>Arrive to new region
>Bring horse to a halt
>Say name of region out loud
>Continue riding towards the city
Arrive to new region
Other urls found in this thread:
>massive city
>not surrounded by farms
That's because Peter Jackson's vision of middle earth is a lifeless moonscape. He only nailed the shire.
this artist needs a perspective grid for xmas
In the book there are farms and stuff.
>come to Yea Forums
>enter this thread
>call op a faggot out loud
>continue browsing the board
>arrive to new region
>go into the local council office
>ask about their tax policy and do they offer relief for non-Dom status
>establish setting as all the good, mankind and their cousins like dwarves and elves against the forces of evil with terrifying creatures like orcs and goblins
>midway it turns out that 'evil' side actually has a large allegiance of normal men of the shitskin tribes
>big battle ends with the 'good' side using some crazy undead ghosts to wipe the battlefield
not all is as it seems, what was Tolkien trying to tell us here?
The ghosts only took the ships. They weren't a part of the battle.
And the elves didn't help at all after Lothlorien. That shit was just in the movies.
Pelenor FIELDS
Er lad...
i am being real here: even if you don't see any farms in the movie, would they really be so close to the city if they would exist? Like literally outside the walls? That seems bad to me. Farms need vast lands, they aren't video game farms. Plus it would make the city look ugly as shit
>doesn't inquire about local average penis size nor about the ratio of homosexuals in the region
how can I get immersed into this!?
Don’t have to bother, I’m sure they have a regular penis inspection day like most civilised countries. I’ll get the information there
I'm going to do that irl now
yikes: the post
>they aren't video game farms
They're not modern day farms either. Why wouldn't a city be surrounded by farmland anyway? That's how its population is fed. In the books, the lands outside of Minas Tirith are all cultivated and inhabited, and are in turn protected by a long wall, dotted with forts, named the Rammas Echor, which is the first to fall in the battle.
It’s true though. The ghosts took the ships and then Aragorn let them go.
well maybe they went for aestethics. Can't blame them, the city looks great all by itself in that light.
the books don’t matter
The Orcs destroyed them you dumb shit and people moved away to escape the war. fucking dumb pieces of shit
They didn't really have a choice anyhow, the LotR trilogy is marred by the moon-like desolation of almost all of its locations after the first film, as if no place outside of the Shire was cultivated. It's all austere steppe with massive mountains looming over it.
>was tolkien trying to tell us something here
>that didn't happen in tolkien's writings
>lol books don't count
based retarded on purpose poster
The films can never be seperated from the books.
they were looking for a location in NZ for Pelennor but couldn't find one so they settled for cgi. Plus they simplified the battle for the movie just to make it easier to film
he didn't do that at minas tirith, though, he did that in front of edoras
based cope poster I‘m dead serious
Except the books don’t matter when you’re talking about the film adaptation ya dingus
To be fair though, he's always traveling with people who haven't been there. That, and the importance of theatrical dialogue.
Can someone explain this meme to me?
Why do people poyt this exact, stupid OP every other day?
the farms are nearby
the city was clearly founded with fortification and protection in mind
it isnt a stretch of the imagination to conclude that the city isnt surrounded by the best farmland... especially when the river isnt nearby.
There's nothing to justify, user, because no such thought was put into it by its creators. Or they might have thought about it, and then dismissed it for practical reasons, as some user said they had a hard time finding a location. They were confined to New Zealand, and for some reason didn't choose to/couldn't use an already cultivated location, and had to settle for one of that nation's austere valleys.
Tolkien is not the director my friend. that nigga's been dead for a while
that model next to the mountain. whoever did the scaling really fucked up bad.
Lot of extra construction costs when there was no reason to put that shit on the bridge
Look up any old town or city. They all had farms just outside the walls. There is no reason not to put it there, cuts down on transporation time for the merchants
>It was finished by 1209 during the reign of King John; it had taken 33 years to complete. John tried to recoup the cost of building and maintenance by licensing out building plots on the bridge but this was never enough.
Read the history book once a while dear user.
Literally based on London
there's literally one in florence
Really? So at 30s in this video, when he stops his horse and says “Minas Tirith, city of kings” never happens?
Fucking retard
>ah burger king
>home of the whopper
Literally stop posting
why are bridges with buildings on it so comfy?
Either you're comfortable or you're on edge 24/7 because your house is built on a structure that might not support the weight.
Why was it even called a city of kings?
Just because it's the capital?
Hes telling pippin where they are you spastic
this city is so fucking fake these movies are stupid as fuck
if there are no farms, where are the taxes coming from
obviously scaled up massively for the fantasy setting, but it's inspired by mont st.michel. a lot of the designs are based in reality.