Gimme movies that'll clench my butthole for 90 minutes

gimme movies that'll clench my butthole for 90 minutes

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Elephant recently did it for me. Good buildup of suspense. Can't say I'm super satisfied with the ending but it still worked

Us by Jordan Peele

LOL how about Flightplan starring jodie foster

Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Time Crimes
Blue Velvet
The Grey
Blair Witch

requiem for a dream

*peeks over sunglasses*

Hannibal season 2 (THAT episode)

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The shooting itself was so weirdly directed


The Chaser (korean)

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this. just thinking about it makes me tense.

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One of those movies where once the action starts it does not let up. Near perfect pacing. The acid story segment will make you double clench.

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