Can we get a dated CGI thread?
Can we get a dated CGI thread?
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This must be bait
CGI doesn't mean all special effects, user?
Oh no. I meant to put an exclamation mark not a question mark.
Probably the most notorious
Been a while since ive seen this fucker
This is still funny to me
>how to be a retard: the post.
>. I meant to put an exclamation mark
you should kill yourself faggot
>hehe opee so dumb
it's a sequel to last night's thread, retards.
This one's awful. Were computers really that shit in the 30's?
I hope your disgusting cunt of a mother gets cancer
holy shit that's bad
What were they thinking?
The computers they rendered kong with back in the 30s used vacuum tubes. They were really slow which is why he looks so jerky.
that part in the thing where it pops out of his chest
What were they thinking?
ummmmm............... spoiler much? haven't seen it yet ;)
Thats actually Warwick Davis with a red wig
So what was the deal with this? I remember even as a kid in the 80s thinking this looked terrible. But what is it about it exactly that looks "off"? I can't really place it, or think why it ended up so bad.
That's special effects not CGI you fucking hoople head cocksucking zoomer.
calm down al.
I want to hotglue Warwick Davis dressed up as Chucky from Child's Play
They used the same type of CGI in this Lou Reed video, OP
This movie is so absurdly amazing that it may as well have come from another universe. This nigger universe we'll all rotting in doesn't deserve it.
Computers didn't exist in the 30s you fucking brainlet
what mobie?
Bullshit. That motion captured Warwick Davis you fucking retard
You didn't surrender, right?
Do you think this is going to work?
Then how did they manage to do the CGI in King Kong then, Einstein?
They made an Arnold mask but it looks like shit because of the skin texture and the negative canathal tilt that Arnold doesn't even have
Monkey suit and tablets.
Bladerunner 2049
You can fucking see the polygons holy shit what was Lucas smoking?
Tablets are computers, check mate
It's not CGI. That's someone in a King Kong suit
A monkey suit taller than a building? I don't think so.
They were about the size of a vending machines at the time.
Manos The Hands of Fate
Sounds inconvenient, how would anyone use the cameras?
Its the uncanny valley
Were they okay?
The guy from Lord of the Rings???
they were destroyed
That's why cameras were invented.
Found some more CGI
have sex
>They were destroyed!
Seriously? Just fucking pick chair and smack him with it or just throw printer in his head, for fuck sake.
>canathal tilt
FBI should be tracking this incel
use google you fucking brainlet cunt
That's why it was in spoilers nig
>being baited this easily
Hi welcome to Yea Forums
I never understood just what the fuck she did to him
what the hell is this ?
already found it but thanks for taking the time to write a retarded reply you mongoloid
Your welcome you fucking retard. Next time try roping yourself before you ask for source ;)
Twilight Zone's movie accident
>twilight zone movie
>very bad conditions for helicopter
>John landis says they're shooting anyway
>Matthew Broderick kills a mother and her daughter by driving on the wrong side of the road in Ireland
i saw your reply saying you already found it but im posting source anyway: twilight zone the movie
They made it on a mac
I just cannot possibly comprehend this. Like, was it a translation error? it'd have to be right?
>canathal tilt
Shit, that's it. I really couldn't tell what was so uncanny about it besides the skin texture. Thanks
and got away with it scot free
>So what was the deal with this? I remember even as a kid in the 80s thinking this looked terrible. But what is it about it exactly that looks "off"? I can't really place it, or think why it ended up so bad.
I don’t get the complaints about this scene. It looks fake, that’s the point. The Terminator is a fake human. The scene shows that.
People are so use to cartoon, flawless, CGI now they think it reflects reality
>computers didn't exist in the 30s
I got some bad fucking news, user...
It looks like a PS2 game lmao
Kill yourself tourist