For me? It’s Ansel Elgort

For me? It’s Ansel Elgort.

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They all look like beta cucks

Idk I think Ansel looks pretty much like Elvis actually

Who the hell are 1 and 3? 1 at least looks the part.

3 looks familiar but I can’t place a name. 1 I have no idea.

1 is Austin Butler and 3 is Aaron Taylor-Johnson.

Far left is the only one who looks vaguely similar to the king

>Baz Luhmann
Why does Gay Michael Bay get to keep making films? He is honestly the worst Hollywood director after Roland Emmerich

>baz luhrmann
in the trash it goes

they're talking about presley not costello you faceblind retarded pieces of trash

Ansel would be great if he could master the sneer.

>One of the posts you responds to mentions “The King”

It should be 1 but I bet they’ll give it to Miles Teller even though I don’t think he looks at all like Elvis.

the only worthy choice here is miles teller. even though he might be the ugliest

Elvis: blue eyed and blonde haired

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They are relentlessly handsome.

at least 4 of these men are Jewish, what the fuck

relentlessly hot

Why? Ansel and Aaron Taylor-Johnson have top tier acting chops. I don’t know much about Austin Butler though.

Sod off, Gatsby was phenomenal.
Glorified Music Video

The subject was gay anyway, he sold the look, the opulence and the atmosphere was great. Nice cast too

Ansel is the only one with a baritone voice out of them.

He doesn't need to sing lol

This is attractive somehow to white people now?

3 and 4 should just be nixed from the conversation if we're trying to recreate what elvis actually looked like. i know there are other considerations, of course, but golly

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based Ansel, easy

Sun Records on CMTV was a fantastic show that nobody watched but me. They put out a casting call for a young Elvis and found the perfect dude. Seriously check it out if you can. It also follows a young Jerry Lee Lewis, Johnny Cash, Ike Turner, and Sam Phillips.

Teller as least looks like a man rather than some zoomer twink, wasn't Elvis supposed to be sexy,

>Baz Luhrmann

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Only because of Leo. The movie itself missed the point of the book completely.

>”these parties are fuckin bullshit”

>”look how much fun everyone’s having dancing to hip hop that won’t exist for 80 years!”

Another discord tranny thread

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He needs to talk though.

Unironically Teller could pull it off