Sunday night’s “Family Guy” saw the show lampoon Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, Kevin Spacey...

>Sunday night’s “Family Guy” saw the show lampoon Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, Kevin Spacey, and numerous others amid the ongoing sexual harassment scandal.
>Creator Seth MacFarlane also referenced Roman Polanski, Woody Allen, Steven Segal, Matt Lauer, Brett Ratner, and James Toback, who have all been accused of acting inappropriately

What accounts for as little as 2% but also for 85% ?

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This is gonna be a Sneed thread whether you want to or not.

>not donald trump or brett kavanaugh

What season are they on now? I stopped watching around 6 or 7.

Who is that blob on the left?

Did it mention that the scandal was really about pedophilia and MeToo was confected to distract people?
Did it mention unregulated intelligence mercenaries (Black Cube from Israel, Fusion GPS in the US, Hakluyt and Compass in the UK) helping rich slimeballs defame their accusers?
Oh, by the way, there's completely unregulated intel mercs. That's a thing now. And they try to get rape victims to commit suicide.
But by all means, keep investigating the "Russians."


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Literally did nothing wrong.

Gotta earn those fifty cents. Half dollars are for closers.

IDK about Trump but the brett kavanaugh accuser was complete fucking bullshit.

The same way others portrayed in the cartoon did nothing wrong

They're a bit late. Nobody cares about #metoo anymore.

Project harder, shylock

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That was hilarious. She said she couldn't travel by plane because of a medically recognized phobia. Then it turns out her phobia doesn't manifest during trips to her beach house in Hawaii.

harvey i would guess

I thought the same but Harvey isn't that fucking fat.

>Roman Polanski, Woody Allen, Steven Segal, Matt Lauer, Brett Ratner, and James Toback

he's a big boy

all the women who fucked weinstein did it willingly

Are you kidding? He looks like he just ceded custodianship of Arrakis to Leto Atreides because Shaddam promised him legions.

I wouldn’t worry about it user, haha. It’s getting late, maybe you should just go to bed. Don’t wanna be tired in the morning for work!!!

woody allen doesn't belong

>this powerful jew never raped anyone, honest!

But they regretted it after becoming rich and famous from fucking him. So that makes them victims.

Look at all the aligning representations of quantity in this thread.

quads of society

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isnt he married to his adopted daughter?

If a giant whore like Courtney Love is disgusted by your antics you're pretty damn bad.

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season 11

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Lmao that bitch literally had to PAY TRUMP'S LEGAL FEES!!!
Thats how credible these accusers are when they actually take their bullshit accusations to court

Harvey Weinstein wouldn't hurt a fly.

With Seth being as bleeding heart as he is, it genuinely is surprising he didn't toss them in there anyways.

Isn't this an ancient episode?

Seth literally went on twitter about 4 years ago and said he is no longer a liberal because people seem to care more about offensive shit on TV and 'diversity' than actual issues that people should care about. He got slaughtered for it. How did you not notice after he's literally done jokes where after a 'Game of Thrones' episode ends a woman goes
>The firs thing I do when I finish an episode is decide on how diverse it was
and then there's a dragon sitting next to her who goes
>I feel very well represented
Or the episode about Millennials that get people fired for no reason and so on. Seth hates 'liberals'. He is a left-leaning centrist. People just remember his soap boxing when he was doing it because he wanted Family Guy to be cancelled because he hated what it had become and he felt the only way he could get cancelled without purposefully tanking the show was to mock the right-wing (of which FOX is predominately sided to). This didn't work which is why, post his meltdown on Twitter, he did the episode where Quagmire suddenly hates Brian and it's all done so he can blank slate Brian to not go on about liberalism as much any more (and if he does, he is mocked for it). Hell, there is even an episode where he becomes a Republican based on shit and is called a contrarian and it was him essentially admitting he is is a left-leaning centrist.