are also full of hiv so i get denzel aint impressed
Why do Americans keep on making more and more disgusting fucking media? I'm really starting to resent them. All American media should be banned at this point.
Why even bother having sex if you gonna screw weird faggots that dress as women? Might as well jack off to porn or fuck a fat bitch.
True, scene got me annoyed just cause i know people IRL who say the same shit without the self awareness
>/pol/ was right
it's summer
Anorexia/bad diet, drugs, HRT, stress, depression, and lack of sun, to name a few.
>dime a dozen ugly irish goblin with some decent looking tits (if you like big ones)
>qt tranny of which there are like 5 in the world
you're a pleb
depicting things doesn't mean you support them
the series is pretty anti-drug and especially opiods
it's also critical of digital culture
and even how dangerous and vile online hookup fag shit is
stop defending your degenaracy
>>qt tranny of which there are like 5 in the world
Not even that cute, only DECENT when he faces the camera, he has awful profiles
whatever you are saying, have sex
wasn't talking about what it means to be a man (wich differs from times, culture etc) but masculinity has traits
>why isn't 'chad falls in love with qt tranny' a more established genre?
Because that's pure fantasy, faggot.
stop posting frogs
i agree with what you say but i dont think that can be applied to euphoria (and other shows of the genre)
Euphoria is gonna be pretty popular with zoomers and millenials and they will see it as something to identify has rather than a seeing the message behind it (if there is one)
Movies are much more effective to convey a message (requiem for a dream, trainspoting...)
>rue spaghetti everywhere
kawaii as fuck
based "actual girl" poster
what, you think zoomers are really going to think Rue's drug use is cool? Even when you have literally every other character in the show telling her it isn't, and a graphic depiction of her oding and the screaming at the door?
It's almost requiem for a dream tier blatant.
Whatsmore i don't even give a shit if it doesn't shove its messages down your throat, as interesting character drama and art /tone rank way above messaging in whether television or film are good or not.
>normie trash zoomer sex drama and LOLDRUGS
>barely about the tranny at all
man that actress is terrible
it's literally the opposite of LOLDRUGS
>what, you think zoomers are really going to think Rue's drug use is cool?
Not that the use of drugs is cool but that having drug problem is normal. They normalize EVERYTHING nowaday. Kids will see this and think that having addiction is common, everyone has one ('ill just have to stop lol') same goes for taking dickpicks and being a camwhore.
the virgin euphoria vs the chad too old to die young
too old to
die young
is not
very good
Go back, Nic
>those comments
>tfw no girl will ever call gigantic and hot
>that profile picture
>likes a pocahontas video
No, the entire thing is horrific and I wonder how long it will be before plastic surgeons get sued and this barbarism ends.
dat gormless stare
Spotted the virgin
>spotted the virgin
Next episode is gonna be about Jules' backstory and her meeting Nate.
is this what people who have never done drugs think buying drugs is like?
literally written and directed by a guy who was an addict
Because normal men think faggots are disgusting and would just assume knock your teeth out with an iron rod as opposed to touch your psychotic ass.
Now fuck off to >> with your faggot propaganda and quit shitting up our board.
It’s rather obvious what they’re building up to. Nate and Jules fall in love, secretly at first. Eventually Nate stands up for her and they go public, but are ultimately undone when Nate finds out his Dad fucked her. Jules will realize first, and agree to keep it secret with the Dad, but Nate will stumble on the video one night and that’ll be the end of it. It’s a classic tragic romance arc.
holy fuck this guy is wearing his heart on his sleeve for a q&a session
she cute
Go fuck yourself you degen yuropoor. You faggots make x10 more degen crap than us.
>tfw hunter schafer being a raging lefty is more of a turn off than her having a dick
>lukas dhont
hate the faggot glad this film didn't had any traction here in belgium
>yuroppor makes 10x more degen crap than us
>what is, iam jazz, hollywood or porn
He looks like Ezra Miller in a blond wig
Europeans make degen porn as well dumbass.
>qt tranny
Delusional faggots actually think this doesn't.
You're a dude. You'll always be a dude. Get help, and, that help isn't pretending you're a chick.
The guy in the video is a pretty girl thought, I would make love to him, nohomo.
op here
yes im a dude what's your point?
god fucking damn it i wanna watch this tranny getting brutally fucked and gangbanged by 5 black dudes with 9 inch dicks
>dude straight guys being secretly gay with each other is just fantasy
>now take this plotline of a straight guy being secretly gay for a cross dresser seriously
Female writers.
the creator of the show (a guy) has written all 8 episodes
Jules has hairy arms though wtf
>thinking that sticking your dick into a surgically altered dick/hole is better
Liking traps is not gay thought, are you a roastie or something ?
trannyvideosxxx com/feminized-natalie-mars-ella-hollywood-mz-berlin-lexi-sindel-in-the-new-girl/
>implying you wouldn't
Trannies are mentally ill, in what reality does this happen?
>caring about the politics of cute girls (male)
What did you expect? A trad girl (male) who reads the Bible and wants to start a big family?
Did she offer to suck your dick?
oh btw Ella Hollywood, who is in this video, is also in an episode of this show, so this post is directly on-topic for the thread
>men age like wine
>women age like milk
How do trannies age ?
There is no such thing as a real life trap.
Seething roasties that the trannie revolution is coming and men will prefer to fuck cute boys over spending a second with a feminist slut
Wine mixed with milk.
Trannies age like bananas.
More likely than you think.
Wine, they’re the ultimate mate
>The guy in the video is a pretty girl
No, it's a guy. Fuck off with your insanity.
Matter of fact, just kys already. You know that's how it's going to end anyway.
Serious answer is they age better than women because they don't go through the menopause and don't have periods so their hormones are consistent, which effects biosynthesis of collagen and so on. They don't get more masculine with age once they're on the medication, if that's what you're wondering.
here's your "gf" bro
Have sex
guess that video's a pretty good promo for the show then
still cute
>They don't get more masculine with age
Yea, male pattern baldness is pretty non-masculine.
based nitpicking retard
This. Even with him smiling at some of the texts he gets from her his dad being a degenerate faggot traumatized him for life. Can't even function around dicks flapping around in the locker room cause he's too scared to catch the gay. Him turning out to be a closeted faggot would be super cliche and stupid as fuck. I hope he beats the piss out of jules and leaves her body in the lake.
That’s clearly a man, so you’re clearly gay.
the modern male are inherently sociopaths from being exposed to things such as the red pill and face fucking degrading porn.
>"s-she" is still cute despite having a stronger jawline than most males
the desperation is palpable, you will NEVER pass, this is considered a top tier tranny and even he can't pass outside of carefully taken photos, the male skeleton inside you never lies.
>thinks normal dudes are attracted to faggots
Nope. That's not how that works. You're like mongoloid retards to us.
Seek help.
He looks like a man in a wig, he IS a man in a wig.
Hot, Id fuck both.
Dude seriously have sex or lift some weights, you are having a spastic meltdown, there is nothing more alpha that pounding trap boipucci
no homo
>sexually oppressed and mutilated americans wake up
>thread about show that happens to feature a cute transwoman goes to shit
quelle surprise
fez is hot i hope they fuck
tranny tits are always ugly
Baldness is caused by DHT, which is a breakdown product of testosterone. It's this which prescription male anti-baldness medications like finasteride target. If you nuke your balls there's no way for you to go bald as a result of ageing, though I imagine trannies could still get traction alopecia etc.
The thread was shit from the start.
>not gonna help you, kill yourself
What the fuck was his problem?
Show me an example of an old tranny that looks good.
Does that mean hairlets who go on meds are basically taking tranny pills?
I can show you old trannies who look more or less like ordinary old women, depends how you define "looks good". Lynn Conway from IBM, Wendy Carlos who composed the soundtracks for Tron and A Clockwork Orange, etc. look pretty normal.
most old trannies transitioned late in life
doubt there's anyone older than in their 20s who started transitioning pre-puberty
Finasteride can cause impotency I think so kinda? I don't know if you grow tits and shit though.
what a sad pair
>I dont get where they are going with his storyline beside dating a thot.
She's for sure about to get pregnant and ruin his fucking life and he will most likely abandon her. that's their plot.
as for zendaya, she's probably bi curious. i want her to fuck fez.
Yes, and there is this actually this newish trend of young effeminate guys taking low-dose tranny HRT to both preserve their hair and looks.
you faggots say that about every movie/show about skaters or edgy teens
Feel free to explain that to all the balding trannies. Knowing that they can’t actjally be balding is sure to cause their baldness to reverse.
DHT is useless for most men outside of puberty when you are done growin taking female hormones and DHT inhibitors are not the same thing at all and I think the trannies hormone blockers are for testosterone not DHT
There are other factors at play besides DHT but yes it seems that pills like spiro and other trannie meds help with hair growth aswell
Most females are balding just as men
There is more at play than DHT and I am a believer in a mix of DHT plus scalp pressure these days
wew lad
you mean /femgen/ on the lgbt board? apparently if you take bicalutamide you can still use your dick too, if true the next generation of gays are going to be the Alpha and the Omega of humanity.
>wtf did you say about transwomen you incel?!
>There you go.
>That's it.
>Good girl.