More like these? But actually scary
More like these? But actually scary
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Holy shit, a good horror movie thread for once!
All of them in OP's pic are not only really good but most, Friday the 13th aside, are actually decently scary.
Movies aren't scary.
This is easily one of the creepiest movies I've ever seen. I'll try and keep this alive, I'm up for a good horror thread.
Movies aren't scar...
My nigga.
I think I was about 11 when I saw TCM. When Leatherface slammed the metal door it was so scary I felt like I was on a different planet.
Is Leatherface autistic?
First time I saw this was on a rifftrax VOD, and I was shocked how it was actually tense.
i agree on this one
>it was so scary I felt like I was on a different planet.
I feel that. This scene does that for me
this is an underrated halloween movie
Or a chad that went the way of Syd Barrett depending on the continuity.
I wanted to start a horror movie thread too. I rewatched tcm 2 and forgot how kino it was. LICK MY PLATE YOU DOG DICK
Watched this recently, really interesting. Sean Harris is fucking awesome.
I 2nd this. Creepy as fuck film.
Agreed. My favorite slasher film.
the original Black Christmas from 1974. love the killers heavy breathing and autistic screeches
definitely see this one OP love the killers heavy breathing and autistic screeches
>that cute little kid's drawing of a puddy-tat without any caption, which I assume to be some production/distribution middleman logo, right next to the strict "NC-17" warning
I was terrified by the Evil Dead when I first watched it as a kid, and I was unable to complete the film on a first pass. Would that I could force you into my own subjectivity so that you could actually enjoy things in the way that they were meant to be enjoyed.
It's not that it's actually that good, of-itself. Rather it's just part of the body of work that a horror fan must discover while branching out.
I did like several of the sets, the well-appointed sorrority house, the dark rooms, the cunts with their fencing classes and other Utena anime bullshit going on IIRC. Also an interesting contemporaneous acting credit for Keir Dullea of 2001.
Last House on Dead End Street
neat, thanks user
wise words
movies are about aesthetics, not emotional response
>movies are about aesthetics, not emotional response
movies are about whatever the creator and the viewer decide they're about retard
>I called him retard
>that means I'm right
it's not about being right or wrong retard
>I said "retard" again, I've really got him on the run
you're really barking up the wrong tree here, dude
wanting to be scared is stupid because getting a self-predetermined emotional response out of a piece of "entertainment" demands that it bend to that viewer's arbitrary standard of what they find effective or worthwhile
and saying that a movie's "about" whatever the creator decides it's about presupposes that the creator is capable of achieving their intended effect, which most aren't
so you're closest to accurate in saying that it's the viewer who decides what the movie's "about", by self-consciously assessing what impact it has on them individually
and that impact is made by the images, sounds, and communicative elements of the movie
and examining the way that images, sounds, and communication impact individuals is what aesthetics is, retard