Unironically you guys do this shit
Yea Forums in a nutshell
Other urls found in this thread:
No I don't.
Yea Forums would be a much better place if there was less negativity.
False, I don't enjoy any actresses for their acting ability because they have non.
Fuck off
I would berry my dick in Helen Mirren
the incels of the board need shit like "muh wall" to cope with how alone they are
Me on the right.
Is that the contracted word for 'nigger activity'? because I agree.
we are better than that
Yes you do, literally every thread about an actress only discusses her appearance. You post pictures of her getting her titis out in some slurry dress or say that she’s hit the wall or you say that’s she’s been “bogged”. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an actress’ actual acting ability ever discussed on this board.
every second roasties get closer to the wall while incels get closer to getting laid
time is literally woman's greatest enemy and men's greatest ally
fixed that for you
>cant handle criticism
she will drown your children in the bathtub retard
Dis is it mane.
Oddly this is more accurate and down to earth
>Implying incels don't get shittier and worse looking
>implying you won't be balder and fatter
Why do you lie to yourself and others
If you actually took care of your bodies and your appearance, you wouldn't be incels to begin with. You think that shit's not going to get worse?
Oh hey Olivia.
Dumb phoneposter
Don’t forget it either bitch. Rosties are only good for their looks
It's not criticism, women are stupid and will throw the entire relationship out if you don't like their favorite movie because they feel like you're not compatible. I literally had a girl refuse to suggest a movie specifically because she wanted to shit test and judge whether or not me and her had similar tastes. Don't ever let a girl trick you into being yourself.
Every time.
The irony
Yeah but when people in the 90s made jokes about trannies or at the expense of minorities or queers, they weren't secretly trying to get everyone to hate those groups, they just knew it was a cheap and easy joke which would get laughs, most media today is made to push a political agenda as successfully as possible while still trying (and failing) to be entertaining.
>I think I have a post idea
christ you are the worst kind of sniveling little faggot. go see how long new-mommy likes you with this pussy attitude (hint: she doesnt need another one)
spot on
Not him but holy shit you are whipped
I'm pretty fit and my appearance is fine, yet I'm still a virgin
whipped by who
>you're not afraid to say what you mean so you must be whipped!
That picture isn't about positivity, it's about babying retarded roasties.
its about being a sociopathic little cracker because mommy's little boys are always convinced that they deserve everything they want no matter what
I post like this a lot.
big yikes
t. Tumblrtron viewing reality through the lens of Leftist delusion
So this is the power of conservative humor.... woah
Honestly, good satire. I have to be honest, sometimes, leftists can meme.
Where's the joke?
this is so accurate
im not a stormie but this site has really made me too focus around stuff like that too much at least i have the self awareness to know it i guess
>too delusional to understand that their forefathers would smash their faggot brains in without a second thought if they were alive today
Why do you retards assume they were heroes who knew best? They were pretty much all pieces of shit if you knew basic history that wasn't American propaganda
The joke is normies think it says more about Yea Forums than about the current state of the world
>the right can mem-
this is obviously media's fault
why don't they just ignore the old hags and move to newer, younger, tighter ones?
>Unironically you guys do this shit
Yes. And?
women internalize criticism on a collective basis
Yes. And?
get some taste
so be prepared to hear complaints about it
The og was made by a lefty. This is an edit.
They can complain all they want. Nature and ratings cant be complained away.
based af
a lot of Yea Forums posters are also unironic lookism posters...white guys are really fucked in the head, you really shouldn't take them seriously.
When did Yea Forums attract so many niggers?
You are right. This board is a retarded place full of idiotic, fat man-children who live in their parents’ basements and will never accomplish anything. Only occasionally is there discussion worth any merit. There are probably places on the internet with better TV/film discussion although I have yet to find them. Reddit is okay sometimes but too fucking annoying other times to be worth it.
100% belittling cope
Sad that you niggers think this is an argument.
This is literally tv
Britney Spears
the middle is fine. not everybody has the genetics to age gracefully, but that doesn't mean you should BOG yourself.
The immortal tv chad vs virgin human aging actress
Yes and that's not an issue, if you don't want to be judged on your looks its pretty fucking stupid to enter a career where you are marketed on them.
lol stupid whore
>dude doesn't age a day in comic
Time takes us all you fucking histrionic faggot.
nice post fag
Honestly these kids would eat up a real man's guidance quick.
: 1
: 0
Is he an immortal vampire? How does he not age?
Based horny poster
bla op is a Ayy LMAO
He's just male. 20->50 can be very graceful.
native shin Yea Forums poster
reddittard tumblerina from twitter attention seeking fag
literally me
fucking kill yourself you stupid worthless tranny
So what? it's not our fucking fault women suck and their only value is how physically attractive they are. You don't see aging men going "UMMMM.... EXCUSE ME SWEETIE BUT I DEMAND THAT YOU WOMEN FIND ATTRACTIVE AND WORTHY OF YOUR TIME NO MATTER HOW FAT, SAGGY AND BALD I AM!" They make their own value to women or they go incel. Women are so fucking stupid and annoying, they constantly whine and moan about the evil awful patriarchy yet expect men to just hand power, prestige and validation to them on a silver platter. Get it yourself cunt.
unironically did this after watching a video of cindy crawford from the 90s and a video from the this year
lucky for her that she's reliving her career through her clone daughter
Now that's what I call based
There are two stages of being a woman.
>"She's hot"
the focus of everybody's attention and everything is delivered to them on a silver platter
>"She's someone's mother"
invisible to the world and only lowly degenerates still show any interest in them because they're desperate
satire doesnt need a punchline
kek unironic truth
women are ugly and stupid lmfao
Thank you for this image, I love it
Reminds me of the guy who said he went back to the place of a girl who had tons of Audrey Hepburn movie posters framed on the wall, he asked what her favourite was, she said she never saw any, his instinct to be snarky about it was subdued by his cock
prove it
The fuck is this thread
Imagine being a multi-millionaire and caring what poor people think.
This is more accurate tbhfamalamadingdong
This is cringe. You should just go back to .
Is the biggest, blackest doctor the HEAD doctor?
mods be sliipin'
Uh Emma Stone would beg to differ
This post made me quit Scientology, thank you
why so many trannies larp like niggers
Second panel is fine. Getting old doesn't mean you have to get fat and unkempt.
Nobody says that shit about Helen Mirren.
True old bitches don't have a place on tv, with few exceptions
Das rite, after you hit the wall, I don't want to see you on tv anymore, get out
He was a wise man.
I dunno, I would be snarky AF and piss her off until she fucks me...and I'm pretty sure I get (if that's a positive you have to judge yourself) pussy than the average Yea Forums(nel) visitor.
not buy a new television for 20 years?
There're also no real threads about male actors being discussed, fuck off.
This is hilarious + true. Best combo.
Unironically the middle is the best one.
me on the right (times 3)
ah not this shit again...
Every time I’m forced to read this comic this panel always gets me
>I think I have a post idea
What's going on here?
Actually calling the movie shit is the right move in this situation
jokes on you I don't like any actresses, they're all overweight Jews with no talent.
yeah FUCK wom*n, FUCK jannies too
Overweight Jew with no talent for pretending to be something they're not sounds like prime wife material.
Yeah if only we could come up with comedic gold like calling Donald Trump "Drumpf" and other such incredibly high-brow jokes.
Took me a minute
>/pol/ enters a thread
I've no idea what this is meant to mean
Sorry but this is so old. Now the black boyfriend is the homo
Every topic viewed through the lense of race and identity. Not like there's anything wrong with that.
thread should have ended with this post
everything that comes after is unnecessary
Have sex
So philosophy, art and technology has nothing to do with women and niggers. I agree
So you're saying we should let our dicks do the talking?
VERY based post
I've never spoken aloud while watching the tv alone
>Imagine bashing her brains with a bat after raping her hnnnngg!!!!
The irony
kek that's definitely more accurate.
>Wikipedia Native Americans to see what they are up to
>Section about "Relations with African Americans"
How racist are Natives in reality
>(((Rebecca Cohen)))
Typical that some unhinged jewess has no understanding of men or love
Far more accurate and respectful
So? Ya seethe, lil’ guy?
It's just like those Emilia Clark generals. Yea Forums went from waifuing her in GOT S1, to almost unanimously laughing at her for getting fat during Terminator Genisis, and than back to waifuing her and having daily generals about her when she dropped the weight and became cute again.
>will never accomplish anything
except making you bulimic you fat whore
>men do this
bravo lad
Far more honest
that’s a woman, bro
You can't have that with anonymity. There's a price you pay with everything.
who are you talking about?
Both of those things are happening.
Have you never hung out with male friends? We are the fucking worst. I'm ashamed that I don't even bother to fight about it anymore with them. But I'm a man and we're weak.
fucking basedpilled
Don't worry. Just stop calling yourself a man and embrace your inner-woman. Everybody wins.
who the fuck hates adorable grannies?
htf is this thread still up?
I hate when somebody starts whiteknighting when there's not even a girl present. People like you deserve to be cut away from social circles.
Have sex.
>We are the fucking worst
nerd girl is b&rp would fugg
extremely based, no doubt
epic bait, fellow redditor
Eh, the wall commenting is true enough but I think that's more when someone is still pretty young but looks old as shit, e.g. Lohan. When a woman is actually old and looks old and someone comments about how she looks bad, most replies are "Duh, what do you expect, she's old?"
authentic Yea Forums poster and OC mastermind
Interrupting people to give moral speeches on "respecting roasties" is a sure way to lose friends. The world is not your reddit fake stories. I don't think I have ever seen a guy who did that who didn't got dropped by everyone days later.
Nobody likes a holier than thou douchebag.
I know this is bait but it still pisses me off because I know people who unironically believe things like this.
I've met guys like that myself as well. Funny enough, they're usually fat guys.
speak for yourself retard
Based, literally me, fuck women
this hundo p
>reddit cringe cope seethe /ourguy/
Only fat people can be this cringe. I've seen thin s0yb0ys as well, but they usually keep that shit for themselves.
I have a theory, that excessive fat damages your behavior, making you act as if you were eternally drunk. That's the only explanation possible to why fat people are so cringeworthy.
Because appearance is literally and unironically all women are good for, you white knighting retard. Have sex.
There is none, because it's just a leftypol "no u" with a badly shopped Maga hat, as always.
this but unironically
>I have a theory, that excessive fat damages your behavior
It does.
Of course, because there's a middleground between aging like a slob and inject yourself with plastic.
Please, everyone knows you don't have any friends
Feel free to make your point any time
*blocks your path*
Exceedingly based & somewhat redpilled
*blocks your path*
>says you shouldn't lie about who you are and be straightforward with a woman, be a man essentially
>lol whipped
did you respond to the wrong post user?
*blocks your path*
/pol/ is the joke
*blocks your path*
I want to nut on her slutty neck.
*blocks your pathway*
Who knows
Non whites always have apologists ready to rationalize their bs as a consequence of white influence.
>we are the worst
man u must be a blast to hang out with. unironically kys
not me, I love grannies
>Yea Forums
More like everywhere. Go to ontd or some other female-gossip site. They rail on women twice as much as Yea Forums does.
kek. grannyfuckers BTFO
Literally me when watching movies
>bashing her brains in
is this me?
that's the positivity that this board needs
extremely based
Letting themself go means getting fat AND old, generally, not getting pounds of Botox and slathering on makeup to cope is cringe. Look at Jack Nicholson vs Jim Carrey
Nice bait woman
this is the best edit I've seen in the thread
>But I'm a man and we're weak.
user is logically right in both cases, the years won't treat you well and getting bog'd by a plastic surgeon just makes it worse.
Now let's say you exercise and eat right, wouldn't that be better for your health and your looks? Vastly better than what women usually do. Since women spend $5000 a year or whatever on cosmetics, surely the occasional cupcake and doing something you enjoy for 30 minutes is less of a sacrifice.
The left is the hypocrite here. In one moment they tell people they're beautiful and to love themselves then they enable self-destructive deluded behaviour. It is creepy manipulative behaviour to never ever criticize someone and call all criticism "bigotry", like how wife beaters suddenly act all sweet and nice and luvvy duvvy and tell them everything they want to hear.
The joke is that the original image is 100% unironic while the edit is probably made by a right-wing reverse troll.
kek saved
First cringe best cringe
the black pill
Not far from the truth
How the FUCK do you get through school without seeing My Fair Lady? For that matter, how the fuck do you be female and not see Breakfast at Tiffany's?
the bonbi pill
Yeah, so?
You’re complaint here is that an attractive woman is judged harshly when they age?
Bruh, everybody is judged harshly for superficial reasons. This is the whiniest post I’ve ever seen here, and the fact that it’s taken seriously shows how many bigoted cucks from Reddit.com think that only women suffer
This is hilarious, weak "men" are too weak to stand up for their beliefs and right wrongs, and strong men are the ones that think that women are fucking dumb shits with no good personality. The ones who are smart still have a shit personality that lacks a lot of the finer and even basic ethical concepts like integrity, valid self respect, or tackling with your own morals vs societal expectations.
Absolutely no one:
Not a single soul:
Yea Forums: I hate women and minorities
Unironically cringe
No. I know about the original, but this edit was made by a leftist, (or a pretty good troll), mocking Trump supporters, and it's pretty effective, at least certainly compared to the vast majority of leftist memes.
me on the left
Ha ha. Of course this happens, follow male. Wink wink.
>Don't ever let a girl trick you into being yourself
Obscenely based, undeniably redpilled
I don't get the point of this. They made him look goofy, but he's still right..
Literally me, minus the maga hat because blumpf is not my president
based and redpilled
It unrionically is a fact. Read Nietzsche on ressentiment. We should all strive to be life affirming and self validating men, not taking our self worth from criticizing our inferiors, even when they are clearly inferiors.
>imagine bashing her brains with a bat
/our post/
Yeah, what can I say the wall does terrible things to women, maybe try the Marilyn Monroe strategy?
spectrums don't exist
black is the same as white
I am the same as (you)
You mean you are not white? Tf??????
Projection much?
>white peepal bad
Literal racist who’s too stupid not to generalize his surroundings
Politics are the poisonous machinery of ressentiment, of petty little men who cannot love themselves or their lives. The "left" and the "right" are both masses of cattle unable to generate any action of their own, merely react to the phantasm of Other. They are not worth our attentions.
>not laughing, saying it's probably shit, but you're still down to watch it with her anyway
it's like you guys have no idea how to chad.
That's some harsh criticism user.
Nothing says chad like sitting through bullshit hoping to get laid instead of speaking your mind with full confidence
My friends and I are only insulting to each other, we don't go around making fun of strangers because that's not entertaining. If your friends say stuff like in that image you should find some friends that aren't two digit IQ dudebros
>>not laughing, saying it's probably shit, but you're still down to watch it with her anyway
foot halfway in both doors, managing to personally come off as wishy-washy and pathetic as it gets, while (insecurely) shitting on her at the same time. genuinely hard to think of a worse response than this.
it's so retarded I actually believe you've got chad looks, because nobody else could get away with that
I know I am lowering myself to you now, your type can only understand this language of oppositions, you have a cynicism so thick it cannot accept any help in the way of affirmation. I do this then out of creative charity, with an outstretched hand, beckoning you to come join me up above. It is a small katabasis for me, nothing compared to the days and months and years of criticial ressentiment the political machines will have you playing. Blow this all off if you like. I cannot really sympathize with cattle such as you. It is only I am in a daydreaming mood, and think of the creative spark that may lie dormant now inside you.
*teleports into thread*
Chad here. Don’t be mean to women. Treat them well and you’ll find some happiness.
*teleports out of thread*
>saying it's "probably shit" doesn't qualify as speaking your mind
here's a free tip, lad: girls don't give the slightest fuck about movies beyond the surface level. if one says "let's watch a movie", it means "let's be by ourselves so we can fool around".
*enter: stupid fucking gimmick effects
Normal person here
Treat everyone the same regardless of gender
*exit:stupid fucking gimmick effects
If you’re that desperate to get laid, you should just hire a prostitute at that point, the same amount of dignity is being lost but at least a hooker is guaranteed to fuck you
>woman ages 200 years while the man looks the same
>sitting through your girl's favorite pile of dogshit to keep her happy is desperate
ask me how i know you've never been in a relationshit.
There is still hope for this place.
HAHAHAhahahahahahahha what’s going on here? Who are you quoting? Why are you so mad? WHO DOES THESE THINGS YOU SPEAK OF?!
I’ve never been whipped like you, lol
It must be awesome to be so stupid that you think making up quotes and shoving words down people’s throats is a legitimate way to argue your point. It’s probably very satisfying.
Holy shit imagine not being white. I’m literally shaking just thinking about it. Truly terrifying
based and accuratepilled
Who the hell still has one of those TV's?
haha, yes fellow men! we are just the worst, us males with our floppy penises and such!
absolutely blessed post
middle is a hot older lady though
Now everyone is being indoctrinated into the gay agenda before they are even 5 years old.The gay agenda and emasculation of the population was a success. Based 90s. Slavery forever for everyone. Too fuckin gay and warped to ever revolt against the the power structure.
ZOG is both parties, kiddo.
Braaap poster origin story
how come he doesnt age?
Underrated post
Literal projection cope
Children dress up and pretend to be cowboys, it's called make believe. Adults prancing around and squeaking in front of a camera takes a lot less work than you think
An enlightened post truly
No I don't, retard!
Bro anybody can mock anybody, thats the beauty of it. I don't have to hate or like you but I will make fun of you if it will lighten up the room.
whoa whoa whoa cool it with the racism this is a family friendly board
wheres the thing edit for this
A universal truth in Yea Forums is that we hate the boggening, so no we don't
Bro, who are you whiteknighting? There's no one here.
"age gracefully" means "know when you've lost it and just retire"
It doesn't mean "get a bunch of cringy plastic surgery and live in denial of your age"
>he thinks women can handle criticism
user have you not been paying attention? Any time modern women face criticism they just cry about sexism.
Borderlands (2013) is a damn fine found footage horror.
>"age gracefully" means "know when you've lost it and just retire"
Actually it means just take care of yourself and look good but realistic for your age.