Reminder that geralt had sex with fringilla vigo every day and night while yennefer was being tortured in a dungeon

reminder that geralt had sex with fringilla vigo every day and night while yennefer was being tortured in a dungeon

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Other urls found in this thread:

i don't see a problem

>The VVitcher
they should have caste my love Anya.

>the worst monsters are the ones we create

jesus christ so fucking cringe

what's with all the randomly placed studs on his armor?
it looks kind of like glitter

yeah who came up with that caption?

It's on par with the video game

writings going to be shiiiiiit

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>no scars

What a Chad.

If they follow the books he will get a nasty throat scar and will lose one of his ears.

> 1 sword
> no scars
> medallion is wrong
> characters look nothing like their book/game/illustration counterparts
> writer seems to have little passion for the series, moreso views it as a vehicle for herself
> writing team lifted from cw tier shows
> the feared army of nilfgaard wears armor that looks like a nutsack

Has a show ever been dropped so hard before its pilot even aired?

No one gives a shit about the books

The only thing I will defend is the one sword. He always keeps one on his back and the other on roach or with his belongings. It might be the only thing the show gets right.

there's going to be miscegenation in this

>medallion is wrong
No you stupid nigger its actually exactly how it is in the BOOKS
> 1 sword
He does this from time to time.

Not going to comment on your other horseshit because you obviously just play the games.

Cavill looks surpsingly good, but 14 year old Yennepoo, Amerimutt Triss and blacker than Wesley Snipes forehead Fringilla make this a solid pile of shit.

Yes, that’s why the adapted the books to tv shows and video games...

Wrong, I have read and played through all of them. The medallion is definitely off and while he may do this from time to time it's clear that a promotional shot should have the iconic stuff present. He also is in normal clothes a lot in the series and he usually is on roach, so why did they omit those? I think you aren't responding to the rest because you know I'm right. Show is DoA.

>you obviously just play the games.
damn right. why shouldn't I? the witcher 3 was one of the best games of the decade. the books were never anything special.

Geralt fucking Netflix Fringilla

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It was funny.

Cavil gonna colonize

cavil posted some gnarly looking scars on his insta. they'll be there. he gets them.

Whine more

Only good bfwm video
Not because I don't like black chicks, but the videos are fucking terrible 99% of the time

>The stranger reached into his jerkin once more and pulled out a round medallion on a silver chain. It pictured the head of a wolf, baring its fangs.

Show me one line from the book where it says Fringilla wasn't a subsaharan bantu african

Checkmate racist

Which is on par with the books. Nice digits btw

>tfw I had a chance with this one black hotty receptionist, but I had a girlfriend at the time.


Never lose hope

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They are adapting from the books, at least superficially. As a result, I would expect that we can anticipate similarly superficial things being in the show, such as the scars, how you get wolf eyes, etc.

Reminder that Geralt mopes around Yen's house in Vengerberg while she goes out to bang her wizard bf every other day for MONTHS.

Nice bait

>one sword

Fuck off racist


Attached: 37FC8695-D8F7-4B95-8B4C-1749DEA56C5D.png (590x601, 178K)

In the book only a handful of monsters are vulnerable to silver. Geralt keeps that sword on Roach unless he knows he might face a werewolf or something.

Courtney Devine, jezabel vessir and Channel heart have some fun videos with White dudes

also he had silver chain to knit up monsters

And skin diamond of course

>As he took off his coat those around him noticed that he carried a sword - not something unusual in itself, nearly every man in Wyzim carried a weapon - but no one carried a sword strapped to his back as if it were a bow or a quiver.

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Wow its true what they say that Americans just don't read books

It’s a preview of how shitty the writing will be on the actual show

you mean Vilgy? its fair, vilgefortz is the chad wizard and its not like geralt isn't banging 10/10 random princesses/witches/elves/dryans etc on the side too

Damn that looks nice. And I'm not even into interracial at all.

He shut your bitch ass up lmao

>Geralt was with fringilla because she reminded him of yennefer
>now they are a nog and a poo respectively, with no resemblance

kikeflix does it again

everyone itt is stupid
>I believe in the sword. As you can see, I carry two. Every witcher does. It's said, spitefully, the silver one is for monsters and the iron for humans. But that's wrong. As there are monsters which can be struck down only with a silver blade, so there are those for whom iron is lethal. And not just any iron, it must come from a meteorite
but he leaves one with the horse and only uses one depending on the hunt, thats the original fucking point, he plans he times it he barters for best price and he kills the thing or not, maybe the thing is in the right, but he doesn't carry both swords at once because thats fucking stupid, and he loses both and uses a dwarf sword for most of the series anyway, so who the fuck cares

He looks so fucking good.

How do we make them stop producing this abomination?

Don't watch it. Netflix is dying.

thats 10/10 design in my book

No, they must be stopped before a single episode is finished.

They're already done filming this season.

Too bad about the rest of the cast.


>nooooooooo why doesn't geralt have the scars he got throughout the books
>no one care about the books
>hurr durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

>this is reddit this is memes

He repeats as he rocks himself into a neckbear slumber

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Watch as netflix writers somehow fail to write better than polish videogame writers

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Oh god, i can already see they going to milk the shit out of "racist aspect" of the books which were actually subtle. Can't wait to see when elves, dwarfs and black humans are portrayed as slaves to a fat white noble.

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You mean just like the games, especially 3?

videogame did it better

>writing team lifted from cw tier shows
Literally the only thing i fear for this series. Here in Poland, a trailer for Bat Woman was perceived as a big YIKES. If those kind of writers is working on Witcher, then I will hate Sapkowsky for giving Netflix the rights for tv show.

Give me some examples without the Radovid puritan angle

>Netflix Witcher having sex at all

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>Give me some examples, besides the only part of the game that features elves and dwatves

>he carried a sword
For what fucking purpose did you just post that quote, moron?
I'm not american
I did read books.

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>he only has 1 example and its based upon a king's madness

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Blacks are only cute if they dont have the african features like that chick from Walking Dead/Black Panther

Your book is shit.

b-but video game is the only Witcher i know

This show along with Witcher 3 lesser popularity will kill off the franchise. They will focus on Cyberpunk from now on

CDPR has nothing to do with this show.

I didnt even played Witcher 3

>cucks who appease trans people in Cyberpunk also made a shitty SJW witcher game

no shit

>For what fucking purpose did you just post that quote, moron?
Because the argument was about Geralt only carrying one sword?

It has nothing to do with the witcher.

I know the book writer fucked it up, but the games will be the one getting the heat since they are the most popular medium. Its like Sapkowsky hope this series fail so he can fuck with CDPR for not paying him in the past

Everyone that played the games can separate this show from the games, totally different people and the games were after the books were they not?

CDPR will not have anything with the witcher/ Because the fad is gone, and after this show fails they wont even invest in those shitty mobile card games

They could easily make a spin off but i see them more likely to conjure up their own thing soon enough or maybe a remake of the franchise a decade down the road

Incredibly dashing.

he fucked nothing up, cahir and geralt holding the bridge at Rivia was great, the assault on vilgys fort is incredible, Regis going apeshit was incredible, Ciri vs Bonhart, Geralt vs Vilgy, Regis vs vilgy, Geralt and Ciri vs nilfgaard, fuck anyone who didn't like the ending

more like cringilla

>Witcher 3 lesser popularity
But Witcher 3 is the one who brought the game to the mainstream public

Henry looks alright, but that 50% becaus ehe's Henry Cavill, handsome motherfucker.
Yennefer looks like shit, Fringilla will 100% look like shit, Triss might look passable in a wig, I don't know
What I do know is if you pay money to watch it, then you're certifiably retarded

so how come all of geralt's love interests are non-whites? isn't THAT racist that he's some kind of fetishist?

hey! IPA's are kino and tasty. everything else is accurate soi tho

It wasn't Vengerberg. I don't remember where they went, though.
No, she fucks Istredd. This guy.

Attached: Royce_Pierreson.jpg (768x959, 69K)

This show going to suck and fuck

and he literaly is trying to commit suicide because of that, of course Istredd (the other wizard Yennefer is fucking with) is black in the show

Istredd also wants to commit suicide because of that. You forgot to mention that Yen actually cucked both of them.

>of course Istredd (the other wizard Yennefer is fucking with) is black in the show
And he tried to kill himself because she dumped him on twitter.

No it was about him carrying silver ONLY for killing some werewolves

>Did you love the show Game of Thrones??? Wellllll does netflix have a treat for you! It's got swords! It's got dragons! It's got a diverse cast! What more could you want??? Coming soon!
This hurts, bros. Everything that's good in the world is being rebranded to push the Jewish agenda and it's painful to watch.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-02 Netflix gives us an early look at what may be the next ‘Game of Thrones’.p (834x623, 497K)


>lets take this foreign slavic story and change its content to appease western social norms
>lets also shit on Trump while were at it

It makes more sense for racism to be the norm in a fantasy world since these are sentient beings of equal or sometimes superior intelligence who humans have to compete with for resources. But that should also mean that the comparatively small differences between humans like skin color, should be completely irrelevant in the series. Sure a Zerrikanian in Temeria will probably be seen as an "Other" but still very much human and therefore much better than a filthy non-human.
If they want to make a point about racism then fine go ahead, but they should never put oppressed elves together with black humans. And it's not like elves in the witcherverse are alltogether good. They treated the other races just as badly as humans do.

It's funny cause Game of Thrones was like 99% white. Even that shitshow will have been better than this just by default.

t. gamelet.

Cavill is really the least of this show's problems by all accounts.

>dat feel you like the Witcher so much you immediately sign on, only to realize what a shit show the entire production is
Wonder how he feels right now.

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Reminder that 15 year old Ciri fucks a dying older man because she really gets aroused by his horse.

>Wonder how he feels right now.

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He probably wipes his tears with all that Witcher money he got.
And how's that different from your regular roastie?

Why is everyone else so late to GoT bandwagon? Alternatives should've been there IMMEDIATELY after the show ended for hungry audience to jump over.

>Wonder how he feels right now.
He got 400k/ep. I'm sure he's sad.

Why does Ciri look like she is 28?

I can't believe how badly they fucked up Yen, Triss and all the other non whites they cast.

I guess post really can do wonders.

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Only retards thought that was how he was going to look on the show, but Yea Forums is full of retards.

How is it possible for someone to be as handsome as Henry Cavill? He's pretty much perfect aside from his British teeth.

The next GoT is gonna be Amazon's LOTR if anything. 1 billion dollar budget and 5 seasons vs this cheap garbage.


because shit takes times. it's not really as simple

>game of thrones is popular
>you have a similar show out next year

Never said that they were black, just that they would be seen as exotic.

british tooth - it's just the one
you'd think he would have been offered braces

Why do they blow through the book content so fast? They seem to really centre the story around the "family" aspect of Geralt, Yen and Ciri but it looks like they will finish the season with Vilgefortz and his wizard coup so Geralt, Yen and Ciri will not meet each other for the next seasons until the very last season (if that shit even gets multiple seasons).

>Why do they blow through the book content so fast?
Because they're stupid. The "family" doesn't exist until the last book.

You never did figure out that whole reading comprehension thing in school did you?

The poster said "...a werewolf or something". So not only werewolves they are just being mentioned as an example of one of the types of monsters Geraldo might use his silver sword on.

Haha what does sex feel like

Why's he staring at the ocean?

have sex

ugly cast

cheap shit

literally "only Cavil the movie"

it's not. those idiots bought the rights without having anything planned out. it's going to be a colossal fuck up.

because it's cheaper\easier to shop\render than a Novigrad

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This, for fuck sake, if you dont have a budget then at least dont wast 90% of it on high budget actor. Invest in story and setting first and cast some cheaper actors with potential. You can find many in theatre stage plays.

>you can find many in theatre stage plays.
There you go buddy

Attached: anya.jpg (620x324, 192K)

fuck your minecraft

sounds like a statement of intent by the writers

reminder that yennefer sucked dick of every man she meet and geralt still orbited around here, its funny when retards try to make geralt chad when he was beta as fuck

>studded leather armor
thats a yikes from me, wolfo

That would be based if Fringilla wasn't a nigger.

> Triss might look passable in a wig

She's not wearing a wig, not that anything can salvage the ugly mutt they cast as Triss.

WHat are those sigils for? there is one that matters, why other shit?


If there are no niggers in it i'll give it a chance.

Most of the main cast is niggers, pajeets, and mutts.

They're forcing the family thing from the start for some reason.

This show would never have been made but for the video game. 95% of people know it through the games.

Cast her

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>family thing
But that happend like at the end of the series or in the 'timeskip' IIRC its been a while sice I tried to read books. I guess they need more drama and Ciri fucking niggers to stick it to daddy

>This show would never have been made but for the video game.
And the video game would never have been made but for the books.

kill yourself

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and books would never be made if not short stories he posted in "Fantastyka"(those and comic adaption of those are tip top) rest is recycled shit.

Swallow = Ciri
Star = Yen

The short story didn't even win the prize, Sapkowski only wrote the rest because he got drunk with Parowski who really liked the characters but thought the story is shit and basically outlined a better one for Sapkowski.

Read all the books, didn't play any of the games. Looks horrible, not watching it.

Books are actually pile of soap oera crap with maybe the first two or three that are relevant

And maybe that one that went out after the video game called Season of Storms

Also reminder Geralt dies by being impaled on a fucking peasant's pitchfork
Have a nice watch you shitskin fuckers

freya and henry a cute. the rest a shit.

Attached: freya allan the witcher ciri.jpg (1038x1280, 157K)

>The short story didn't even win the prize
>muh prize
Rly nigga? They are better cuz Sapkowski cant write mythology and world that dont suck ass. There is rly no point to all the strugle between races in his world siply due to the fact that humans fuck fster than any others and you get this in 3/4 book when Gerald talks to some ancient elf/being in some mystic cave. Most of that world dont maake any sense and its simply better when there is little to no world in it and just Witcher and some monsters/side characters like that readhead witch.
Yen should be roastbeef


She is qt.3?

Attached: DpLyyA6U0AAYeUh.jpg (400x400, 19K)

She really is

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fun fact: Cavill INSISTED that the sorceress he gets to fuck the most must be black.
He's an old timey colonizer after all.

That looked to be a screen test. It's no different than mullet cage in the superman outfit.

Attached: manofcage.jpg (1280x720, 39K)


yes, in the first short story where he goes through great lengths to set up his hunt.

Lmao no one cares about that show

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He got bullied and called "fat Cavill" when he was young.
Remember: Early AND often.

This is going to be a disaster, and the design of the armor, medallion - everything, basically - looks incredibly bad.

>And maybe that one that went out after the video game called Season of Storms

that one is the worst. it was written when Sapkowski has turned into complete progressive and it shows. It reads like tumblrira first fantasy book

This headline is fake right? No one could be this deluded

Why wouldn't it be? GoT is shit all round too.

Literally all the books are written by r/atheism tier, Witcher is shit and it always has been, so are the games.

Because Witcher will never even come close to GoT popularity

lmao cry more chrisfag

After the s08 fiasco, I honestly don't think this will, or even could, be worse than GoT.
Even if they fuck up the lore (which is very much possible).

>r/atheism tier
Gods literally exist in the witcher.

I'm not a Christfag, are you retarded? I am just sick of seeing inbred /pol/tards saying how Netflix are somehow "ruining" the Witcher. It was always bad and it was always full of these ideas, which is why they like it in the first place. Everything about it is Tumblr tier.

stay seething christcuck

Your point, imbecile? Gods literally exist in Malazan as well. Where are you going with this? Or are you so simple-minded that you don't get the deeper idea?

>I honestly don't think this will, or even could, be worse than GoT.
Never doubt that Moishe cant make it worse. (((They))) live to ruin things.

Attached: not homo sapien either.jpg (920x920, 90K)

Do you think Netflix will show her torture scenes?

Attached: Yennefer.jpg (729x1200, 722K)

>Yea Forums thinks this looks good with his plastic armor and shitty necklace
>Yea Forums calls it out how ugly it is

Yea Forums officially worse than Yea Forums. What a low blow.

I'm not the one that's fallen in love with a Tumblr story while being an edgy incel, so I think the only one seething will be you, friendo. I am glad Witcher is getting exposed for the trash it's always been. CDPR are lying hacks as well.

Thats not a torture for her. If you want to torture a wizard slut all you have to do is reverse make-up magic and put big mirror in front of them.

This. Fuck SJWitcher

Attached: SJWitcher .jpg (3630x4069, 1.9M)

nice blog posts, here's a sneed for you that way you stop bitching moaning lol

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Who tortured her?
It is dreadful. And people keep defending it by saying that's how Sapkowski described it, as if he somehow knows more about armor than literal historians.
>studded leather armor
Every time. What a fucking joke this timeline is.


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>Who tortured her?

The Catholic Church

Imagine being this defensive over a fantasy series written for progressive young adults. Have sex.

I can smell the shitty writing:


God I wish that were me

>"racist aspect" of the books which were actually subtle.
Nigga I just read Blood of Elves and it is pretty on-the-face in the beginning. They gather around some literal tree of tolerance at the start and the author claims that children are much more tolerant than the adults and just play with each other because they aren't racist

lol shit down, and have sex

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Don't forget:

>Atheism gooood
>Religion baaad

> into complete progressive
Where exactly it shows this, you imbecile?
It was actually the whole opposite to the shitty
>>MUH GAME OF THRONES-tier shit that was the whole series turned out after the second book
No they don't
you are just a typical idiot that sees shit where ain't none

Read the fucking books, shitheads, before posting here


>you are just a typical idiot that sees shit where ain't none
>Read the fucking books, shitheads, before posting here
I did, the first two, and they were beyond dreadful.

That's 100% true. Stay fuming lol

There ain't no atheism in the books you idiot
Moreover the scientist or the magi are shown as a complete assholes or tyranical bastards, you fucking mongoloid

Read the fucking books, shitheads, before posting here


wrong board retard

>There ain't no atheism in the books you idiot
Imagine being such a stupid animal that the point flies above your head this much. Oof.


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Where in the fuck's sake there was written something about atheism\religion, you shizo?

imagine reading books

Attached: 32f.jpg (251x242, 10K)

Imagine being this shizo to see ATHEISM literally everywhere. Just neck yourself.

>still seething
lmao dilate and have sex

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Ana Foxxx is pretty fucking great, I agree.

>vidya shit

It's hilarious how badly they fucked up on casting Yen. I get diversity and that incessant need for it, but god damn, what a horrible choice. If you're going to niggerize her, at least pick someone who is pretty.

brilliant frog poster

Attached: weed.gif (600x580, 571K)

I don't see atheism everywhere, I see the kind of thinking exemplified by animals like you that come from New Atheism or the IDW, both of which Witcher is full of.

The gaems are way more successful, and relevant. No one gives a shit about your shitty books book fag

>have to pick a diversity hire for a hot slut
>can pick a hot black girl or a latina
>pick a fucking INDIAN

This pretty much. Nobody would even know the Witcher exists if not for CDPR. The books are average at best even in Polish, and translated they have absolutely 0 charm. There are probably hundreds if not thousands of series like these written in German that nobody knows anything about.

>I see shit where aint none
You just comfirmed that you are a fucking retard. Congrats. Now eliminate urself from here



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she is pretty. just not yenn pretty.

But I don't. I see something that's very much present and that animates the entirety of this work. The fact that you're a drooling imbecile (which is obvious by the way you talk), isn't my fault. Brainlets are often the ones most taken by the climate of opinion, and you clearly are, given that you can't distinguish clear propaganda. Wash your neck.

The first game had segregated non-human areas in the city.

I am actually going to defend CDPR on this one, because they presented the Scoia'tael very effectively in Witcher 1 and Witcher 2. They were a terrorist organization, but one which had no real goals nor any hopes to achieve anything. Their future was already gone. In many ways they were like the magapedes, except obviously a lot more beautiful, eloquent, and sympathetic. They completely abandoned this by the 3rd game because they probably thought Americans couldn't take the grey area and would immediately think the game promotes terrorism.

Looks pretty fucking good. Never read the books and haven't played the games all the way, but it doesn't matter. I just want a new medieval show to watch.

Adulthood is realizing that the Church of the Eternal Fire, Order of the Flaming Rose, Witch Hunters were the good guys

Attached: Witch_hunters_by_merigolshailstorm.jpg (2024x1136, 1.87M)

Because GoT is utter shit and I'm a long-time Witcher fan.

I am talking about Season of Storms, you idiot.

Watch the Spanish Princess.

Yen's costume is trash. Literally no need for overdesigning it like that. She always goes for simple black and white. Simple is sexy. This fucking Cruella DeVil tier shit is bad.

Pretty much any creature that came from another world is vulnerable to silver. Silver didn't exist in their world and is toxic to them

> that's how Sapkowski described it

Witcher 1 game was really close to description. He really needs the shirt. its medieval thing. the fuckign shirt.

Season of Storms was good, fuck off

Have you read the books?
Geralt is cringe connoisseur.

Just can't imagine an ice queen like Yen being anything but pale.
And why does Ciri look blonde?

They did the same with Game of Thrones. At first Cersei was just dressed like medieval aristocracy, and by the end she and Daenerys looked like they walked out of an H&M store.

>muh swords
>muh abortions
>muh gay mages


"It's a material world, and I'm a material girl"

I saw a really cute black girl on the bus yesterday and now I have a case of jungle fever

this guy is right. the entire franchise was created to fulfill some wierd cuck fetish fantasy. this is one of the worst fantasy medium that you would want to adapt if you're looking for a good show.

Woah, Yennefer of Bollywood looks hot.

where is this from?

literally kys

You know what Netflix going to do? Use Black human males instead elves. This is how subtle they are

wow what a freaky mutant

looks good

Lol, what a bunch of faggot you people are, I hope they get some SJWs to ruin your shit.

Looks good I still would've like a Mads Mikkelsen

I don't liek when women write my stories

She literally has a monkey face. I refuse to believe even black men would date her.

and fuck Cyberpunk!

why didnt they pick one of these?

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The family aspect had to be earned through the saga. They're only a proper family in the final moments before death.

Aedd Gynvael is the town, from the short story 'A Shard of Ice' in the Sword of Destiny.

black elves.

because black girls would screech about "unrealistic" beauty

And when It had non white people, It actually made sense, and are described in the book as such
This is basically fantasy medieval poland, with characters described as White as can be, but fuck that, i guess

Cavill looks good, but the rest... it's just bad. Very bad.

gamecels seething

I 100 percent think the plot will be about refugees

They'll definitely remake 1 and maybe 2 or they could do a Ciri spin-off like they hinted at that one time. Geralt is the one that's getting dropped definitely and shitflix will make sure they bury that face.
>wont even invest in those shitty mobile card games
please no
gwent is cool

>buff Legolas
I'm sorry, but weren't the witchers supposed to looks monstrous from their mutation process?

>shows captions from sidequests
>characters presented actually have motivation and backstory
What's your point with that caption?

It is odd, usually at this point everyone is copying each other. It does take time and maybe they thought it was dumb or couldn't find anything they wanted to work with? The copying is starting up now though. Better late than never?

I dislike her wide nose.

>one sword

Attached: 1449451476254.jpg (600x600, 49K)

Read the book or fuck off.

>he doesn't have a silver sword
Kill yourself and fuck off, in whatever order.

I would place there a Starbucks cup but the author chose IPA bottle which means he is a redneck white trash simpleton that only drinks Pisswasser.

>that last shot in the VVitch of the witches dancing by the fire
>a man with 2 swords on his back enters the frame, walking towards them
>he draws one sword

Yes and no. He keeps the silver sword on roach but if he knows hes fighting a monster he will always go and get it.

They did, to play Triss.

Will he speak with a hoarse voice, anyone know?

Hopefully not, that was retarded in the last game.

It's probably the showrunner's s admission that the show is garbage.

nice digits

Yen is overrated as fuck. Just because Triss is worse than her doesn´t make Yen good. She is a politically focused animal obsesed with power that uses Geralt any way she can. Ciri is the only worthwhile woman on the game. She just wants to be free.

she sacrificed a lot for ciri and geralt

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reminder that fringilla is described as being one of the most pale people in existence and is played by a nignog in this

>the only thing that could be responsible for my misery is an invisible bogeyman puppeteering forces against me!
>it can't just be that I'm an antisocial slob who can't restrain himself from vomiting his political propaganda on unrelated boards all day!
>it has to be the jews!

Have you considered having sex?

Flaming Rose literally were the good guys in the games tho

Why isn't he fucking pale, otherwise it looks good enough

>>the worst monsters are the ones we create


What the fuck is wrong with craft beer?

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they want the GoT audience user
tits is a must

there was even news about cavil geting a eretion during a sex scene or something like that

tinken of roach

did they have to use the ugliest Negress they could find?

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Talking about it is promotion.
I hope Henry does a good job.
I also hope the show just doesn't do current year hackery.
I'm not very confident it's going to be anything more than SJW trash. They are very excited for it.

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Judging by the stories they are adapting I don't know how they fuck it up, I think new fans will be dissapointed though because there is hardly going to be any fighting.

Reading the first book, he literally has a sword in his hand and one on his back on the front cover.

no one is excited for this, not heard a thing about it from anyone, main consensus I ever seem to hear is that netflix is worthless with nothing on it and they'll cancel their sub.

Can't wait till this place is filled with Nilfgaard was right posts.

I've spoke to lots of people, especially around the time GoT ended, about there excitement for this show now, and these are people who don't even play video games nevermind read books.

>that live action fringilla
muh dick

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Henry is looking too THICC and muscular, is that how Geralt was in the books? The witcher 3 made him look like more of a ripped gymnast which makes more sense, witchers need to be agile

Negroes are a different species not race. Exhibit A.

why do they have to be like this?
we have lost our country

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>I also hope the show just doesn't do current year hackery.
don't you know (((what))) the producers/writers are? you're setting yourself up for huge disappointment senpai


From what I remember from the casting they definitely do the renfri story which means there will be a big slaughter at the end of that episode/arc. They cast Vilgefortz too so if they don't just make their own stuff up that means we will also get the big scoia'tael vs. wizards battle on Thaned. And I'm sure they will introduce the scoia'tael before that so there will probably some forrest ambush in there somewhere and Geralt has to at least fight one or two monsters just because it's a witcher show. So I think it will have enough fighting.



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I wish there was a dub of the entire show and not just the movie. I've watched the terrible movie at least five times over the last four years

Yeah that is probably the biggest fight we will get, The Lesser Evil, they are also doing A matter of Price I think it was called with Calanthe & Emhyr & Edge of the World with the goodgoatboy.

Cahir is also cast so we'll get some good buddy cop stuff, someone said the season will end with a cliffhanger for the battle of Sodden Hill.

Also obviously doing The Last Wish but how that's going to translate to Netflix awful CGI who knows.

All those time jumps will be awful. Adapting A matter of Price and the first novel in the same season is just too much.

>Non-polish cover art being representative.
Read the book instead of staring at cover art. In the first book he does have two swords but doesn't carry silver around all the time since, unlike the games, many monsters can actually be slain without the silver sword.

Maybe the actual first bit of the novel will be adapted like only 10 minutes of the episodes will be that the the rest one of the short stories, or first 5 and last 5.

Yeah I know I'm just playing devils advocate to people just copy pasting one ranty post from reddit defending everything.

Read the books cunt,when he fights the Bruxa he first takes the sword off of Roach.

Have you been around kids?

This. Still can't believe how they fucked up Yen. Phenotype aside, which does look awful, Yen is supposed to look in her early twenties but she looks like a child in this cast, even compared to Ciri.

>but he leaves one with the horse and only uses one depending on the hunt, thats the original fucking point, he plans he times it he barters for best price and he kills the thing or not, maybe the thing is in the right, but he doesn't carry both swords at once because thats fucking stupid, and he loses both and uses a dwarf sword for most of the series anyway, so who the fuck cares
It's fucking stupid. What if he accidentally stumbles on some creature in his travels? "Oh, wait a minute bro, I have to go to my horse and get my sword in order to kill you". I get more and more convinced that the books are atrocious.


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Based Geralt, Yennefer is a whore who used magic to essentially rape him

Monsters are depleted in the books, Geralt even speaks of not being able to pay people to use his sword, a whole village letting a Manticore(can't remember) live and just take it's sheep because it's a rarity and nice to see and the local lords daughter loves to see the animal.

His sword is also useless anyway if he doesn't lace it with poisons & spells I think so it takes time either way.

> Pretending Geralt did plan this all along when he made his wish with the Genie.

you are a sad strange little man, and you have my pity

>What if he accidentally stumbles on some creature in his travels?
That's impossible, monsters are very rare.

What happens in Toussaint
Stays in Toussiant

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So will play my gurls Phillipa Eihllart and Keira Metz?

And my niggas Ves "Countess destroyer" emir, Lamb "actually won witcher 3" ert and Hesk "sickest scar" ell?

It's been years since I read the books but I got the impression Witchers were a dying breed as most human settlements were mostly safe from threats but also not quite because every few decades new monsters came or something, Don't remember.

I was bullied and called fat when I was a kid too.
But instead of becoming an uberman, I just got bitter, fatter, and became a cynical asshole.
That's unfair.

>my gurl
>keira metz

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