Warner Pictures wants Bradley Cooper and Michael B. Jordan to star in the movie in the roles of Hal Jordan and John Stewart. Their pitch is that Jordan is a veteran member of the Green Lantern Corps who assigned to train Stewart, who has just been recruited into the group. No offers have been made, but both actors have close ties with the studio, so it's a strong possibility.

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Based AF

hmmm based and capepilled
sneed and feedpilled
chuck and suckpilled
cock and ballpilled

there will never be a successful green lantern movie

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Would be cool, but Disney won't allow it

Why wouldn't they? Jordan's character already died and Cooper only has a voice role.

>current year
>Magical negro character
They need to switch it around so that Stewart is a cranky old white man with a death wish who is then inspired by a young vibrant POC or woman into sacrificing himself for the greater good.
the greater good being fewer white men

gay as fuck michael b jordan
cast Michael J. White instead, he has the voice, the build and knows how to fight.

>No Guy
No thanks

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There's nothing "magical negro" about John Stewart.

Why don't they cast a nog with a jaw?

He's too old.

>talks all this shit
>has to get saved by Hal, Kyle, and John non stop.
>gets multiple power boosts
>still fucking jobs to randoms

This, his face is fucking weird to look at

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why did the cast idris elba and not give him the role that even he said he wanted with black green lantern dude?

no such thing unless they are mixed

Bradley Cooper is too old and the darkie is fucking ugly

john stewart has a chin

>Bradley Cooper is too old

Hal is supposed to be in his 50s in this.

That's gay

nigga you gay.

Because it's not Marvel bro

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There are two guys what you on about

I feel like Cooper is too old but I don't know how old Hal is suppose to be.

Who can play Guy?

Hal used to be older for a while, and they're going for the veteran trains rookie angle so it makes sense

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Chris Pine should play Hal Jordan

Channing Tatum. He's got the build and is just the right amount of charming/annoying dick you wanna punch in the face.

Jordan would be an idiot to be in yet another capeshit

He was always the oldest. they tend to avoid putting hard numbers in comics now in days. sliding time line makes it harder. you have top go by how they act, their character traits, and how they look.

Kyle is in his early 20s.
idealistic and a weeb.
Guy and John both seem to be in their 30s.
Guy comes off as aloof that likes to fuck with people. or in meme terms "30 year old boomer" John is Mr.Jarhead straight man. he had been though some shit before becoming a green lantern.
Hal seems to be late 30s early 40s.
Plain and boring. always had his shit together...except for that one time.

mbj is too young to be a older vet

Matthew McConaughey

he has the right amount of not give a fuck and bantz.

Jordan as in Hal Jordan

That would suck shit honestly. John Stewart is supposed to be a hardened Marine black dude motherfucker who makes fully functional sniper rifles out of light. A man. Michael B Jordan still just looks like a 20something generic black actor pussy.

fuck that. Lost Army ruined based Red Lantern Guy. He finally got a bad ass design and they reverted it to give the design to Hal

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actually not a bad choice

Red Lantern Guy was cool for a while, but at his heart Guy is a Green. Plus his GL uniform is the fucking best.

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>not idris elba

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This, to be h. John should be at least 35-45.

Truthfully, Michael B. Jordan is close enough.

i just hate that buzz cut. I think when he hair grew out he had his best writing

Elba is alread 46. They should go younger so they can last 10 years

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Buzz cut is peak creepy Guy.

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just shift the papers
make hal a young kid and john the old one

I wonder if a normal dick could penetrate Power Girl's vagina, or if the muscles are too strong to be parted by a squishy human dick.

true, for a few laughs. Rest is crap

you fucking disgust me. You must be a Snyderfag

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He's already Wonder Woman's boyfriend.

they want to have a green lantern buddy cop movie

making john the fucking young one is stupid, he is a marine veteran that never lost his cool, while hal was the hot head pilot
is perfect

they will probably have Jessica Cruz because she's the SJW flavor of the month.

i think its more likely Bradley will end up playing someone else in Marvel down the line, same with Vin Desiel to be honest. They are big names, already work together and both can fit a superhero type mold pretty easy.

I would not mind a Bradley Quasar or Richard Rider.
Make Vin someone like terrax he would be based, they could go the half CGI like thanos or just makup and make him look huge.

The idea of bradley jumping to DC after their majority of failures when he has been able to play such a key role in infinity war and endgame i find hard to imagine

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so who will play Jessica

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Then dump the old cop new cop shit, it's been done countless times.
Give them their ages as they were in the Justice league animated series.

moner or that girl from shadowhunters

JL had new cop old cop with john and the flash

Stewart was in his mid-30s in the animated series.

Michael Jai White is 51.

Is Michael B. Jordan the only black guy in Hollywood? I miss when it was Idris Elba.

get out


as long as he keeps up the stupid look on his face hed work
too old
goofy hot shot mentor with aging hardened veteran rookie straight-man. he has to unlearn the hard rules that made him who he is. because in space, there are no rules.
>insert pew pews\explosions medley
>cuts to quiet lull in action
>inserts quip

ok this isn't flash its Stewart and Jordan so the point stands neither are cocky like flash anyways

fuck elba fuck b jordan
Michael J white, certified ass kicker. literally has the voice for John Stewart, and is the perfect guy to play off the Jarhead who has been through shit

Go to bed, Michael. You are too old

Yeah but the nigga looks barley 40, he has the right stoic posture and vibe.

He's older then Elbra.

He should continue playing Bronze Tiger

fuck you, why do you want pussi boi b jordan, who only knows how to box, when i can dragon kick a nigga 10 yards away.
Or do you want lame ass reddit meme elba?

John Boyega seems to be the other one.

he's a manlet stewart is at least 6'

elba looks older though, and doesn't do anything impressive fighting wise
Elba would be better cast as Martian Manhunter, he has the voice for Jon

who said i wanted jordan? He's been in enough capeshit.

But casting a 50 year old guy who is suppose to be the young character doesn't seem like a good idea.

Make the pairing older.
especially if they decide to pick up wherever on the timeline, who knows if they do a timejump in the next movie.

not only that much you know they are gonna wanna have multiple movies.
guy would be 60 by the time a second movie came out.

that nigga looks 40 and younger the elba.
If we get samuel l jackson more than 20 movies then im sure we are good, he's old as fuck and looks old.

Samuel L. Jackson isn't playing the lead and doesn't have fight scenes.

do you know what this guy does for a living and on his rec time?

I dunno. Jordan doesn't seem old ebough, too baby faced for John. I don't want John to seem like a younger GL. I want him along side Hal. Maybe Guy. Kyle should be the rookie.

he was already Bronze Tiger on Arrow. Just let it go. Let him play it again in Suicide Squad 2

none of the choices for John have been good. I still think it's a 99% chance the rookie will be Jessica