Are women funny?

are women funny?

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Does she have to get raped again to have new material

only one way to find out


Rusty Cage put on a few pounds

Actually yes some of them are but not that fattypig

depends on which one

Reminder that this is a woman in her prime



when they get rekt, yes

Not that one

Yes absolutely. The funniest people in history are all male, though. Men produce more outliers. Its like statistical variance inside a population.

women aren't fu-

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The only female comedian who has ever made me laugh is Tig Notaro

Yes, just not that one.

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Not on purpose

-cking funny

Fuck no
They never were

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Tig is great for sure, but she has no long-form game, and its her fault Louie got metooed. Its a wash for me.

Why would drizzling nacho cheese on her pussy make her hungry for a reuben?

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The beef and cheddar from Arby's just popped into my head.

To laugh at.

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Lena Dunham is that fat guy in middle school who nobody really likes but gets attention by acting as disgusting as possible for pity laughs from their peers.
With a vagina.

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Also she admitted to fingerbanging her kid sister

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What the fuck is wrong with women

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Humor is inherently masculine, ancestrally it was the tribal alpha leader signalling that everybody could relax after a cave bear or pack of wolves had been heard in the night.

Some can be. Tina Fey and Amy Poehler are pretty funny. Megan McCarthy isn't half bad. Kathy Bates can be pretty funny too, as a non-comic anyways.

Maria Bamford is really funny , shes super fucking crazy though.

I haven't experienced it, but people keep telling me they are so it must be true.

Not it!

probably the smell.

They used to be, but they run the joke to the ground.

No. Seriously, there have been a few in the past but most are not.

>Carol Burnette
>Gilda Radner
>And that one chick from the 80s/90s I forget her name but she always had a dead pan tone and that was what made her funny.
>The one chick that roasts people that is a coal burner is funny too.

That's about all I can think of that were funny, everyone else is just sad, including this dude.

>woman gets her beef curtains trimmed
>"stunning and brave!"
>man gets surgery for his dick
>"wow, how pathetic!"



The funniest thing Lena Dunham ever did was tell her sister to smell her finger.

Joan Rivers?

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kristen wiig is cute

I forgot about her too. The 80s chick was Rita Rudner


>Is it weird that spilled relish on my meat and two veg makes me hungry for a hotdog?

Comedy gold

Women are incapable of being funny. It's a hard enough hurtle for them to laugh at themselves, which any comedian worth their salt can do. Female comedians are dependent on the shocking, the vulgar, and often times circle around three topics; their weight, dating men, and their vagina. Comedy is also heavily dependent on timing, which time has no meaning to a lot of women except a biological clock.

Does laughing at that question count?

women are incapable of being funny because a strong sense of humor often comes about as a defense mechanism, which is why so many good comics are fucked up

women are incapable of feeling depression and generally going through any hardship in life at all, and thus they never develop the same sense of humor that a man does

This. I think the big issue is that the women that're usually pushed heavy are bland, daddy's money bitches. At least the more recent batch of modern female comics.


Attached: ilizas on Instagram ““And then your grandpa commented ‘stunning’ from his private profile an (814x555, 189K)

Even for instagram that is an incredibly self-absorbed post.


No. They are incapable of being funny.

would they be friends? they have the same point of view

She was hoping to eat that nacho cheese but then she spilled it, did you even read?

That’s not a woman that is a thing

It's 'funny' in the Yea Forums biting wisdom kinda funny, and like a Yea Forums post it goes on and on too much. Reduce it to
>And then your grandpa commented 'stunning' on my instagram picture and I knew right then that was the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with


does this bitch call himself a woman unironically? he looks more manly than most guys i know

Wow this post just goes on and on.

Just say "miss with me that flirting, gramps"

fucking gross

Female humour is the equivalent of peepee poopoo pepe memes without the irony.

Nobody said Lucille Ball. Pathetic.

Welp, just like that, I'm a vegetarian and I'm gay.

it is rare but possible

jesus christ are you writing a novel, just say 'get fukd gramps'

You could save 14 bytes for each request if you just say "have sex"

Women can be funny, just not feminists.

They laugh a lot but they aren't funny

Men laugh if they find something funny. Women laugh if they want to increase their social bond with the person who said something.

you just know whatever she's saying is hysterical

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Here we fucking are, post 50 ish and finally someone with good taste

Women can be funny, but they are not funny when it comes to standup comedy

They have difficulty making jokes about things that don't directly involve themselves, such as being a woman and having a vagina

shes a footlet and therefore does not matter

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girls are 'funny' when they're clumsy cute dolls that inspire some paternalistic sentiment in you

Demi Lardner proves women are funny, and I'll fight anybody who disagrees.

Should use for cows, solve global warming and get methane for energy

not the ones on tv and not the ones you'll be fucking

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My wife is obsessed with this chick, and I've been to two of her shows. She's actually funny when she's not screeching or doing something really annoying or making incredibly hypocritical jokes. It's strange how close she is to actually not being a dummy, for a feminist, and yet how fucking far off she is. Pretty good example of hot white chick bubble.

Made my wife promise to blow me on the way home every show that I don't heckle.

Did Aziz really say this?

judging womens' comedic ability by the women the media tells us is funny is so unfair to women

not too bad a trade. try to fuck iliza too

i wish

reminder nick mullen defended this shitty special

didn't she molest her little sister

short answer, no.
long answer, fuck no.

in a way they don't understand

Fucking this. Lady dynamite was comedy kino but she's too weird for plebs.
Vaginismus Miracle still gets me everytime

hardships and pain contribute greatly to humor, most western women are sheltered from this. the ones that aren’t have a tendency to become bitter instead of channeling their experiences into comedy

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When? I thought he and the boys made fun of it a bunch

this dumb bitch literally went on rogan podcast to bitch about how a guy politely interacted with her and her friends. this dumb cunt is only relevant because she's hot

wait for his special

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this. I genuinely hate that women consider being born with the right genetics success and accomplishments.
Literally likes on social media is success to them. they strive for nothing more.
Imagine thinking you're great because off something that isn't even based off merit.

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ha ha

>Made my wife promise to blow me on the way home every show that I don't heckle.

She's like the embodiment of the mom/best friend in those shitty high school movies where her entire shtick is being gross.

I'm certainly not. Let me tell you that being a female standup is difficult and I know because I have tried

>always wanted to make people laugh
>decide to do a standup routine
>routine is a self deprecating one about how much I love having my boobs bruised by men
>go on a long rant about how its like having my countries forests cut down to make wooden furniture for western countries and how I am proud when I see the bruises like a black person is proud when they see that their trees were used to make a wooden armchair
>go on a long, 10 minute discussion of all the ways I like to have my boobs bruised
>thought it was really funny
>tried to be as random as possible
>for example 'When I'm at the ice cream truck, I like to paint myself like the sign with the menu on, so the kids come and poke me and say 'I want that one!' their little fingers BRUISE MY BIG LADY TITS!'
>someone from the audience shouted 'they must have thought it was an ice cream warehouse with the size of you'
>couldn't recover from that

Its difficult, kudos to the ladies making it work.

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He said he rewatched it and she made good points, and that the actual standup parts were funny.

Gadsby managed to find the only context in which “I was raped” as a punchline wasn’t funny.

Self-deprication is funnier when men do it, because women genuinely seem pathetic and sad when they speak negatively about themselves.

Also they center their comedy too much around themselves, and not their opinions of the world around them.


zoomer humor

A few have made m3 chuckle but if your whole job is telling jokes eventually youre going say one that is funny

not that that webm is funny but lmao boobs has been humor since the bronze age

boobs are only hilarious if they're terribly disgusting, or the reactions they cause from men. (the reaction itself actually being the funny thing....)
Otherwise they're just sexy and not funny.

disgusting coalburner...her and whitney cummings. they belong in the auschwitz. just about every female comedian joe rogan has on his shitty podcast...

i can tell you're the same guy because you type obnoxiously. yeah, when women make boob/pussy jokes about themselves it's hamfisted and cliche so i guess i agree with you there.

fuck off hannah you cunt

i'm actually a different guy. But all sexual comedy that isn't homosexual, or grotesque, is usually funny based on the reactions not the sexual content itself.

She's such an annoying showbiz cunt


You must be a real woman because you aren't funny. Now show us your tits whore


Not only that, she emotionally abused her sister into becoming dependent to her. Then she took advantage of the confirmation seeking sister, and raped her multiple times.
Then she bragged about it in her book.


I forgot to add that her sister was a minor at the time Lena raped her.

Does anyone know if there is a GoFundMe or Patreon where someone could make a donation to thank the diligent and hard-working moderation team of Yea Forums for going above and beyond in their duties?

Yes, get over it already.

What is your deal?

Some of them, usually they're kind of ugly though

>Self-deprication is funnier when men do it, because women genuinely seem pathetic and sad when they speak negatively about themselves.
Other way around. Women carry it as some badge of pride when they "joke" about it. And they tend to exaggerate and make it vulgar and drawn out. Men tend to have a more humble approach, and talks in a way that they have gained wisdom from it. At least the funny ones have that way around them.
Not to mention, womens issues tend to be making them helpless and retarded. Most which can be solved by "growing up", while mens tend to be deep psychological issues they have attempted to hide for their life, not brag about.

They can be funny at the interpersonal, casual level. Not standup.

I'm in years,

Based bonbi poster