Are suppose to believe that this beautiful blonde goddess would ever dare date an ugly fat asian fuck ?!?!????!!!
Are suppose to believe that this beautiful blonde goddess would ever dare date an ugly fat asian fuck ?!?!????!!!
I wonder (((who))) could be responsible for this.
she looks like she dates Yea Forums guys!
It's a show about superheros with magic powers, but there's a point where things just become completely unbelievable.
as far as the fat people tier male category goes Asian men aren't at the bottom that would be Latino men, if you wanna talk women then yeah Asian women are absolutely at the bottom of the fat women tier of fat people.
already happened in the other movie
> complaining about there being a chance for (you)
He is rich and has a charming personality
Her lastname is literally RICE
I believe that user was talking about KIKES.
An r/asianmasculinity user.
No Stan Lee cameo was the best part about the movie.
if asians have shamefully tiny asian penises and fat men can't find their penises do fat asian "men" have a vagina
He's supposed to be a self-insert, you incel
seems realistic though i see this shit in malls all the time
go to reddit right now and look it up, tells you evrything you need to know about asian (((men)))
>the malls
Go back to 90s, mallrat.
it feels wrong to jerk it to this
no. that’s one of the reasons why it’s funmy
Yes, and it's perfectly average and normal to have such a friendgroup in hs and college.
Filled with muslims, blacks, halfblacks, mexicoons, Jews and so forth.
the whole thing is that it’s a superficial highschool romance that lasts for 2 days
>tfw face like this
what do lads?
Face like which one? Happy rice or Angry Rice?
We’re asked to believe a 10/10 twink would date Zendaya’s insufferable MJ, so yeah, Marvel want you to forget about reality for 2 solid hours.
Shes a barely a 6.
But yea. No way she would be with Ned
in america, it is.
Nobody has a friend group like that, nobody. Everyone self segregates for the most part. Irl Holland’s gang is 99% white fellow gays and creepy older men, with one black guy who calls him beautiful and seems to act like a protective gorilla.
East Asians are higher up the desirability scale for white people than every other race except arguably Native Americans and other rare, handsome light skinned people.
100% TRUTHFULLY, I had a friend group like that. I'm Asian, had a group of friends that consisted of two white guys, a white girl, an egyptian girl, two asian guys, a hispanic guy, and a hispanic girl.
faggot i bet you think jessica alba is a 10/10 retard
I wanna spit down her butthole
even if this is true it is pretty rare outside of college
LMFAO at this cope lie
At least he's not FAT.
>implying she's not
Have sex
Have sex
Have sex
Have sex
It’s actually true, I’m a white girl and the data behind it interests me because I get so fucking sick of our media (I’m European) pushing African and little creepy Islamic men onto us. I only date white men so far, but I would seriously argue that some Hispanics, Native Americans, Pacific Islanders like Momoa, Chinese, Korean and Japanese men are also attractive physically and culturally. I don’t care what your memes and delusions tell you. Now run away and cry more.
tits or GTFO
People will answer this bait without knowing where this screencap comes from or the plot synopsis that explains everything.
Latino men have some of the biggest dicks in the world right next to nignogs.
it comes the new spider-fag movie and in the film thier characters are dating.
Literally the Burger King kids club
It comes from ((Spider-Man:Diversity For Thee But Not For Me))
and yet i'm not stopping
Got damn imagine her struggling to breathe under the fat bastard while he folds her like a lawn chair under his chunkness
jesus christ this is a 5/10, fucking incel.
Have sex.
have sex
They are not friend they are classmates in a hard to get into science based High School
So really it would be only whites and Asians and the Asian girls would only date the white guys as god intended
i bet you think Charlize Theron is a 10/10 you old TC faggot
Angourie Rice has crazy eyes.
Man you zoomers would not stand 16 mins in a mma with me btw I'm Jewish and love israel
It's Mexicans not mexicoons damn racists are devolving everyday learn to spell retard
Post your tits or gtfo
Crazy CUTE eyes
>They pick the whitest girl for this scene
Every time, I'm starting to think this is some sort of fetish at this point.
5 inches isn't big whiteoid the man with the biggest penis in the world is Mexican
kek, charlize theron is crazy but yeah she is closest to a 10/10 than the thing in OP
wow really!! i actually recommend you to got kill yourself
At one time she was so hot my wife did not want me watching flipper with my kids
It's not an a real penis he stretch and mutilated his foreskin, there is a 5 inch penis he will never be able to use again hidden in there
Here's your (You) my New York/Jersey homie
might be the most forced diversity casting ive ever seen in a movie
Poor Fatty, getting cucked yet again by Jamarkus
why would she date a white guy? lol get with the times
Ok, over summer, rules are out. During summer, you can get pussy you can't get during class, where people might see. If she kinda thought about it before, you can get it during summer. On top of that, removing people from their usual surroundings like in camp, or better yet, a group trip to a foreign country, makes for even less scrupulous behavior and standards. Any liason is presumed to end with the summer. If it's bad, after summer it didnt happen. If its good, and possible, it can continue. Point is, theres a bonus on your likelihood of getting laid during summer and particularly while removed from the usual surroundings.
She's still hot, especially considering she's pushing 40 and has 3 kids.
Friendly reminder to all my Yea Forums. It’s that just about anyone will mog you if you can’t get passed your neuroticisms toward women. If the fat Asian isn’t going to lose his spaghetti every time his narcissism is threatened, guess who will be more enjoyable to spend time with?
Man autocorrect butchered that first sentence.
>to all my Yea Forums bros that just about