Now that the dust has settled...what's your opinion on Jurassic Park III?

Now that the dust has settled...what's your opinion on Jurassic Park III?

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I liked it

Leagues better than the second one.

I like the first three Jurassic Park movies pretty well, even if 3 isn't anywhere near as good. It's still entertaining, and funny with some of the goofy stuff at times. Better than the new ones, especially Jurassic Park 5 for sure.

JP movies are in the quality of release date

It's got Grant
The aviary sequence was cool
It's not Jurassic World 1 or 2
It's so fucking stupid

the aviary part are miles better than whole spooky mansion of JW2

Retard detected.

Even as a kid I didn't like it. The original Jurassic Park was so dark and mature. The dinosaurs acted like actual animals, not movie monsters.

The raptors and whatever the fuck that megasaurus rex was named in III were movie villains. There's nothing frightening about dinosaurs that have read the plot.

the most shocking and sadistic of the franchise but filled with retarded moments. Still interesting to see how all the characters acted out of greed in this movie and how there were no human antagonists, just dinosaurs.

Thought it was the shittiest JP movie, until Jurassic World came out

I like 1 and 3, the newest ones didn't happen

>Johnston said the script was never finished during production: "We shot pages that eventually went into the final script but we didn't have a document".

And it still ended up better than the second one.

Pretty kino. Spino was kinda scary

It's ok, dumb but I'll still watch it.
I prefer 1 and 2. With 2 slightly edging out 1, despite its issues. Note that 1 is objectively better.
Anyway, comfy jungle trek. Tall grass. Raptors.

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That's a weird dinosaur

The only JP/JW movie where I like the token kid character.

Excuse me

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It's alright, not good or bad. I prefer it to Jurassic Worlds.

Oh I meant reptilian human look alike

Hey now, rude

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most parts were not believeable, but enjoyed it

That boy has a nice mustache