Say something nice about Ratatouille
Say something nice about Ratatouille
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no one called it out for being criminally overrated dreamworks tier trash
redpilled me on the kitchen jew
it's a good story about hard work and finding and practicing a craft
Do you think Remy fucked Colette using Linguini?
user...this is a children's film
Well naturally this would have happened off-camera
How'd he do it guys?
The Colette 34 where she had hairy pits and happy trail and pissed her panties was great.
post it
The reviewers speech at the end was awesome.
btw if you own a restaurant, don't put rats in there, they don't actually know how to cook
Genuinely good movie. Not among Pixar's absolute best, but certainly far better than it's produced in years.
Read that again and tell me that doesn't belong on reddit. Be honest.
and your point is what exactly? read what you wrote again and tell me you arent an unoriginal faggot
Rather be unoriginal that a fucking redditor.
>linkin park, seriously?
>comic sans are you kidding me?
>pineapple on pizza wtf?
>reddit hur dur
that's you, your identity is based on hating the thing that is popular to hate, even though none of that shit actually matters. sad
Best pixar movie after the toy story trilogy.
Do the needful sirs and provide with sauce plox
> your identity is based
Um, nope. You're acting like an obnoxious redditor, and I'm pointing it out. This doesn't constitute an identity.
That post was an embarrassing blunder tbqh.
the mind control thing is a fetish of mine I wish someone would do that to me
Just recently rewatched it. It’s honestly really good. Not the best Pixar film, but it’s in the top 5, at least for me. Good story, funny moments all throughout, and although I can’t stand Patton Oswald, he’s somewhat tolerable in this film.
it inspired me to start cooking
oh okay, i didnt know there was no place for silly jokes related to the thread here. have sex, based, sneed, dilate, am i doing right? am i fitting in user? have i assimilated into the hive mind yet?
You both sound like redditors
Neck yourselves niggers
I liked how the girl looked like Gianna Michaels
Which one I see three in that picture
What is your Pixar top 5?
Well, that's just cringe, but it's not reddit. You're still shitposting, though.
The point is that you're joke was terribly unfunny, not natural, or organic. Really, something perfectly suited to reddit.
looks more like this thing
i go on reddit sometimes, that doesnt make me a "redditor".
no, i tried the joke on reddit too, they told me to go back here, oh well
>o, i tried the joke on reddit too, they told me to go back here, oh well
Yeah, utter bullshit. Fuck off.
the soundtrack was so good it gave Michael Giacchino the opportunity to work on Star Trek, Star Wars, and MCU (to varying degrees of quality, Rogue 1 is literally a copy paste of Star Trek 09)
is he the most prolific high-budget composer of our generation?
5. Ratatouille
3. The Incredibles
2. Toy Story 2
1. A Bug’s Life
yeah i'm thinkin he's based
wtf, its kino, great storytelling, compelling characters, awesome cinematography, the ego scene its the most kino shit since tarkovsky and its not even pretentious. dont you dare to come to rattatouille I hunt you and I kill you heartless motherfuckers.
I fix that
-Inside out
-Toy story 3
The first 20-25 minutes of Wall-e is one of the greatest things they’ve made. Unfortunately after that I lose interest in the movie.
you didnt like the incredibles?
has anyone eaten ratatouille? is it good?
I did no dislike it, but its not my favourite.
The more I watch Inside out (with its hardly a kids movie) the more I get how profound and touching it is. I wish non animation movies were made with that much tought and love. Inside out its the Synedoche NY of animation.
>Inside Out
It was funny but that’s really it
>Toy Story 3
I liked it but not as much as the first two
I’ll admit it’s really good and i quote it a lot, but still not in my top 5. But for sure in my top 10+
i havnt seen inside out, maybe i should give it a watch later
>Synecdoche NY of animation
That’s a bold statement my friend
you should, I will not lie and say that I saw it later cause the poster its so horrible (yes, thats get me ) but its really complex and at the same time relatable.
its funny like this user says too but not in a silly way.
I like the most how the get to merge such a complex theories in "kids" movies and dont loose the soul in the way.
I know, but; Im wrong?
Pretty easily, just push down on the soft part of their threat. Or have some kind of weird gun that you can fire with your thumb
yeah, i thought it was a real fancy recipe but it's pretty easy to make.
It's the most aesthetically pleasing pixar movie by far. I think the only other CGI movie that matches it is Kung Fu Panda
In my opinion, i’d say you’re wrong. It’s just Synecdoche is the kino’s kino. Inside out is great but it is pretty flawed in ways. That’s stupid to say cuz all Pixar films have their flaws but Inside Out has a flaw that really gets to me: all the emotions in other people’s minds are dressed like the person. The dad’s emotions all have suits and mustaches, the boy’s at the end all have a hat and black curly hair, but Riley’s aren’t. They just look themselves and don’t have brown hair like Riley. That’s the only thing that really gets to me
Yeah, its just a vegetable stew with some meat thrown in it to flavor it. Its pretty common.
Doesnt usually look like what's in the movie though that was a chef reconstruction of it
easily the best pixar movie
yeah, but at the end of the movie Riley growns and have more control of her emotions, her father, her mother are adults who let most of they emotions aside ( you see it like when the mother have a problem and fantasize with the brazilian guy) and the father the same, the inside rage its there, the depression its there for the mother but they overcoming day by day cause they are adults. The kid maybe does not have the awakening yet that Riley have, all her emotions are mixed and the same. But mostly I think that the film out enfhasis in the protagonist and give her all these charaters cause she doesnt know yet who she is.
sorry if i misspell something english its not my language and that was a lot of text.
is that rebecca sugar
what a fucking jew
What is your language if i may ask?
I deadass opened Wall-E for a minute to test a vid player app on my phone, saw him rummaging around his trailer trying to show Eve his collection of stuff, wanting only to hold her hand, and began weeping so hard because that little fucker is me goddamn it
even despite his programming all he wants is to be near Eve and hold her hand
idk, love fucks me up and Wall-E is it for me in that regard
also the preachy earth shit isn't so bad on rewatch, the captain is actually a wonderful Pixar char
Im argentinian
inside out seems to be very divisive
I personally hated it and had zero emotional response to it, nothing was funny or organically clever, and the moral is so basic and obvious it felt like a waste of time (esp for anyone with a sibling)
but clearly tons of ppl think it's among the best of Pixar
>oh wow sad things can be good too
the only good part is when the imaginary friend sacrifices himself, it had some of that Pixar gravitas
>the only good part is when the imaginary friend sacrifices himself
thanks, i'll be sure to anticipate this when i see it for the first time
I think they missed a trick by not making a sequel and calling it “rata2ille”
I cry in that scene but was pure primal response cause I found it the worst of the movie, I know its her letting go her chilhood but the depression part and how operates without you know it it was get me most.
what would the sequel be about?
Easily Pixar's best work
Recently watched it, it's absolute garbage. Just a mishmash of seemingly "cool" ideas that fail to coalesce into a singular cohesive piece of fiction.
That's easy. It is the best major motion picture from Pixar.
>rat and man are successful
>get asked to go work in a London restraunt
>sub-plot: rat struggles with the London vermin, can’t handle the bants, gets love interest voiced by maise
>go into new kitchen in London
>hijinks ensue involving jokes about spotted dick and faggots
>first service
>we’ve got one pie and mash, one jellied eels and one BURGAH
>rat goes missing
>chef has to do it all himself
>moral of story: you can do whatever you want just be yourself
>music by Randy Newman
I have no idea how this and Incredibles got made when their whole theme is "yeah some people are better than others"
>the soundtrack was so good
It really was
I dislike that Ratatouille introduced all those interesting kitchen characters and Pixar never used them again.
t-thats actually not bad
What does being yourself mean? If I study something and become proficient at it, am I not myself anymore?
If I cant manage a stable relationship because I cant commit or treat women like objects should I not change? But that would mean going against myself?
get out
The girl was kinda cute.
What has Jordan Peele to do with this?
i said get the fuck out of here
Make me faggot
okay i'm sorry
It has a peter o'toole in it
I remember it was originally being made by the guy who made the geri's game short but Brad Bird had to come in a rescue it. I always wondered why that was an animated film.
Collette looks like the type of girl who would tie you to her bed, throw away the keys, and just use you for the sake of her pleasure, regardless of how drained your balls are to the point you're just cumming blood, or how tight she made the shackles.
Congratulations, you're the first person I've ever met who thinks A Bug's Life was the best Pixar movie.
>no monsters inc
Here you go you lazy fucks
You're a bad person
have sex
It's just the comfiest movie of all.