Is it true he is dumb?

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He builds motorcycles and likes Shakespeare

He is dyslexic if thats what you're thinking of. That certainly doesn't mean he is dumb.

like woah dude

Dude is gonna get the jlaw treatment, pushed too hard by faggots on social media until it sours and everyone hates him

he's autistic

Possibly. You think *someone* would’ve commented by now if that were the case

unlike jlaw keanu is charismatic and only stars in 10/10 kinos

>zero public scandals
>no problems with addiction
>isn't a whore that takes any acting gig he can get
Sounds like a smart enough guy to me.

Average, like most people.

This, the truly stupid people in the world are the ones who get heavily addicted to shit

'average' is just a cute euphemism for 'dumber than fifty fucking percent of the population'

No, that would be below average. Really what I meant is he is in the meat of the bell curve.

damn he must be smart then. jannies, please close the threat, question answered.

Absolutely none of these have anything to do with intelligence whatsoever.

he's not dumb but he's possibly one of the worst actors to ever make it in hollywoood
he should have gotten a lot more roles where he plays cold blooded killers or something similar like arnie since his emotional range is abysmal

I don't think he's arrogant enough to make an ass out of himself

Keanu has been a massive star since the late 80s you retarded zoomer.

no one knew him before the matrix lol

His pr team spends a lot of time online to make him look cool. Because the reality is he is one of the worst a-list actors. Probably one of the worst a-list actors of all time.

It was Speed that really blew him up, also Point Break, Bill and Ted

I heard he was breathtaking

Keanu has been around since the 90s, jlaw was in the hungry games and got pushed by the media because she was kinda fat looking but apparently a sex symbol.


Um, yeah they do. Long term planning and impulse control are associated with higher iq,

That would be the median, brainlet.

John Wick and Matrix are literally anime

Am i the only person here who actually liked this movie?

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yes they do

No, I did too. I have to check the one out where he is a lawyer with Renae zellwigger

I seriously doubt it. Myself I believe Keanu's probably average or somewhat better but the estimate of his intellectual abilities was dragged down in his early career because he was always playing jolly dimwits. These days whoever's responsible for his "image management" bucks far too hard the other way promoting the idea of him as somehow in touch with a great near transcendent wisdom.

Everyone is dumb, user. We all just specialize is a few areas of expertise.

Keanu isn't fake like JLaw and he has been around for decades. He already has a core fanbase that's not going away.

Youre ignorant af dude stfu.

Now that everyone is "literally shaking" and "CRYING AND SCREAMING" over the fact that Keanu Reeves says nice things sometimes, I fucking hate this terrible acting faggot.

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Lol he is the only reason the matrix got enough traction

Keanu's career isn't tied to Harvey Kikestein so he won't go down the jlaw path.

He's been famous for over 30 years dumb fuck zoomer

is that a typo? 1999 was 20 years ago, not 30 lol

Then you're not much different from them desu senpai.

>career spanning decades
>hundreds of movies
>only 2 really memorable franchises
>suddenly everyone loves him

He's a nice guy and all that but I don't get the sudden popularity

keanu doesn't try though. Jlaw was fabricated and she got tone deaf to it and started doing stupid things that backfired on her. Keanu is just a genuine nice guy and the only thing that would sour people is if he fucked up and did something people didn't like, like kick a puppy and take a shit on it.

I highly doubt it he's a fren

>>only 2 really memorable franchises
>measuring his success by his "memorable franchises"
>forgetting that he has a shitload of memorable no franchise movies

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>sudden popularity
maybe zoomers just became aware of him, he's been famous and popular for decades.

>when you out yourself as a zoomer
what is Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure?

Don't know where you have heard that, he's quite the opposite.
One of the most interesting people alive today.

dilate zoomer tranny

Fucking stupid zoomers kys

Besides the matrix and John wick he hasn't made many big movies, and he was always considered wooden.

Popular but not the "OMG Keanu" meme, which ironically is a massive zoomer meme.

>everyone who disagrees with me is a discord tranny

You're a superstar.

I went to school with keanu reeves and yes he has a learning disablity

until i saw the john wick 2 trailer i thought his real name was neo lmao

Usually when terrible things happen to people they become wise and get excellent acting instincts and some range. Not with Keanu though very strange.

I went to school with your sisters cunt, she was a sweet, sweet, girl.


>Besides the matrix and John wick he hasn't made many big movies
holy fucking shit you're retarded
Speed was big
Bill and Ted were big (reason they're still making another one)
Point Break was big
you are fucking retarded

oh thats cool

Yeah it's already happening for me. Tired of reddit nerds hyping him up. He's gonna turn into Neil Degrasse Tyson, a le epic nerd culture guy that numales love.

get off social media youngfag

10/10 bait

how does it work?

I'm 28

He's mildly autistic

Speed made his name but it wasn't a mega hit, and Bill and Ted were cult movies, no one is saying he's not A list I'm just saying he hasn't had the big performances and memorably roles of say Pitt or Cruise, the matrix is big but his performance is wooden af and John wick is zoomercore

>implying that's a bad thing

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>Speed made his name but it wasn't a mega hit
lol no, he had his name way before Speed.

>I'm just saying he hasn't had the big performances and memorably roles of say Pitt or Cruise
LOL WUT?! fuck you are retarded. Please stop.

That's why they're good.

>LOL WUT?! fuck you are retarded. Please stop.

Zoomer detected, immediately kill yourself.

Yeah get off social media youngfag

He just became a meme, again. Mostly due to the recent popularity of John Wick movies setting the stage and now that Cyberpunk 2077 thing being the spark.

He's been an internet meme a bunch of times already and zoomers just now realized it.

is the matrix actually as good as they say? i usually avoid media that was released before my birth, the video quality and cgi sucks ass more often than not

>i usually avoid media that was released before my birth
zoomers our

>Bill and Ted were cult movies
A single cult movie doesn't spawn an immediate sequel. It had a Saturday morning cartoon spin-off.

you think speed made keanu and Im getting called a zoomer? cute


Also she got her nakey pictures leaked, those were great desu

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matrix is a seminal movie, and as such, people born after them can't really appreciate them because you've seen everything that made that movie great in a wide range of forms, some horrible, some that have surpassed it greatly. But for those who had seen nothing like it before it, we will always look upon it fondly.

Was she ever actually called "fat"? She was literally always quite slim. Was it some fabricated media schtick just to get people talking about her? Cus her being "fat" didn't stopped millions of men during the Fappening

it was a thing for a while and how she weathered it made people like her more.

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The CGI of the original was better than the sequels. When I watched Reloaded in the cinema, the silly fight scene between Neo and the Smiths just took me out of the immersion. Their clothes and skin were too smooth and wrinkle free.

He's dating a tranny so he definitely has some sort of mental disorder.

She has fat face syndrome. She's the kind of hot women like, because she isnt really that threatening so they want other men to like her and lower the bar.

I'm not saying she's ugly. But this is Hollywood people get plastic surgery and dudes need to stand on crates to raise their height because they are selling a fantasy.

I hope we get to see his buttshole

Vampire, sad Keanu, and his IRL personality have been smouldering memes for over a decade. The John Wick films have just put him on the radar of a new generation who has plenty to roll with.

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Everything in the matrix is supposed to look 'too good'. It differentiates it subtly from out of the matrix where everything is sweaty and grimy.
Also they did things with sound to make the two environments very slightly different.

the average is the median on a symmetric distribution like a bellcurve

He isn't dumb he just isn't smart. Also he's a massive introvert and acts a bit weird or slower sometimes because of it; which makes him come off as less intelligent than he is.

Frankly being smart is overrated in life unless you're VERY smart. Otherwise the difference between average and smart doesn't mean much.

Keanu has been around for decades and has generally been liked aside from his terrible acting abilities. I can’t see that changing.

Keanu has been around since the late 80s you stupid ass clueless zoomer

wtf he was a nobody before speed (1994)
stop pretending to be older than you are morans

what did he mean by this?

> never seen bill and ted

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Was he exposing pizzagate?

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1994 is three decades ago user

is that a dumb and dumber knockoff?

More like Dude Where's My Car, stoner comedy

Bait/bait I rate 8

this shit is trying

>no one knew him before matrix
>what about speed?
>no one knew about him before speed
>what about point break?
>no one knew about him before point break
>what about bill and ted?

that would imply the dumb and dumber came out first