>Endgame is re-released
>Needs 24 million dollars to dethrone Avatar
>Makes only 5.5 million dollars
>Endgame is re-released
>Needs 24 million dollars to dethrone Avatar
>Makes only 5.5 million dollars
Those cringe must beat avatar hashtags. Oof
It made 9m globally this weekend
how long is it re released for?
It already beat Avaturd's dishonest 2.749B theatrical run.
Sorry Avatards. Kneel before the MCU.
Sit down.
Be humble.
Cope harder, Marvelnigger. lmao
I love being a Based Avachad.
>avatards can't even wait until they lose first before they start COPEing
You come at the king and superior film, you best not miss