I just watched this. They are never going to explain why the Engineers wanted to destroy humans, are they?
I just watched this. They are never going to explain why the Engineers wanted to destroy humans, are they?
It's because Jesus was an engineer and we crucified him. It's not explained in the movies, though. Maybe it would have been if everyone hasn't complained and Covenant was actually Prometheus 2.
humanity is a failed experiment
it’s only courtesy to clean it up
>It's because Jesus was an engineer and we crucified him
Holy shit
Why did we crucify him?
I'd also like to know why they created biological weapons. Were there other races? Were they at war with these races? Were they just massive dicks who liked to fuck around with shit because they could?
Fuck Lindelof to hell.
because jews
What did he do? I don't know any of the back story
I assumed it was because the black goo turns into the perfect predator or something of whatever it uses as a host and they made humans in order to make the ultimate xeno or something. Then once they saw what the xenos became they realized it was a mistake and wanted to kill humanity so it could never be repeated. I think alll that's out the window now though.
Get out Jew
But they wanted to send the black goo to Earth
How come the Jews don't like Jesus?
((((We)))) didn't. Unironically it says in the Biblr that the Pharisees (rich fucked up Jews that hated Jesus and his prophets) BEGGED and BEGGED the Romans to crucify him and pulled all kinds of strings until they did.
"They hated Jesus because he spoke the truth."
Inb4 JIDF shows up and derails it into nonstop replying of semantics and infohraphics from reddit until the thread dies
He did the same thing in Lost and Leftovers. He can't sci-fi and should stick to soap operas.
Same thing he always does: Asks a bunch of questions that he never plans on answering under the guise of appearing “deep,” then when he gets called a hack, half-asses any kind of payoff, shrugs, and collects his paycheck.
Isn't jesus dying crucial for humanity though? I thought he had to die?
Because basically Jesus was teaching more forgiveness and love and no longer having to do all the old ways of some occassional animal sacrifice (pretty mild compared to most religion sacrifices) abd he also called out the Pharisees wicked and more money hungry ways.
(Before I'm called a baseless conspiritard, my theory is that all the greedy evil jews of today connect via bloodline to all those ancient Pharisees and the bloodline of Jesus' prophets are some of the few decent ones.)
His death was supposed to inspire humanity to become better, but that didn’t happen.
Imagine my shock
Eh, sounds like reaching.
idk, it really doesn't think that all of humanity would be condemned just because one sect had him crucified.
However, the analogy would hold if the Engineer in the movie was going to institute the Rapture.
You can tell the reason why based on the conversation with David and the Engineer.
That's really weird when people say Christianity is Jewish propaganda when he actually fought against them.
It's possible to give even the purpotrators free will yet still predict events. Like how Adam and Eve had thebchoice to not est the apple.
Metaphysics is more complicated than it appears now and time is no longer read left to right but is one thing in a bubble itself and we only see it from dumb eyes.
>Engineer creates humans in his image
>Humans create androids in their image
>Engineer discovers androids
>Engineer chimps out
Not that hard to understand really.
Imagine being american and needing to be spoonfed answers
But they wanted to kill them before he met David, retards
who cares. Seriously.
Sorry this thread bumped one of your pedo ones off the board
Engineers were disappointed with their own creation. The whole story is a really shitty rip off of the Old Testament
David woke the Engineer up from stasis, though.
While yes, Jesus himself said he was a Jew and called himself "The King of Jews", he is in fact the one who called them out on all their wickedness and faults (specific jewish tribes are the worse ones others in the Bible seemed more normal). There's lots of verses. One of him saying to Pharisees "You are of your father, the father of lies." In Revelations there is a group of powerful people called "People who call themselves Jews but are not" and describes them as "The Synagogue of Satan" so an especially evil group of people who call themselves Jews. Lots of people think these ones may be Ashkenazi jews which are the main rich greedy globalist ones today but I'm not sure
cunny threads > any discussion of prometheus. Unironically. And I'm not a pedo.
Just an insufferable faggot.
The star map was already set to Earth before he woke up
>tfw ashkenazi dna
This is horrible to hear.
Of course but you're looking at it literally, you dunce.
The interaction with the Engineer is also representative of their reason for wanting humans dead.
Hey don't poke holes in my retarded logic
Well as I recall, the Ashkenazis are not even semitic or "actual" Jews, they're just a bunch of slavics who converted to Judaism some centuries ago. So in the most literal sense they call themselves Jews but technically are not.
As long as it's less than 25%, it shouldn't have too much of a bearing on yourself.
But yes, George Soros, The Rothschilds family, Zuckerberg, Charles Schumer, the Jews who founded the Frankfurt school of thought in Germany which later moved to the US and brought in every anti christian anti american thing into Universities as mainstream you can think of just about, many higher ups who are the most progressive pro immigrant anti borders anti guns, all Ashkenazi.
Ashkenazi also have the highest IQ on average by far of all Jews. Though imo, they're more genius socially and verbally and in manipulation rather than scientifically or in original/inventive thought.
>thinks prometheus has discussion value and isn't completely fucking retarded, braindead and pretentious
>thinks the movie with the stoner who has a bong built into his EVA suit who then goes to pet an evil looking alien cobra is deeply intelligent and worth discussing
>calls me an insufferable faggot
years later and low IQ Prometheus fans are still the worst
You talk like an insufferable faggot and that's the reason I call you an insufferable faggot.
Remove yourself from this thread.
Shit, I've heard that but didn't look into it much. I honestly wouldn't doubt and I have my suspicions on Ashkenazis as being those "Fake Jews" called out more than any other types of supposed Jews. How can God's people be the most lying greediest and ugliest? Seem more perfect candidates for Lucifer's people imo.
Really surprised that the Jew who shows up to any thread talking about Jews and immediately argues till thread death hasn't shown up yet. Maybe it reacts to certain key words like a search thing. Idk. Remember my words if he shows up. Very surprised he hasn't.
It's more for sure. My grandfather walked away from his Jewish side and converted, that's all he's ever talked about to any of us. Makes me curious about the details. Only ever met anyone from that side of the family once and it was when I was very young. That entire side is hidden from me.
>Maybe it would have been if everyone hasn't complained and Covenant was actually Prometheus 2.
>stop complaining about bad movies, give them sequels!
>send a bald giant from outer space to preach about love
>they killed him
thank god they cut that, because it's goddamn retarded
Wow, a converted Jew is probably rare. My Dad's been friend's with one for a couple years and he acts like a normal decent and funny guy. But incredibly rare. I'm more knowledgeable on Ashkenazis because of their current influence but on Sephardics and all the rest, not very much though.
Why do ants get stepped on? Because sometimes people just want to step on them. DUDE DEEP
The conspiracy stuff you were mentioning makes me wonder if he saw some things and didn't like it. I watch too many movies though, thanks for humoring me.
Prometheus was a masterpiece compared to Covenant
Nah. They're mutts these days from inbreeding, but the original jews moved north along the Rhine, and went further north because the Holy Roman Empire hated them (a common theme with jews.) They still have a lot of middle eastern dna in their gene pool, because the slavs didn't breed with them as much as other areas they invaded, after being kicked out of another. There wasn't much conversion before the modern age - they didn't want converts, and why would a Slav convert, when it was a social, economic and political downgrade? Even Slavs aren't that dumb.
Imagine thinking having plot holes makes your shitty movie deep
Why did they want to destroy humanity and not just the jews then?
Wait, was Hortler a engineer?
Do you distinguish between bugs? I don't.
Why did David give Shaw's boyfriend the black ooze? Did he want Shaw for himself?
Trying to make Sense in a shitty movie<
The only good things are Fasbender's acting and the FX, nothing More
Ye, always interesting talking to a Jew who's the type to not get mad if I'm "politically incorrect" compared to the majority I've spoken to before that get so angry about certain things. I was raised Christian so there's parts about protecting Israel and Jews yet I've seen so much evil from all the rich ones and barely any decent ones around today. But then again, maybe all the decent ones are the normal ones or the more lower/middle class ones in Israel who I rarely hear of. I want to be able to connect that if Jews are supposed to be this loving god of truth's people, that they'd at least be decent since the globalist liberal types are always the one with the megaphones to speak. I just want to know whether the bible is true or a lie.
No, that would make too much sense. Nothing in these movies happens for any real reason
I don't get it
the engineer didn't even say anything
david just tried communicating with it based on a bunch of knowledge of old earth languages and all he ended up actually saying was "fight us pussy I bet you won't because you're a fag"
Who ever said they were going to destroy humans? Hahaha what gave you that idea?!
engineer should have uppercutted davids head off and he should have stayed dead forever
Man idk if this is really what Ridley came up with but that is so goddamn stupid.
>be smart as shit aliens
>think humans can understand
Well, basically if you look into biblical study, the prevailing theory is that they’re the people chosen by God as an example/lesson to everyone else-it’s stated many times that they would fall out of his grace and pay for it, just as they did in the past.
Basically, according to Revelations, when the end times come along Jews will prop up the Antichrist until he commits the Abomination of Desolation (claiming that he is to be worshipped). Once he does this, the Jews eyes will open to who he truly is, and then 3/4ths of them will be wiped out under his regime.
>How can God's people be the most lying greediest and ugliest? Seem more perfect candidates for Lucifer's people imo.
What if their god of the Old Testament isn't the God of the New Testament?
What if their god is something else; a 2nd hand Canaanite diety or the demiurge, perhaps?
Series peaked with Resurrection.
Humans were created to be literally guinea pigs for the black goo. Thats it, thats the reason...
(((They))) do seem rather insistent on legalizing child sacrifices...
>It's because Jesus was an engineer and we crucified him
Wtf I love Prometheus now
>Were they just massive dicks who liked to fuck around with shit because they could?
Yes. Go back and watch the scene where David poisons Charlie.
>Prometheus was a masterpiece compared to Covenant
I believe you. After Prometheus went full retard I didn't even bother
also, to me Prometheus does not even exist and the space-jockey/xenomorphs are still the unknown ancestral space scare they were supposed to be
How the fuck did no one pick up on this with the “2000 years ago” comment that’s made? Fucking hell.
>I just watched this.
until the end? really?
Maybe because it never shows a big blue faggot getting nailed to a cross? Lots of shit happened 2000 years ago.
It’s pretty obvious with all the talk of religion and imagery in the movie that that’s what it’s supposed to be.
I unironically give AVP an 8/10 and Prometheus a 7/10. Both of their sequels are 2/10 though. What's wrong with me?
Nobody wanted to, because it's fucking dumb. I'll rather take "they're just evil, man" over something so ridiculous.
The whole movie was about “where did we come from?” and questioning religion. Ancient beliefs and all that shit. It fit with what the movie was going for.
It depends. Are you rating enjoyment or quality?
I would give my opinion but i keep getting told to kms and go back to raddit.
Hollywood have run out of ideas so they give Ridley Scott lots of money to do yet another Alien film. They have no idea what they are doing so they hire the guy from Lost to put in some mystery boxes and let the next film sort put the actual story, although it won't. Just like Star Wars actually
He wanted to see the effects of the black goo. Use your brain once in a while
Both desu
Then you are cursed
nigga, just within the movie they imply several reasons for them to fuck us over, what kinda brainlet you are?
Based schizophrenic poster
Ridley Scott is on record saying they wanted to "Wipe things clean". IE: They are cleansers/Thanos.
It also explains in the comics that they see life as a disease and it's their responsibility to wipe out sentience.
Why didnt the Bible mention the Jesus was a hairless, muscular, albino giant?
name one that actually exists in the movie
Please don't post from a phone
they actually did explain that per inferring
what they didn't explain was what the goo gooing
you're retarded
Perhaps it wasn't within their plans for life to become sapient? I mean, in few thousands years humanity went from eating shit to developing FTL travel, give 'em a few more and we could be a threat to their civilization.
What newfag uses a computer. Who the fuck goes on Yea Forums during times OTHER than taking a shit lol
just because alien covenant was horrible doesn't mean prometheus was anything other than nonsensical shit
get a load of this retard
Prometheus is probably one of the most disappointing films ever for me. I'm a huge fan of Aliens, even like some of the AvP movies, used to read AvP books back when I was in 6th or 7th grade. The first half hour of Prometheus I'm thinking, "wow, this is a pretty damn good movie" then it just absolutely goes off of a fucking cliff. What a disappointment.
Trying to explain shit is what made these new batch of movies so absolute shit. The xenomorph was at it´s best when it was just a superior predator lurking in the dark corners of space, hiding in the dark, hunting. The whole creationist aproach is so fucking dumb it hurts. How can this come from the very same RIdley Scott is beyond me... i guess he is afraid of dying now that he is old and really needs to believe there is a god or a deeper meaning to stuff.
so was Hitler another Engineer and tried to take revenge on (((them)))?
They should with themselves then what a bunch of retards