This is so me guys uwu
This is so me guys uwu
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same tbq desu
women don't fall in love
i like holding doors for women because they are forced to be grateful to me and have to interact with me, it's like mental rape
My ungrateful bitch of a wife doesn't even say thank you when I open her car door for her. Unmannered West coast bitch.
When I was in high school some girl held my hand and she was in my dreams for a month. Then I had sex and afterwards everything I noted women doing around me was quite trifiling.
>hold door for random females
>they scurry and fall over themselves saying thank you
>barely nod in acknowledgement, go about my day
>see shortstack woman muttering about not reaching something on a high shelf
>ask if she needs something, get it down if so thanks to being 6'4"
>falls over herself in gratitude
>never even considered it could be a form of sexual assault till just now
Maybe I'll try smiling more often to lessen the pain of the rape.
>hold door open for negro coming up the stairs
>walks up entire flight and proceeds to go through other door while maintaining eye contact with me
I still lose sleep over how hard I got dabbed on bros.
You're both faggots. Him for being a disgusting nigger and you for doing anything for a shitskin.
pretty fucking based desu, he should have punched you in the head and rolled you down the stairs though
so like me...
>girl told me to not kill myself years ago
>keep talking to her because she is nice
>after a year she told me i was a nuisance
>tell her to block me then
>she is scared because i might kill myself
>haven't sent a text in a year
>sent her a message yesterday she replied
>literally the happiest moment i had in years
why the fuck do i get obsessed with people that are nice to me
>holding the door for a dude
is this a thing? maybe if he was old and carrying something
I feel so happy for this guy, even though I wish that was me instead.
I know I will never achieve bliss like he has so its nice that at least some of us do.
This is what lack of meaningful attachment during childhood leads to. Did your mother love you?
Nonsense, they do if youre not a big faggot. U have to let them fall in love first, that's the trick
Why would you hold the door for a man, especially a nigger? Stupid faggot
Look out folks we got a tough guy here
I feel you. I held the door open for a black guy coming out of Chipotle as i was walking in. He just looked at me like Stanley from The Office would. I wanted to rip his head off but i was hungry.
it was my privilege
I hold doors open for anyone because I hate getting slammed with doors, why do women act like this is some sex thing?
Not with you, no
fuck sake thats the funniest shit ive ever read on this shithole website, i saw it all with perfect clarity
>holding the door for the entire flight of steps
And there’s your problem
honestly i have such a problem with this. if someone is right behind me, i'll hold the door for them, if they're too far away, i won't. but if they're like just the right distance, where if i just leave the door it'll close right on them i dunno what the fuck to do
im actually not that guy so sry senpai to the guy I replied for. just saying that m0mma dont love me and didnt and im pretty similar that i cling to any affection at all
dont marry abusive alcoholic vain women
>open the door for someone really far away
>watch as they have to adjust their walking speed to reach the door faster
>2013 was 43 years ago
seething roasties
if its a woman or a man holding a bunch of shit, hold it. otherwise dont, unless its a disabled.
>walking up to door once forget where
>notice disabled entourage is going to arrive at the door at the same time
>pretend to take a phone call so I dont have to do anything like open it for them
pretty sure people saw, and either:
sympathized or
thought I was a monster
same but unironically
funny i was the momma's boy dude i got breastfed and my mom always looked away when i fucked up.
yet i don't talk to her that often.
i might have mental problems
the best memes predicted the future, 43 gorillion years later
Walk slower dumbass
All women are whores and I hate them.
that sounds like the pussy shit to do
Recognize that it's a meaningless interaction that no one will think about unless they secretly want to fuck you. Nobody gives a shit if you accidentally don't hold the door open for them
I do that, just being polite. Although now I avoid doing it since apparently women think it's gallantry, and it's not
i miss this
I wonder that too, legit got the stink eye a few times because of that since I'm kind of hideous
It might be different in Europe or elsewhere but in the states people hold the door for anyone.
nope, same in Europe
Yeah one time a girl with a broken leg gave me a weird look for doing it. Don't flatter yourself, bitch, I'm just being polite. Do people really get laid after holding open doors?
>hold the door for someone far away
>they speed up in response
>go inside and close the door right before they get there
Nah, chads slam the door shut in womens faces. The roastie then rushes up to the chad to complain bit ends up being fucked silly instead.
>hold door for a girl, say bless you after they sneeze, or ask them literally anything
>they look visibly annoyed and disgusted that I dared talk to them, even when they are fat ugly pigs
God I hate women
same here, being unattractive is suffering
I counter this by simply never interacting with women (who are not my wife or mother).
Cartoon girls can't be your wife, user
>love is about obsessing over someone and jerking into their facebook pictures from spring break
nice try
>tfw I've become this pic
This is describing lust, not liking or loving someone. Men are incapable of love.
I have literally that, and I still sometimes wonder about going out and fuck the whole city, that's my fetish
>mfw someone doesn't even acknowledge that you held the door
I bet there's guys out there that choose their next victims exactly because of this, i mean who would do that though lol :) haha
women are fucked like this. i have had people in university class literally react negatively because i complimented them on their work or said "wow, you're so smart"
That post would be true if birth control didn't exist. Now most vaginoids are simply men without a dick.
they let pretty much anyone adopt a dog, user
is that why women divorce men like 80% of the time? is that why women have at least 10 different men pining over them at any given time? is that why men when theyre dying in war say things like 'tell my wife i love her' (and its not a trope)
all the pajeet 'open bobs' memes just go to show a man will want even the ugliest woman.
look we got a gay poet over here
its because "you're supposed to KNOW theyre smart, or already KNOW that their work is good."
its inferiority complex and it only happens with the ugly bitches who turn out to be lefty feminist cunts (who wouldve thought).
try going after girls who arent dumpster tier. unironically the stacys and attractive girls are way more receptive to that shit. a non-attractive guy showing initiative, courage and charm to one of them is immensely more attractive.
>is that why women divorce men like 80% of the time?
Filing for divorce does not mean that one is the cause of said divorce.
>is that why women have at least 10 different men pining over them at any given time?
Incel delusion. Definitely not true for the majority of women.
>is that why men when theyre dying in war say things like 'tell my wife i love her' (and its not a trope)
Proof? And even if so, there are no atheists in foxholes, so to speak.
>all the pajeet 'open bobs' memes just go to show a man will want even the ugliest woman.
They don't do that to the ugliest of women, who are forced to not only live lives of total isolation and humiliation, but have said experiences denied. Imagine if you, an incel (presumably), were told all the time that leagues of girls were pining for you every time you brought up your incel issues. You'd know it full well to be bullshit, same for unwanted women.
this. women just catch venereal phases.
>they turn out to be lefty feminist cunts
that is actually very accurate, they turned out to be that.
Women can feel love, but only towards people who treat them like shit, they are mentally ill like that.
It doesn't even have to be sexual, my brother, sister and father all treat my mom like absolute garbage, always insulting and mocking her, and she loves all of them unconditionally and always excuses their behaviour. But when I do something nice to her she starts mocking and berating ME. Or how my unemployed deadbeat father can break a 2000 dollar grill that my mother paid for, and it's all funny, but when I break a one dollar ikea glass then I have to listen to a a 2 hour long lecture as a grown ass adult man about the value of money and blah blah blah
I fucking hate women
sometimes i get lonely but then i read about shit like this and i'm so happy to be single.
and this was back when shit was still supposed to be going well for the "traditional" crowd.
still would be nice to have a qt daughter unable to contain her joy running at you for a hug because she's missed you so.
Is this thread an r9k highschool reunion?
Wrong, they are just angry that a non-chad dared talk to them
lol this is nothing special. i have a dog as well
faggot, on par with this tranny
Post them for the newfag zoomers gogogo
The the only male that a woman is capable of unconditionally loving is her own son.
I've never run into issues with compliments but I'm not really that kind of guy. They usually think I'm retarded or a genius because I'm quiet and pay attention
I mean, saying "wow you're so smart" sounds either sarcastic or cloying.
If they can't take a basic complement though their personality is fucked
shes the one who matters
soul vs soulless. good work user, you're a good spirit. you should try talking to her about it, precisely how you feel but make sure you dont back down. shes picking on you because you're acting 'different,' i.e. not abusing her. don't think it has to do with women in general.
start standing up for her and then stand up for yourself rabidly if your family confronts you. tell them you want shit to change and for them to start appreciating her. sorry to hear about your dad, maybe you can kick him into gear about stuff too.
sp00ks have been stealing my memes for years, sry.
>saying "wow you're so smart" sounds either sarcastic or cloying.
Especially if, as implied in that post, it is directed at uglier women who are frequently bullied to start with and are naturally paranoid.
Wish that was the case with me, had no problem loving her firstborn. Hates me because I stand up to her bullshit alcoholic abuse over the years. Our relationship is the best its ever been and its still not good at all, I'm trying and won't give up to fix it to be healthy.
Unless she hates her father, then she wants her son to die
There are countless stories of single moms murdering their children, or letting their boyfriends rape them, because they love the new guy more than the old one
Nah, my mom hated her crazy dad but loves the hell out of me. More than my sister who she has a little bit of friction with.
Females always have friction with other females. Moms always love their sons more than their daughters
Reminder women don't have feelings
Absolute femcel
LITERALLY have a mate
This will trigger the normalfaggots but you're correct
This. Love is an exclusivly male phenonenom. The best woman can manage is submission to status and image, which they brag about to inferior woman, proving they are top bitch in pecking order. Ever Chad is interchangeable, they can't into agape or love of the soul/essence of a person. Woman don't even love their children, just that children represents her as a successful woman with offspring.
>Incel delusion. Definitely not true for the majority of women.
roll a female character in any online game or chat room and then tell me it's not true faggot
>Love is an exclusivly male phenonenom
Have sex, unironically.
All the "love" goes away once you have a nut.
why do you creepy ass motherfuckers always specify you want a daughter instead of kids
We are phenomenologically distinct.
Daughters are easier to love. All they want is to cuddle and play, boys need work to teach them things.
Only when they’re young, daughters all end up being sluts. The moment they hit puberty and become teens is when they should be discarded
Daughters end up sluts because fathers raise them wrong. If she bleeds from her cunt she made a deal with the devil and must be put to death. A good girl never bleeds because she gets pregnant during her first ovulation and is pregnant for all others thereafter.
>all the cucks in this thread
Love is for low t beta males, there’s a reason why all married men and men in LTRs are pathetic losers. Males are biologically programmed to fuck as many women as possible. High test alphas pump and dump
this dude overdosed on redpills
Imagine not believing your mother is in love with your father.
Fathers can only do so much. Teenage girls hate their dads and start rebelling. It’s basically in their nature to become a lying whore. Females don’t give a shit about their dads, the only parent they stay close to is their mother(which makes sense) when they grow older.
she's not, but they never devorced, which means my father loves me at least, as a child is literally you and the woman you love becoming one flesh to create a better version of yourself. If you never actually loved her, you will view your child with contempt. Mom just acts hormonally and lacks agency like all woman.
>t. Delusional cuck
These are the most painful realizations a man can possibly endure, in order:
>their mother was a slut
>their wife is a cheating whore
>daughter is a lying slut
>kids they raised aren’t biologically theirs
>son is a fag
>Teenage girls hate their dads and start rebelling
against what? Stop sending your kids to school and letting them indulge in subversive media. Sin requires opportunity to sin. Why the fuck would you let your child be influenced by their mother? Woman are the worst rearers of children.
At least that whore of a wife died in agony from cancer.
had a sperg do this to me when i was pretty far from the door so i walked real fast to reach it. he was going in with his mom and i sort of muttered thanks and he went "YOU'RE WELCOME" really sarcastic then turned to his mom with a smirk. he probably posts here.
I'm right though. Love is a meme, nothing more than infatuation. If you consider long term relationship, acting on love is one of the worst ways you can do it.
>I'm right though
All is jaundiced to the yellow eye
the main deal with women being unable to experience a 1/1000 of 1/1000s of the loneliness man feel is because all it takes for the ugliest, most socially repulsive women is to go out to a bar and she's immidietly going to find a companion, one that treats them well and wants to be around them. That doesn't exist for men, and it's a concept so foreign to them that their brains melt when faced with it.
Thank fucking god.
I'm very excited for honor killings to come into vogue in the west.
Wrong, they just fall out of it faster then men do.
Women are like robots that have a checklist that they're constantly ticking their entire lives. As long as you check enough boxes they're content, but if you drop past a certain threshold the warning klaxxons start ringing in their heads and they become more and more miserable in your presence until they move on to find another man. That doesn't mean that they were never in love to begin with though.
This is all 100% true and I love that these facts make women seethe.
>tortured probably
>5 years
>not seeing his wife
>not seeing his kids
I'm shocked.
>someone holds door for me
>walk through it
>gets annoyed, "you're welcome!"
i didnt ask you to hold the door nigger
Just keep fucking your sock until then.
>fucking your sock
do woman think men actually do this?
Imagine hating 50% of all people, designed either by an almighty creator or hundreds of billions of years of evolution to be your companion, your counterpart, your friend. You without a Y chromosome. Imagine hating your sisters, your mothers, your aunts and nieces. Imagine not being able to understand women, shortcomings, strengths and all after a literal lifetime of interacting with them.
I'm glad the women in my life nurtured and loved me. In my darkest times women have cared and sacrificed for me. My mother worked herself to death providing for me and my brother. My friend spent hours at night in high school playing Xbox live because she knew I was suicidal. My girlfriend supports me in everything I do.
does anyone know a good way to judge how long you should hold a door open for someone
post things you do that would make for funny movie scenes:
>walking behind a woman
>she somehow notices even though im 30 feet away
>power walks and glances back
>this pisses me off so i start running
>she does too
>some even go into buildings to 'escape'
>run past them and keep going so i make it past the street crossing and make it in time before the red light
>laugh my ass off at their stupidity and ego
>Imagine hating 50% of all people
>only 50%
it's the juxtaposition that makes the bonds with those you love stronger, puts them in context. Reprobates are pigs satisfied.
imagine being her cashing those checks. how the fuck do you live with yourself.
after I turned 17 my dad and my older brother took me to a bar .we went drunk and then made a barbecu near a lake.
he told me to always put a condom and to not trust women over pills or i'll end up stuck while he had my older brother at 20 years old.
what was he trying to say ? was my mother is side hoe?
Until they go through the doorway would be my guess.
ironically I wish I was gay
I have so many gay friends that adore me and wish I were gay so I could plow their asses (or plow mine)
instead I'm fwb with girls whom I don't connect with and we basically use each other to feel alright for a night and then we go back to our own respective genders where we can be ourselves